PAGE SEVEN 0f humouradwi oday we11l talk about words., This js be<ause we, seldomn talkabout words. Or Write about words.But we use them althe tirne. Seems simple so fiar.î Let'sbe More specific. Let's talk about two similar words: humu and witI& Humour isé the 1bIIty te wite pr say or do things that oerpeoplfdfixn I loolced i up: in theÃ" dictionary, whîch said the sqme thing in awayl!,did lot find amusing. The dictionaryalso lists other meanings, inclucing archaic versions., These attributed diseases te one of four humours.,d,,,, and black or yellow bile.< Sounda kind of di-sgasting, actuaily.- Evrsnce those das, there bas ýbeen nôtliinigfulnyý about medicine. <(Dôctorsare forbidden by the hypocritical oaf from havi»ng a sense of humour.),: Let's aply this theory of humour te a topic like, Say, household laundiy. You lnow the ind I mean: where you put your: dirty. somcks in pairs in thehaxnper and the laundry person putq, them ,back in your sock drawer in i groups of one. Supposeý that a- certain* member of the'household is ý-ýdovwin the basement playing.with the laundry. I swear, that's what some people do. Someone playing with laundry may actually be -in one of the classic humours: not the ,funnykind. You know, the bile and stuif. So that if you were to say: "Are you down'lthere playing with your laundry again?"' said laundry pesnmgt not t 0ntep aeUxny. Stranhge. -I thoug'ht it humourous*the firstninety-nine' times I used it. Whaes the fun of getting a goodline if you can't use it.over. and over and over and'd.. Some mys ter ywriter .ight appreciate this: the -aeaesock would make a verygood murder weapn. God i*lélngth. Then, pop! Toas it'in the washer with a odof forýty-nine others.' Wouldn't leave a élue. Ranko',right, up there with the cooking _person, who beane d t he, spouse w'ith a frozen leg of lamb. Then, when the cops came, they coulln't find a murder weapon. So the cooking person sat them down to this delicious dinner of leg of Ianib. But I cigress. We were tafldng about humour, iii or otherwise. Let's make up some research'findings on* thepoit. Some persons do ninety per cent of household laundiy and three per cent. of the snow clearance (outdoors division). Other persons do ten'per cent of 'the launidry and twenty. per ýcenit of the _snow cleà rance (sunshine.does the other sevýenty per cent). The first group seems'te uésent laundry jokes told by the second group, regardless of how funny. s That is what I would caIl ili-humiour. Thesam pesonlikely bas anove-developed sense ?f colour mixture. Mgtb known' te -, shnek over one s adding ,a "red, never-washed sweater te a .load of, white blouses orshirts., It'q ail amatter, of balance., I mean, if :youùre rushed in -trying te kee laundryý caught up, why flot revert te tried-and-true metho. Say, of the1 stone age. Ail you have -te do is stretch, the laundry' out on the'rock and.let nature take its Course. .Heck, the sunshine works pýerfectly well on'driveway snow. Ail you need is'patience. Second word for the day: wit. The dictionary says this bas something to do with sharpness of the intellect. Oftn t mgh bea ostie'emrk, Made by someone in ili-humour,, toward someone desed in mismatched socks, pinkish-grey dress shirts and soup-stained fies. mean some people cani be. Especially, when trying te be witty.adgo io a neapeteohrdyo o . I ha d just completed. My bi-annual tip-te a, clothing store. Relfuctantly,' I -had surrendered te stylesad actually added ýte y wardrobe. "But what gets me," 1 teld a frienid after, "aree prIces. TMes, $25; shirts, about the samie. Arldthose'are on sale.". "Its aweful," MY friend sad. "Part of my niind is-locked into pces as they were, Say -Ain the early sixties," Icontinued. It makes it harder- to fork o r- orashrt-Tikfi:_1res hitco --b DEMOL1IfON 0F ONTARIO COUNTY JAEL, FP The old Ontario County Jail was 1built in 1853 where the Ps Centennial Building. The jail. was, closed in 19M, and Was i murder, one in 1910 and one in 1946. Whitby enivaâ 10 YEAR8 AGO fromthe Wednesday3 Fe uryý3,I 1982 edition of the: Ma Sker!urniture is closng down for one week and 100 Lasco Steel employees are still laid 'Off. " A Dundas St.-Thickson Rd. ,study wiIl determine Witby'sdevelopment inte the 2lst> century. " Newcastle is opposing Broolip's proposed growth. " Ground beef is-selling at 99 cents a pound at Dominion stores. 35 YEARS AGO from the Thursday, February 7, 1957 -edition of the. WITBY WEEIKLY NEWS *,The Whitbyswimmi*ng pool aldinsenPark'reqires $1,000 worth of repaira. *Mrs. W.C. Town, wie ofWhiby' ogtme fneral director, died on February 2. *Broolin Hoticultu;ral Soity held a potluck suppor at. the United'Churçh for its annual meeting.- *A.W.F. Denyer is presidient of Canadian Legion Branch 112. 100 YEARS A GO from the F'riday, February 51 .1892,edition of the WHIBY CHRONICLE *A telephone bas been installed at the Brooklin railway station. *Willigpm H. Huston, son of tewn clerk lhomas Hustnï, died -at Woodstock on Jan. 28 at the ae of 41.* He w:as principal of Woodstock College. * homasà Ricq of hy won several prizes, for hie chickens. at the Ontario Poultry Association séiowý at Bo wmanville. * he- Town. of Whitby isO tendering for the, positions of assessor, chief cnsabead x X>À367 M