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Whitby Free Press, 5 Feb 1992, p. 6

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PAGES IWHfl!BFREEPIWE889WEDNES(DAY MRUAWY5,; 192, Theonly Whîtby Newspaper owned and operated by WVhitby residents for Whitby reidents! Published every Wednesday by 677209 Ontarioa mc. at 131 Brook St: N, Whitby, Ontarlo'Il N 5S1 Phone 668-6111 TorontoLine 427-1834 Doug Andeison - Publisher Maurice Pither - Editor Alexandra Martin',- Production Manager 2nd Class Postal Registration #05351 Generos'ýity siiaN Toth. Editor: KNdnees an geneoslty 'arestili9 verymuohaive ln Our commun, hty. Wwauld 1k. to .xtend -a hearty thank yau t 'a. ai Our' assoctaes and custamers Who paIclpated ln aur 'ChItdrereTrëee vram.' .Due ta ail the benevolon-cean carlng shown, we are haMpyta say thet 277 chlldren'had a gUI ta open o hitasmrig Who thatonM idilsare, wih s ~ warm knowldgethat there areiil citizens ýin:our areaý wlIngt hare wlth those teus fortunat. MaY W.extdend aillaur beet wlshes for a happy 1992. Themanagemnt toam K-Mari, Whltbyý Irreparable damage Ta the Editar: This- is a tetter ta area parents. Keep street-proofing your chiIdren. There Is a man in aur area who drave -around, .and. onjayed exposing hîmseftot chitdren. Ho aiea offered the children money ta, f ulfili hie sexuat pleasure. My twa childron were expaisod, Iqg,î-,b thismn non,,-their, way~ home from school. Wlth hfie truck, .Salute t fi ref ig hters Ta the gdltor: My respect aând gratitude goes ta aur Whitby firefighters. 1 had a stave f ire, due ta a faulty aven thermostat. 1 was out for a short. time, when tl rturned My. house was fuit ai srfioke. t immedioteIy turned,,the aven Off, opened the doors -and windows and catted, 911. With* a quick response timoi, the firemen' were at my, home, quickty, 'romoved the dense emoke, removed what was toit aif my raast and pan from the. aven, chocked for any' further damage, and with their thorough Sroifessionalism and sense* of umoiur they ,dispelted any fears 1 was harbauring. Fire and. the resulting ofedts are very friohtening . Thank, God for such deVoted people as aur police and 1irefighters -Who put their ives orn.the ino many times. We can relax with the gu arantee thât we have protection at Our fingert'ps. What a comiart. M. McKntight Whltby, <he btocked their way from'crossing the street. He enjoyed driving- down streets near 'sohoal- areas, tooklng for chitdren, and an this particular day exposed himself in the Ajax area as wett as Whitby. Ho ýhas been arrestod and charged and will appoar in court. In the moantime, ho is fre. ta drive around andi who's Ita sat it on't happen again or sam ething Worse. This isa pant's nightmare and yau can anty Imagine the damage it has caused ta my children. They, no. longer Iwalk ta schoot (for do thoy want ta). A watk-ta a friend's house around the corner, j a- nervous adventure and this doesn't ovon inctudethe nightmares. Without causing an alarm, make y our 1chitdren aâware' ho is out there. Emphasize that they don't talk,,ta strangors. If children see a car driving -around a tot, 'cali the *police ' it is botter ta have . t he matter investigated than regret it later. Get' the schools ta talk about what ta do. It is fortunate that my children ran awayfrom himn before hoe coutd do, any mare ta t hem. We need ta lot hlm know we are aware of what he is doing. Ho, mày fno t, remember rny children, nor, think ho has dong wrong,-.but rny chitdren-witt novegr forget what ho has done ta t hem." The sad part aiea le that I write this' and'- request that itR"b. published' anonymousîy* so that nothing else wilt happen ta my children. Ho has done oenough ta them at their very innocent age. Our names can't be reteased but hie shouid be. A very cancernied momn Whltby How ironio Tothe Edftto: How cute of aur MP Reo Soetens laqlbasting the raptdty- risin g prophet from' Western Canada for darng, ta b. different. Whether on*Ilikes whet hoe sys or not' -' ho most' certalvy has touched "a nerve -in a lot 'of Canadiens acrose the coetry. I detec 1i e Ibit 0ft enWyin Mr. Sooens, wI;nMW. -4annl drew 4 1 lea~-adu elected member of Palementcen antie only a dozen or eo, ta ýhle now rrlrl A à o ta say- that the Reformer. are incapblof' delivering on thefr promses--, henhie own party nar o sfuIfiIeod most 0f their p0edgeof the 1988 electIon. The tae- poili, ehawi hIe party back down ta the lnrýe 10*e owf 12 per cent,'le a -c'd illustration of the electorates' dipesre As ta hlse dm, thatltý&k. eM annlig has no'gts' -1lhopeaurMP can sleep et .nlght: now thet hle govmment hmd the IgutsW toamise my pension a whopping 75 cents'a month. Tote edit.. Decisions flotrma.de ý.irresponsiblyl To the Edftor:- Thank yau for The, Fr. Press' ~vreon the» recent Zielonka, fa-h lappy home birth;ý, It was rerehng ta, read some ,>gaod news. t arn ploased ta see that you and yourstaffare brave enough ta Ifurmpeple af events;, knowing f*it "eIthe coverae 18le-not appreciated. and siupparted by some peopl e,tncluiding Ajax's. Dr. Moîntyre. 1 belleve your readers should be lnformed that Dr. Mctntyre's-tetter ma -'haveo* misled, them into belving thiat' the. Whitby -Fre Press was actively "celobratding an irresponsible attitude towards abstetrical health carerand thal "home blrths jeopardized the à morne for the newbarn, séince- fetal dlstless can go unrecognlzed. wth transfer ta an. appraprlated medical faeility accurring toa laie for the practttoners tasalvage a healthy baby." Celèbratlng a happy, uncamîl cated blrth le nomare lffe-lbIe than chaasing. a homè blrth. Aiea, midwives .do manitar: for fetat distrese, .and. they usually do nat recammend home births for hi ýh-risk pregnances,, lncluding 1 know Peggy Cannon; she was my mnidwlfe, and 'I1amrn sure as'he had a difficuit . time acceptlny the Zietonka deiion 'ta .try ýa- home. blrth because 'of-,thelr,,,prvious. Women, who chos. home births > .,do not. -make. -an "Irresponsibte l'décision; I n fact, just the opposite. Weail know that faytng goos wrong, andthere- Is aiways a chance something. can, the womani- wil face.the wrath. of aur, current .médicalprcioiners. <asseen In,,Dr.Mcltyre'slatter),ý friends .and even, familles. for, choosing scèh- an, -SU PAGE9 Offended ,by 'auth.orita rianattiude To the'Edftor:ý 1 was offended' by Dr. Alan MclIntyre's letter (Jan. 15/92)' ,crkiltlclzng -your newspaper' for creporllthehome ,blrth 0f Whtb'NeW Vear baby. Dé. Moîntyre, was free ln: his conidem nation of ,< everyone lnvolved, u. sing wards like ninexperlenced," , notý skilted" and, nerror ln judgment.m It Is* précisely this authoritarlan *attltude that 111 know what 1le right and best" which le canvincing 'a smail, but CLC,,positki, To the Editor: The Canadian Labour Congrese (CLC) announces that it wlll attacki the poticies of the Reform Partyç'ýf Canada., concenitratling a qn' Immigration and mutlcufturallýism. The -Refoni Party'es upports. sponsorship af immediate famlti' such as wlves, *,huebmnda, dependent chlldren and dependent parente. IR alec favaurs acceptlnig alt other, applicants wfthout aïd ta their'race, colour or oree, I numberp based upon the econamic and labour moede of Cana 'da. The pat oppses bague refuge.. and ot m l eilogletrn On muftiuajilm, the Rfr Party depot the prîncipl that Individuels'or groupe arepfree. ta presorve their cultural heritage usln, their, own resources and, 1ndeed-are encauraged ta do .so. The Reform Party opposes tige involvement with your tax dolars in ,suppartlng .cuftural groupeas there are 'mllllbns of taxI Canadians who çioý not kerJyv any particular clurlgroup. wémoive nd genulnenese 0 the CLC position lei cleery FF-11.Flrst, t suport the ND vwlhes te elecled. Secondly, ecnexamine bmw the OC6waouldtreet. immigrants and others, based, upon, how àt Increasing, numfber. 0f famies taO *chaos. homo blrt h. They do'not want ta, submnit ta car.during pregnanc'y and delivoery Into which they have' littie or' no input. Parents h ave the, rght tçaa <cholce of blrthptace, and cars. IU they chaos. a ,II'midwife,- it is because ý they' wanIt to b. knowtodgoable about pregnancy and deliveryso that they can make, linformed choices. Whe' re le »"Dr. Mclntyre's evidencef that, home birthà,,in "numerous" countrios In' Europe n 'suspect Their, receint conduct inctudes forclng: union* dues$ ead mhembershJpuüpon woikers who do noÏt wlsh ta support the NDP or ,theë unIon, as welI as ai', form*,,»0 f violence'and. threets oai-violence' against' non-"etrilkîng feîlow >empIoyeesand the public., from knocklng them ta the concrete sldeiwalk ta Union Ieadership suggesting that peap.le ' hg different vlews-should be drownîed or hung. Not ad ail taierant. This sort of conduct drives jobs and Investrment fromn the country, resutng .In tunmploymeënt and Iost job opprtunlties that destroy, the orne feand prideafall affected. Canadan" inctuding 't hos. - who, make upîthe beautiful mufticultural mhosaeof < aur ,province andi cauntry, The Rsform P'arty 'advocaes unianization, and" therlght, to, negatiate collective -agreements >and' ta -withdrawserv ices peacefulty. Tî ilencourage inveelmnent and create jobs for ai aur citizens -regardiese 0of race, cobour or creeod. This le one 0of th. reasons 4,500 peapietumed uIàinPickering an Jan. 22, one 0f the caideet nlghts 0f the,,wlvnter,: and paid 'ta hma Preston Mannlng. Loùts S. Attore t viIamm. jeopardlzed nowborns ? >IR.seeme thtdoctors allten,,try lta rightend peapte b-y"lumping toIgother ail birithe 1that occur -outelde' ai hospitat .(mîscarriag es et »Ihom e, deîivery, ln the àcar on 1he, way, for exampte) as prof thai homo ýbirthe are unsafe. Midwives. 1k *Pey *Cannon demI -wlth 'planned, -attended ýhome bMr ths, o accidents. Canitrary ta Dr. Mclntyr's; assertioàns"ai thSe rleks.aif.vaginal blrth alter Cassaroan'N/BA), i hasbeen known in- mpdicat circlos' for ver 0 yare hattheoaidý axiom >, "Onice a Cassarean, ,,.iataysý a Caesare'an'," .le not true..Knoàwlng. this le e' spèciall mportant'. today as, moreand more Caesaroane areý bceing1 perfo rmed -- ýmany 'for tho. mysteious "failure ta progross." Time 'frams-for satieàfactary progrees seom tao beý contlnually. shortening. Wheroe 18 ý hours' or laner asonce' acceptable,'. progres ut b. within 12 -hours« or les.Thi s kinciofa* pressure . on a iabouring woman le bounid ta croate unsatisfactorycprogress., Themedical cammunity's pehant fo rfrring deliverles angthrough the use 0f, druge anr manuai Intervention les aiea caueing women and their partners. ta tum ta .,home, blrths. i# their daoctors'cannotor 'wilt not wark with them' ta make, -blrth -a satlsfactory, experlence,ý there le littho cholce but time blrth.. At the home blrth, ' the parente are the ones who are aitowed ta make the declelons with, edvlce and gulden ce from the midwlie. Dr.- Moîntyre seems ta have forgatten that ho le'not deliverlng the baby, the womaânl. Therefore, she muet have some control over the situation,. Prepnacy la not a disease 'equirnng Invasive treatment. ItIleaa naturai procees wtilch has occurred for thousande of years mMof 0f hat -time attended b - - -~ --- -~-- DUbUC.

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