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Whitby Free Press, 5 Feb 1992, p. 20

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PAGE 2M. WH»TYJIEEPREM WKDNM$AY. FEERUAR ,om s-' Whitby minor at'om 'AAA> team defeated, York-Sinicoe 9.1 lest Thursday to cincéh fir-st place in the eastern AAA hockey loop. Higli 0 W L T F A P B.ut".. 9 7 3.0 "0SI14: D 9y8e a0 0 80 n13 Dbutm 656 1 0 38 17 10 .OV-ow 7 4 2,1 5l 89 m 7 48a0 20 278 aatdght 788 4048 7 Audwm 0 238.1 22 285 1ffl1%m- 732 5 0 21 514, Pkkirlaï .8 1841328408 Reqstn" 71 0- 05433ý, With only one',regular Segson g ame remajning, hIVtby's. record of 28-3-3 ifive*oits betýrthaný Peterboroughw e e rrogh>' bas only,,two games remaining ,Whitby , sponsored- by,, Foran DisposaIs1 Corp., . x cently, participated'in two tourmnï*nents, winning the BufTao Regals, TouÙrnamzent with a 3-2 ýovertime victory 'over GPD,,of Detrocit. ýIn, round-robin ,lap4- hitb defeated -N.Y. Canadians '*3-1i, Delhi 7-0 and Buffalo Saints 8-1È In the Wa e Grtk Tournament WhlJtby won the- consolation'>final 2-0-, over the Marleés. In. round-robin. play, Whitby -defeated London :4-2, .Welland'S-1, tied Hamilton- 2-2 By Lisa u1 Over *300 hundred million each year is spent by Caniain wanting t loas. weight. Inspired, by the imagescelebrated in the. meda, eope desperetely pursu the solution te their ,weight problems. The dbobssson starts eanly. A recent survey of Canadien girls found 40 per cent of 9-year-olds have à"retý dieted. Despit the national recesson, weight-boss linics are springing up everywhere. Most thrive by perpetuating the myth that dieting cen result in permanent and sustained weight bss. H -owever, -research -bas repeatedfly shown that the sucesa rate of dietlzng isonfly three te flive prcent., Niniety-five par-oent of dieters regain their weight1los, often tipping the, scales peut their initial welight within tire years Dieting cen actbmdly*increase four propensity te b. overweight. byour virtue, of'depresed metabolic reupanse te deprivation. Only in the peut 10Oyears have we begun te, establish and unravel the çomplex relationahip between the. brin, the stomach and the fat cells. Although the. concept of weight gain is simple - people7 get fat becauue they consuîme more calories than they expend, rather complez theories 'emerge te explein. what we do lcnow -- caloric restriction alone is flot an effectve,"treatment for weight boss.- Numerous- ,studies,.have shown just how dismal thus aproh heu been. SPtiil, people dling te the unrýestc notion fthat somehow some- clinic, some-,baok, smre -and lot to Burlington 4-Z. Teàm miembersar Chahtt',Shai ka Heffexing , sean as L irs, Dany Cohen, %Aj ONFie-S drink, bas the. secret combination Of calories or special ingredients that will cure their weight prcblems forever, i just 14 ritcal days Unfobrtuntely, magic is only deeto.Save your xnoney 1and ftratonand'listen te science, not ý ,commercials. Researchers in this field, although, their theories of C why' may, differ, support, the. contention thatpeople differ. in their ability to handie excesa, calories; some -people get fat, eating 'the same- calories that keepothrs;thin., Thyaaconcur th.at, for moot people, the. solution is simple; a persaon cen significently improve their alility te base and manage weigbt b euar, moderato execi..Ibsundertaken with sensible, heelthy eating- habits, works. Dieting evokes a protective respose ýby the ' 1__ T2i. metaboic rate draniaticall drop in respons. te calozic restriction. Conversely, exercisealways elicits the. opposite response. >AéroUdc traiig involves calorie' consuiption - tipping the balance in favour cf weight loes. Don. regularly, it enourages positive body composition changes in order te make continued training esmer, changes -that' Dav4d Dittipar, Juîdd Stevenson, Scott Beeggn, %Kyle Crouch- Matt JardinAndrew, Marsaàll" bick Owen,,. Casey Dupont and Ryan. Biais scS-rEstwo hm eachi -f two batm itok Whi tby Sorbera, Group had a win aind tie to remain, in second place in'the minor bantam AAA hékeyle~e Steve, BVis,Ian'MacNeil and AndrewMcLaàughlin each scored twice'in a 7-1'Win over 'York- Simcoe on Jan.29 Bilan Scott had-the other goal while Rob r~odor was -in net for Whit4y. Biais sçorpd. twice in- a 4-4 tie withAjax -Pickeringon Jan. 31. Josih Thompson and ,Jeremy Schott iad,,the otiier goals'. Barry Crawford w as 'innetf. or Whitby. Whtysrecord is 17'T wins, seven losses and seven ties. resUlt in creating a more So,' if you > want te win the battie cf the bulge: < Get moving --exorcise*. Rtegular moderate exercise is eenýtiotesuccesaful "weight nanagement plans. The, key is consistency. * ýAdjust your. attitude - food is not the enemy, generally yourý use and overusecf-foad, end'your lfood choices, are. 0' Set realistic goals - accept the fect, that you might neyer. wear Linda Evangelista's jeans. *Take respon sibility for your weight problem (don't blaeeyoir' wifes céooldng or chldbirth) and for youIr weight los. No one cen do ý it for you, and there isn't a * Dn' diet. Find. out from, a professional vh ow te iprove your current -menu. Learn about good nutrition, bow-fat cooking ad how te meke heaithier choies Don't deny - yourself 'What you crave -. just« don't give ,ini routinely and don't oveindulge. * Expect. weight lcas. te bU. a slo poces.Reai e taî.,vuare notgoig o, oseitas asy or as faut as you might have gained it. You, may b. able .te starve yoursslf te lame five poundu m. a week, but oSlyone poundwilbe fat; moitt cf tihe four pounds wMi be water that is regeined' within 48 hours *Accept the fect that* unless you a4juut your lifestyle, you cen only hope te einjoy temporary, success followed by repeated failurei, Make thesehealthy changes a permanent part-0f your new life. Lisa Paul la a member of the Durham.Region Fitneaa rCounciL \%2~M4~ .~/,epcz The Whitby free Press would like -to wish Happy Birthday to ail its carriers with FEBRýUARY.birthdaYS, Rya n Laswick- Boyd Martin Na dine Parker Clint Reitsma Scott. Ri mes, Cand'ice .Parker. Scott Wilson Jim:Wray . . . ..... ........ High* sehoolý baketbafl a w L y, A-P ""'1119 a 87 1 4»9 8814 0TWm 6". O0 471 20012' lamavis 5 l 5 367038410. 5LMax7' 8 2147SU8M23 Aowadoeum6S -1 0 6274140 ¶IoeTwo Doean 7 7, O 418 207 14 OV.mr 7 £ 1 8M128712 MeLaubh 7 S 1 874 3M012 Ereek 1 432M1908 mnm. 7 .8 14 2% 81716 Ceke' 7 .83 4 m m &'0 Fr.L-J. Auiln 6 2 4,148 1844 Uzbrda. 6 2 4 208 4 Ftuy 7 325 37 4 a~s 7. 1 Im380 2 Ouais 7 1 8 2m m >-Wednesday dart LABATT'SMME LIGHT DIVISION W-L FIS Pickering Marine -78"-,72 78 Baker Furniture Flnlsln g 72 78 72, Whitby Trophy Haine .69 81 69 M thyWeeMan 66 84 66 ema Foam Inte" tionlal 66 84 66 Daryli Norton Services 68 92 68 Week'oee Pickering Marlne6 Gary Coppina .4 Claremont Col. 6. Baker Fundturee 4 WhltbyWeed. ',"Whthy Trophy, 4 Permeamian 6 Daryl Norton 4 Toqp Iouee. Dav. Pindar 4 John MePherson 4 Norm Brooldng 391 George Hilliard 369 Day. Boyd, Sr. 340 Todd Barbôur 289 Mike L.wlema 278 Grum Sangwln 268 Dav. Boyd, Jr. .267 Don Maillet 26PM LABA17S CAJUSUERO DIVISION W Le >PrS Roy' Enterpria. 45 33 AS *Dodd & Bouter BrSadloorn 42 36 42 The Dally Planet, 39 39 39 mn-Lino Store Fuxture. 30" 48 30» Week'uaoe Roy's Enterprime 4 In-Line Store -2 The aily.,Planet 6 Dodd &Souter _,l Top tometw Scott Lormier 179 Mike Ackey '127 Wayne Thomas 96' Joan Applehy 71 Joy.Thomas 66 Dave Raeid 62, Whitby fims first 'ion', atom hockey I, fi fâ ei- î4 1

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