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Whitby Free Press, 5 Feb 1992, p. 3

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PIIESS, M Ashburnrida dks l in accident., Item sfrom Whitby COUn1,cil agendya() 91M2 PlannngadA Develop enit Committee. That planning depaIrtmfent report back ta committees about aGroup 2 Develop-' ment Ltd. application for a rezonlýng at the southeast corner of Taunton Rd. and Garden St. A public meeting was held,. Monday'nlght. The proposai calîs, for a change ln desIgnation f rom residential to commercial to allowthe establlshment ofprofessional offices, cohvenlence store, financial insàtitution, an eatlng place arid'a home supply store on the'àeast part of the property. lb. roposai also calis for'achange from theý current 'D'-developmýent zone tathe:-apprdorate zone., category ta aliow a gas bar, car wash and a service station on the west part (two acres)-of the property. ýReferred back to staff That councîl refer back ta staff Information from Monda's meeting regarding the Bertha Lands Inc. proposai for a rezoning application nôrth of the< aànadian Pacific Railway, pouth of Dundas St. and 'Immediately-east of Hopkins St.,The apPlIcation calîs for a subdivision of -nine, prestige Industriai blocks, oneý speclal, commnercIal.block, one open space block ýnd'a f uture deveiopmnt iibl ock; These lands are currently designa.; ted as lndustriaVspeclal purpos e commerciaV/hazard land. Referred back to staff That council approve a site plan application for a banquet hall and convention'.contre on Taunton Rd. E., northeast of Baldwin St. S.; that t he,, application b.e exemrpted f rorti the present zone category of 'A' (agriculture. cuni Recommeni -That council approve the site plan,-application at the <ýý- northwest corner of Thickson Rd. N. anrd Dundas Sýt. E. revenues and expenses are shared-by the three t mrluicipalities accordlng o the percenta'ge 'o ttai population. The.capital éxpenses are sharedçêquaily by the three communiis. Whitby'sshare o! budget cost is estirnated at about- $186,967. A 59-year-old'Ashburn man was killed in a, two'car collision on Columbus Rd. at Ashburn ]Rd. fridaý-y morning. Police' say'ltichard Davies.'of Myrtle Rd. W. in Ashburn aras declared dead at'-the scene. The driver of. the -other car, 30-year-od .rooklin man, .and his passenger ýweren't seriouely hurt. Police àre continuing their in- vestigation. NO salaiyinresefor coteilloe By bMarlo Boucher,, There will b. no, salary.in- crease for Whitbycouncillors this year. -Councillors decided- at a closed sess 1ion last week to hold salaries atte .1991. level -- the. mayor's salary at; $â9,000 a year and those for councillors at approi- mately $14,400 a year. "'It is sîmply based on our desire ta show proer. fiscal lea- dership, said Whitby inayor Tom E wards; He said. there is a need ta show restraint during .the. current economic times and any amount of money saved is good 'for Whitby. This freeze on salaries will lower tax increase «as'low as w. possiblycan,"»he said. Edwards said one: disadvan- reful thedecision rnay be the re u ance of- «people of aIl in- - w .LA1LL * LV Vi i V.V~. Wi WW~LWEEN Sales"LôStlon, OSHWACENTRE S HO0PS UP ITO0-P We.emjioy with CRTG aid' * ~BeO anad~jf cornes and, occipations, to be available for us' and 'working' long hours 'on coundil." As< ta whether the freeze will continue in 1993,. Edwards said counicil will ado pt a «wait, and se." attitude, with- regard to the' economic conditions at the time." The decision was Imadein a closed session'since it was «part, of many things w. were discuss- ing,"I and the «matter involved. Town employees and it's difficuit ta talce this matter out without looking at other things.» Jewefry soe A large quantity ofjewelry and electro 'nic equipnfient was stolen from. a bouse on Croft O r., Whitbylate Fridayevening., police say thièves gaine entry through a side door.A investi-: gation is continuing. * ew Year M ew Rules * New OptsM.'Ne'w Pmôducts MNew Invesimnt; Ehnwonment Vos, your RRSPgives you ,atax deduction. but Rt also Is your private Penion Plan and'youir decisionsare crucial in deterrlnlng the size of you'r retîrement incane., To achieve maximum reMsuls for your RRSP, you must give it "regular check-ups". Speclal Offer FinanclConcept GroîuE off ors you a pvaead confidential »check-up"o youir RRSP. ibis "check-up" i s srictly DEREK DUTKA-,, confidentlland is a gersonalized, compiimentary' service of Canada's premier Indepondient financial planingf irm. As a s.peclal added bonusà, a Free copy of "The Wafthy Barber wilI be given ta youat your "check-up". Leam ,About: M The New RRSP Rules (cany forward, spousal, over contributions, higher limits> 0 New Govemment Guaranteed High Interest lnvestment Alternatives. * Today's Best Mutual.Funds.,,. * What to doî now that interest rates are low. 0 HowRRSP's fit in your overail plan.' M How asset'allocation can maximize your retumnsýa &miimize rlsk. or brin a friend ahU get 2 for 1 'Pildes inc"fude dia iè a'deV.4luatlàý. "I would r*commend Bverly HMis. t0m»y. frýends.. It is the easiest progrm that I have been on!'ý0 ithy Pieairson from the Whitby, Clinie BEV[RLY IHILLS f 8llbs."' " 65 inches WKITBY 223 Brook St N. 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