WH1TIY MRE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUAIRY.12,1992, PAGE 29 JUNIOR, AND SENIOR KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATIN ppiains for September 1992 registration wil be held at each school as follows:. Wodnesday, Fobruary, 26th 'l1992 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. and 1:30,to 3:30 p.e WhItby .Schools J. Brown Superilnent of Educatlon St Bernard OathoiIc Sohool 10M0Drdon Blvd., Whf1bvlR2A2, MSicpal:RM&ren. SIL John the Evangelist Catholua School 1103 Giffard St. Whllby Ll N 2S3 Principal: B. OrDonoghue 668-4011 st. Marguerite n'ommie. Cathollo School 250 Michaelvd. Whitby Ll N GBl Prindp: L Kelly 666-9301 St. Mark teEvageist Catbolio School 95WaNser St.Palo St ernrd athlicSchools) St Matthew the Evangelist Catholiro School* 60 Wilowbrook Dr. Whitby LI R 18S6'« Prnial .Edgecombe St. Paul Oatholie School 200 Garrard Rd. N. Whitby Ll N 3K6 Principal: A. Rousseu Vice Principal: K4 Forgione 728-7011 St. iberesa Cathollo School 173 Crawforth St. Whitby Li N 3S4 Principal: J. Nichoils Vice Principal: I. Edcombe 668-8261 St Lea Cathalic School North St, P.O. Box 159 Broolin LOB 100O Principal: F. Zochodne PLEASE NOTE: 1.Chidren ta b. registered for Junior Kindergarten must b. 4 years aotage on or before December 3lst, 1992. 2. Chlldren ta b. reglstered for Senior Kindergarten must b. 5 years of age on ar before December 31lst, 1992. 3. Proof of age is ta be presented - in the form. af Baptismal Record, Birthi Certificte.Birth Registration, or Paprt 4. Parents are requested ta bring available health records on Immunization, allergies, etc. 5. To b. eligible as a Separate Sohool Supporter, one or bath> parents must b. Catholic. i............. .N..j SATURDAY'S AUCTION ACTION SAT. FEB. 15> AT 6:30 P,.M. EVERY SA Î. NIGHT AT 6:30 P.M. »PETHICK AUCTION. BARN, I-AYDON, 8 MILES NORTH 0F BOWMANVILLE,- EAST OFF DUiRHAM #57' This week we have a very lg. estate from Oshawa ta sellIot inolude furniture, applianc,,good china, piano, lg.,dl collection, Jewellry, plus 9-pà iahoga«ny diniing rm. ste., 2 chesterfield stes., bedroom sesantique ,'parlôur , tables, 12 place-setting's cf Royal Albert'dishes, chest of' silverwre colletion,,of cups & saucders, apprax. 500 antique q hina'dolîs, lotso ai u ps & saucers, qty. -of good jewellry, sterling silver, apte- size, piano, .oak china cabinets,, limited 'editian prints, mapâle kitchen ste., corner cabinet, small >chest freezer, -2-dr. fridge & lots mare interestinq &- unusual items ta be sold. This is a very lg. salews coa early & have a look. Vlewing from 5 p.m. Terms: cash, cheque. or 'Visa. For mare info caîl 416- 263-4252. Sale managed & sald by: GARRY K. POWELL AUCTIONS CORNEWLS AUICTION BARN FRIDAY, FERB. 21 AT 6 P.M. The property of Mrs. .Mernie Moore of Little Britain plus, others. 9 po.. walnut diningroomt ste., ýwalnut drap-front ldesk,: .blanket' box, vanity dresser & stool, walnut- parlour table, 'qty. ýchina, glass.. more details- next week. Anyon. wishinq to consign! ta this sae or, upcomning sales, please contact: DON OR GREG OORNEI L (705) 786-2183 AUICTION SALE "KAHN COUNTRY AUCTIONS" Evety Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. Located aon Brook Rd., Pickering 3' miles north of Hw.40.1 (xt9) Featuring -every Wed. -an excellent selection of'antiques, fine furniture, glass, china, collectibles, -primitives, and the unusuals. Sa join us every Wed. and participate* in one of Ontarios true' auctians with no' .buy-backs or reserves. OCo'nsign- ment and .estaedl sellinîg, aur. specialty." Cali us today. 'Previews from i . .. KAHN AUCTION SERVICES (416) 683-0041 NOTICE 0F PASSING 0F BY-LAW, IN THE MATTER 0F THE ONTARIO-IIERITAGE ACT R.S.O. 1990, o. 0.18 AND IN THE MATTER 0 F LAND AMID PREMISES AT THE FOLLOWVING: MUNICIPAL ADDRESS IN THE ýPROVINCE 0F ONTARIO TrAKE,-NOTICE that the Council -cf the Corporation af the Town of Whltby has, passeri By-Law No. 3095-92 to desîgnate the followlng rVprtyas"*ngof historic and a hecurlvalue or interest.undeèr artIVf the Ontailo Heritage Act R.S.O. 1990, c. 0.18. Mthodlst Eplacopal Church Parsonago 906 Baldwin Stret Part Lot 21, Concesion 9 Myrti., Ontario REABONS FOR DERIGNATION CF 9M6 RALDWIN STRPEET Th.RMthodlst Episcopal Ohurch Parsonage was bullt ln 1877 and *as th. homne aithe ministersfor ovor 71years. ARCHICURAL Th. Methodst EptiscoalChurciParsonage reains its original storey-and-'a-half 1Pa form withî rear kitchen -wing, narrow dlapboarding, verandah treillage, finlafls and maes trîm.ý DATED at the Town cf Whitby this Sth day of Febnjary, 1992. DONALD G. McKAY CLERK TOWN 0F WHItDY 575 RO9SLAND ROAD EAST .WHITBY, ONTARIO Li N 2MA8 PIHONE: (416) 66".803 I~..~----- MALE -24 »likes fmuslc, .movies, co untry wafks,,quit evenlngs seeke honest, intel ligent feëmale f or relatlonship.' Not inta mmnd gamnes. Box 1002. SINGLE GUY, 34, 18 looki 1f or a ingle,younglady,,',for .Pasting relatoneis.p. EnjoyVs motorcycles, working out & long aiks.3epyt LATE 30s, Christian, man, good looklng, stable' & casuai dresser enjo shtseelng,,seeks ~JIboakng,% lt, &.sinicere Christlan female, 30 t 4,for casual dating. Reply ta Box 1006. MARRIED MALE, 34, Iooklng for single or marrled, female, between 20 & 35 for. friendship. Muste be very discreet. Box 1003. «SINGLE,,-WHITE'- CANADIAN maie, 29. years, S'il1", 2È20 l-,bs., black hair, husky,.build, Italian background. Love outdoor activiti es".',Laoking for f riêndly female. foractivfties. Rply to Box 10 10. HARDWORKIJNG, hone st _guy 25, working, .,good looking, '2" tali,* seekin9, good Iookingà , honest woman. Enjoys sports, and rhovies. Box 1007. ,ATTRACTIVE Male, 50, would like.tome)et lady 40-50,for dining out" movies, - -romance, possible lasting relationship. Box 1009. ESTABLISHED GENT would like ta meet, an attractive lady who is fit, romnantic,ito maovies, dininig ,out, etc. Box 1000. III, I LOVE MUSIC, dancing & sports.I have blonde'hai, 22'year ol. Seelklng a tali, romantia mman. Box 2000. SOMEWHERE OUT THERE has tb.an employed, -fun-loving m an a 1e30 ta 40, for a profssonipretty,, .full-figured mom of; two. Pox2002. HANDSOME' MALE, 32, seek established' aider ladies., Very discreet. Relà ly taBox 1008. r BUSINESS LADY ss considerate refineci, stable, professionai gentleman,'50 ta 55, wvith"gaod senise aihumour for sincere relationshlp. Box 2001. ACTIVE MALE, 35, likes sparts, theatre, *mavies & gaod coonversation -wauld 1k. ta meet