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Whitby Free Press, 12 Feb 1992, p. 18

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PAGE 18, WHITIBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY,~ FEBRUARY 12, 1992 Phone 668-6111 FF7L X igi~rcki _____________c________-________m,______ The neit Livin Weill, lecture will ho heldoýn Tuesdy,, Feb., 18' at 2:30 p.m. at the Breokin Cmunity Centre, Casuels Rdt E., ~ lh Boki.Ti.topie wil ho BeeaVemn and Grief,' and wil ho .conductod by Kathleen Fauter DOWN SYNDROME -The. Durham Down Syndrome Association will meot'et Whitby Beaptiat Church, 411 Gilbert St. E.-o uesdayFeb. 18, 7:30, p.m. Topic mwil be Traâck - Horsebat Riding for Special Noodu Childron.' For more, infor- mation eall 668-9510. DANCE Brooklin-Whitby Miner Hockey Anxiliery, wi l old a 'Fbos 5Os'and 60s? donic. on 1Satukdy,, Fob. 15, 8 p.m., et Heydaenor Pevilion. There will bo a catered buffet~ cash bar, dise jockeyand door pizes. Tickets are $25 por couple and 'are evailablo at Peacock Sports, frm auxiliary mombors or by cafling 666-394. VALENTINE DANCE The Ladies Auxiliary Sorts Branch 112 will hold the WItAby Valentine Dance on SaturdaLy, Feb.,15, 9 -P.m. to 1 ýa.m., at the, Legion hall, 1l17 Byron. St; S., Wib.Music by ,Ron .Moore sptdahces, door prizes anà, refrehre s.Cost in1. $12, per couple'.(luncii included). For tick- etvstthe Legion or caîll 668-. P C-USE RS . The next meeting' of the 'Dur-. ham PC ,Users Club 'vili b. held on Thu rsday, Fçbý13, 7p'm., et' the' Michael Stanrruidng on KingSt. W. at 'Contre S., Osh- awa. There will ho a dernonst-' rationof 'Home Taï Plusd'Ail are- welco'me. For more information caîl Bernie at 655-4156. ONE PARENT ýFAMfiLY Oshawa Chapter,'One Parent Faniily .Associaàtion- meets Tuesday, Feb.. 18. at .8 p.ni.,at Simcoe HallSetti'ent House, 387 Simco.- St.,S.. Oshawa for cofe, cards, and. conversation. Ne.w 'membes and, guests 'welconie. For miore. information call 986-5I77or 728-1011.' CAPIC; MEETING Dunham'.Chapter of CAPIC will iiold, a dinnor meeting on Thureday, Feb. 20 at tii. Earl of Durhamn, 227 Brock St. S., Whitby. R'ioseanno Toogood wil speak o n JIT at, LIevi Strauss!' Caih bar 6ýtÃ" »7p:m dinner 7 prn.,presentation,,8 te 9 p.m. Cot(including GST) in $20. For -details cal] Cha2nder Nathan*i 686-2425. For registration calI Sandra Kazmnirchuk W56_0210, ext. 479. Morgan' a grief counsellor with knol;j;',ndoxperience in ti area. Everyq.35wlome, to attend. Th.ée is a $1 charge at* theý door, and refroshments will ho, served. Fer more information, caU 668-1424. INlEffNATIONAL TRAINIG, IN. COMMNICATION" Tii. iret, OuhWa ýClub ITO Wiil hld'a meeting ýon Tueuay Feb. 18, 6 pà.. a Hong',Konig. Houa., 89 Simci. st S., Ohawa. The. theme wini ho OiipottY Kniocks, "speemotout Cout>of dinner às $14.- For more: information, cSH Pat at 72r-9375 or Joycoe t> 668-504. >WOPdEN'SAGLOW FnELLOWSHIP Women'Aglow ýFellowship, Oshawà-Whitby chaoar, will moot, on Thuruday, r. 13 at, Cuilen Gardons, Taunton Rd. W., 8130v. the. resaurant. (Handi- caopo acltsar.availablo.) Rofrshmetu ad:feilowahip Il begi at 7 pam., foilowod by prais and worship at '7:30 p.m. Tiiecost .of admission is$7. Guest sae will ho Bunty Brke. For ftohr information, caMl436-94213. NIGETOF CARDS A 'Night:of Cards' te include primes and lunch, wifl ho held et Westminster, United Church 25 Manùing Rd., Whitby' on -1Ïàon- day Fob. 17, 8 m Tckets for $ar, 1e a'voaàble frornLiW momhors or by calling 576-8218. REFORMPARTY. The Ontaria riding association of the, Reforrn, Party of'Canada will meet on Wednesday, Feb. 19, 7:30Ãœ ".'.' at the Pickering Ceni tral"Library, just east of the Pickering Town Centre. Guèst speaker is Michael Dean. Euhr UCE ýEc»is. held èveryFrid y,8 .m0.,a t the Whitb r«Fhal 2llBrock St. S.- ' tis $1.50. Rofrsmns p rided. AUlvel-; A HMT 0FSPANISH FOR T1h6 . VJhtby_ >Seniow' Acity Centre will hbold an -'Introductioh te SpanishP lbison nFrida ., Fébe 14ý '10:-30 a.m. te noon. Crmn, Kang, an. eporiencod Spanish teachor, will cover thie most conuonly uÈed -phrases. For those Plangon visiting the conror for thos who are simply intorestod in the. language, cl the.contre et 668-1424.. MMNIGOIt "nFORE" BIG, Big -Sister NOW (Newcastle-. Oshawa-WIidtb) invites you -te olf. en bhhlf ofBSig Sitors,ý . d urfingthe. entire -moanth --o0f DUJRHAM CELT[C Febr.uary. Oasis Mini Golf at Five DranCeltie Sports and Poents ilOuhaayul donte Culturel -'Club will, hold its $1 fvevey18hbs lye e regular .birnonthly -meeting et Big, Sisters Wo.kly nalists vil Socer City on Saturday, Feb.'15. comp- e. Feb. 29 to vin a Meet oId fiionds, nov friends woekend et Lake Placid, N.Y. TIb. from the. old country, play gamnes fumdrii1ng. evonts 1vil hel and vatch videos of.the BHOS. service 57 actvle matches, as vwe third Sa turday of each rnonth list. For more information cl frmn., il an.to 4 p.=J.43-51 The newly forzed youth clubs in Broklinhave held two well- attended -dances, the rnost recent, at St. Thornas Church hall. More than 60 -youth, aged 8 to 13, each paid 50 cents to attend tho dance at the church, and provided their own stereo equip- mient, tapes and refreshrnents. .Actingas chaperons were six membors of the Optirnist Club of Brooklin, whiçh recently organ- izedthe youth clubs. The ctagon Club, for jouth aged 14 te 17 meets everyThburs- da &m pr., a the Brooklin Bulletin Signs office.. The Junior Optirnist Club, for students in grade 6 te 8 will meet ase soon as a place anâ time are established. The Optirnists formed, thé gups. a tr earing William McaGee, a retired arny -official speak of the need for organized activities for youth. McGee was, formerly involved with boy sc.outs aànd Big Broth- ers. ,McGee and Optimist meinhers recently attended a meeting of the Brooklin & -DistrictLions Club, that -donated $100 te 106 atn Fd&4 8 dn Attendance was 106 at the spaghetti dinner, held at St. 1,orn;as Church Hall in Brooklin on Saturday, Feb. 8 Thle Optiist Club of Brooklin donation to the Heart & Stroke Foundation of Ontario is$50 Broodi WI mets neltwe McGe e.for printing and rnailing- costs* as ho .promotes youth ýclubs The Octagon and. Junior Optirnist clubs rnay forrn a daily' drop-in centre. But 'many volunteers will be needed - te supervise the contre ,for -a. few hours on a regular sciiedule.I: Anyone 'Who can lend; assis-ý tance ýor offer suggestions can contact Brian Wick of the Optim- ist Club at 655-4434. Orat fi a i ontes dealin onshue.a The last, day to enter the Optirnist Club of Brooklin orlatorical contest is Thursday, Feb. 13. Topic for the contest, to ho held Wednesday, Feb.- 19 at 7 p.rn., is 'If I Coul d See Tornorrow. The contest will bo held at St. Thoinas Church hall, corner of Winchester and Anderson streets in Brooklin. .Youth aged 15 and under are .. .. .. . .. .. .. Evory Saturday night for the. last, six weoks, 25-youth from. Brooklin and Whitby hit the slopes at Dagmar Ski Resort for a one-hour ski - lesson and three hours of practice. The si club, organized by Optimists'Marg Kalnay aid Rick Galdychuk, is open, to children hotwoon -the agos 8 ýnd 12 who have nover, skied heore but are interested in takinlg Ù--the sport. To quali1y, youth hd to subrnit a registra.ýtion forrn and personal letter of request for membership last Novornhor. "There were over 40 applications for 25 positions," Kanay said, "which made the final selection very difficuit. TeByÈileen Younv_ Those who, were -not . electedwill- TeBrooklin .Wornen s Insti- ho encouragodi to. apply again' tut. citizensiiip and leffslation noxt -fail." meetingll b. held et Brooklin It is easy tô ueo that the- comrnunity'contre -on Feb. -19, yugtr r acn eît Conivenor- vilî be Mori'.on ,Hall. their new sport. Motte vwIllb. 'Good citizenship "Afler their llrst one-hour like basebaîl, requires esonth kis ere slding down vork.' ]Roli cail will ho 'Some- most. theti iî with no. thing I, resolvo te, do vith tiie appýrent fear," Galdychuk said. rest of my lîfe.' The sport is not vithout ité and Vivilanne Eckel. Visitors are Two weeks ago, eight-year-old welcoere. Katie Flanders of.,rooklin fel encouraged to enter. the contest with a' top prize of $1,500 scholarhip tethe schoôol of their- , choice. Each contestant will, speak for four to five minutes,» and will ho, ju ged, on content and delivery. There is a separate ,contost- for boy s and girls. F or More, informýation and contest rules, contact Bilan. Wick 655-4434- late in the evoning and fractured MUch te .herCdis appointment, she wilI not ho returning te: the slopes this year, but'she bas corne out to watch her two sisters wvho, are also in the 'si club. 1'We have been. veiy. lucky' with tii. kids with only .onoý seious injury in' the lIast four' years of- the program," Kalnay said. 1(>ptirists Rlobert Baker and Bilian Wick havealso attende 'd each ,week to-keep a watchfuL oye ,,on the developmient of the skliers, andhelp -them, up -when theyfall. The ski- program Pays for eupent rentals, six one-hour lesnlift tickets for tonw>eeks and. a wrap-up .banquet, inthe'.. sping., .1 "The cost of the prograrn is over $5,000 of which 80 per cent is'paid for-by the Optixist Club of Brooklin," said Wick. 'ThIe funds for the projeet are raised truhweeklybingo held at The H ideaway on Sxrnray Crt in If' anyone, is înterested in helping wth dds ' projects by cen contact Wick e 85-4434 for more informaation. AICE, CARNEGIE > Brooklin with to the provincial championships her prize-wi*nning qufit that is going Feb. 19% -Youih .danasa bigbi

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