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Whitby Free Press, 5 Feb 1992, p. 25

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WXiTB FEEPRESS, WEDNESDAY. FEBUARY 5.,=82 PAGE 25 Co urer/Sales Rep to workevenings +1 weekends -Calil947-1104* Open 24 hours GRANDMAS COMPANY. Green cleans (no chemicats)._ Homes and offices. We offer "Mother-in-Iaw clean" (ready for inspection!) . Alý employees- are poiice-security checked, bonded & insured Member of Whitby Chamber of Commerce. 725-9177 (24 hour answering). OWN YOUR' OWN GOOD NEWS Direct Mai Advertising agency. Earn $35,'000 to $72,000 serving repeat ,clients in Whitby/Oshawa. lnestment fom$3,500, inctudes everything. No overhead, royalties, tnventory. Fuit training and support. Exclusive. Free info kit - (416) 248-5555 collect. EXCELLENT FLORIST business in prime Whitby location., Estab- tished over 7 years. Tetaflora wire service. Mjorie Aukema, 436-1800, NRS Reatty One Inc., Realtor. EARN MONEY reading booksi $30,OOOIyear incarne potentiai. Details,' (1) 805-962-8000, -ext. CY-335. ............. ..E......L. ......E... SERV.CE.. ..RV.. ES. COMMISSIONED CELLULAR salespeople needed ý- experience preferred. Cali Steve at 430-3411. NEWSPAPER CARRIER needed in Brooklin - Sunday AM only. Kids or adlults. To apply, cali 683-6999. IKUWAUT SAUDI ,WORKERS -~needed. J35 & up per hour. Tax free. Both skiiied & unskiited. For * info, cati 615-779-5505, ext. K-384. J TRAINPMG. SUR VIC.BS (~ sHAWA IDRIVINO IQh SCOOL 172 Kng St. E. Suite #301 Osawa * 728-0091 *PRI VA TE LESSONS - COMMENCING March 3vd Tuesday & Thursday 4 wk. Course March Break 1 6th to 1 9th Mon. - Thurs. 4 day Course REGISTERED & APPAOVEO BYTHE ONTARIO SAFETY LEAGUE ARTHUR MURRAY 'DANCE Studio je is now.-offering ,A BALLROOM DANCE TEACHERS' PROGRAM. ,EnrolI -now. .Ci Arthur Murray Dance Studio (a recognized eduéaIonai Institution). 430-0014.. CUSTOM' DESIGN and dress- making. Weddlng and evening gowns, -brtdesmaids & grads, -suits, etc. Renovation and alternation., Garments 'also made from a picture. 723-3259. FEEL SAFE. in your- own .homel Alarm systemfs instaited from $399. Cati Dekker Security for more information, 436-3712. TWO MEN WIT1H CUBE VAN 14 ft., box wiII do household moves or other. Ver. reasonable houriy rates. Phone 430-7450. * Dyallng (tape& flnlshlng) * Roc Roome *- Basements eTexture SprayVin *Pa1ntinq(exterlorAntôicî) Trlm Free estimats 576-7503 A ~ RELIABLE, LOVtNG day care for an infant in my home. Cati Jeannette at 668-0748. BROO40KWOOD- Reliabie day care in my- home., Excellent envîronment. Ctose to schools. Lunch, snacks and receipts. Alil ages wetcome. 666-9382. ATTENTION PARENTS: 1 arn looklng for your SUCCESS storles Involvinq methods of discipline used on your children aged 2- 16 for possible publication In a parent-help book. Please provide an example showîng: *the problemn *what action was taken *the results Please specify if you would like your niarne and city of residence acknowledged if your story 18 published. Please send reply te: Atenio: umm torls 24 Long Drive WhIIby, Ontarle Li N 8E5 Ali lsois becomo the propoty of CT Publlshlng. OTTER CREEK mother of one woutd love to provide day care for your chitd . References availabte. Cati 430-3331. WANTED: RESPONSIBLE person to look after 3 chitdren in my, home, part-time (Brock/ Manînng area). -Ref erences required. Cait 668-1585. tpcaln in Eariy Chitdhood Education. For Peaoe of Mind. Perry Ho use Day Care Centre Ltd. 129,Perry St., Whîtby 668-94761 DAY CARE IN MY HOME, any age.- Good , references. Cait anytime. Vernon/Cochrane 'aiea. 668-8659. DAY CARE NEEDED for 5and 8 year old in my home, Garden & Mann Phone after 6 p.m. AREYou Lo oKINGFOR QUAILITrY Hoivu!DA-y CAR*E The Wee Watch system provides supervisedi private day care for children 6 weeks and older, fuît or part timel- *Unschedulod homo visits onsure quality caro for your child *Fully tràinod Provîdors. rocoive ongoing Agency support *Roliable, local back-up covors Providi, illness or holidays *Complote Insuranco covorage -Income tax rocoipts For more ýinfonmaton cal!:686-3995- a icensedAgency '4.' I Ofuçe ~ 4~on~y'.......................m.Fa Rrr '-. M. d~ ~ ~4 . ~. WVl u 1tIi; kfLPf ' .rtrILTr Lxr 4 au$ -.(t.d9 Us~ iuoefuh1drAfirm vil eli laMitE jwods1 Train for a career in* LEGAL SECRETARIAL in just 8 monthls 5;4A ýCeiatre St. Oshawa -B 576-9175' OITARBUS MESS COUEGE AVON Add to your income. Be your own boss., Openings in, Whitby area. No pressure seîîing. Joan Chantreil 985-8701 or 725-9696 PRE-'PAID WORD ADS (Cash, VISA, cheque received before de adine) $00for 20 WO ~; ($5.61 + 390 GST) 150 each additionýal word; (140 + 10 GSI) BIL LED WORD ADS $8.00 for 20- words; PLUS'GST 150 *each additional word; PLUS GST AUCTIONSIANNOUNCEMENTS 890 -per Ogate, lino (1 4agate lines per inch) minimumh charge: $6.00 prepaid, $7.50 billed DISPLAY ADS IN CLASSIFUEDS (Ads -with borders, pictures or, graphics) Regular display, rates apply - 940 per agate fine Minimum size 1 coiumn inch $13,16 CONTINIJOUS RIUN DISPLAY ADS AS LOW AS $1 0.99 PER COLUMVN INCH. G.S.T. is extra on ail ads'uniess otherwtse lndtcated DEADLINE -Monday noon prior to Wednesday publication. 668-0594 Please check your adveriame't or errors on théý first day of publication. The Whitby free Press wiltl fot beiable for-failure to pubtish an ad, or for typographic errors in publication beyond the cost of the space occupied.by the error upl o a mnaximum cost of the insertion. The Whity Free Press reserves the right to ctassify or reject ail advertsements., m 1 JOBS LAW CLERK in juist 12 vrionths p - àffl&UIJJP»àb . - j- ý -- Il .4joui q -f .100réaE ý? ý - ayo, , , .(a dam) X" Qi

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