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Whitby Free Press, 12 Feb 1992, p. 30

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PAGE 30, WIIITY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 12. 1992 -MEETING Northb-Oshawa 'chapter, One, Parent Familles Association, will, meet on Wednesday, Feb. 19, 8. p.m., at Christ Church, Mary and Hfillcroft Sts., Oshawa. Guest will. ho Lynda Corneal, prograin consultant for Treatmont Servrices in Whitby, who will speak on alcoholism' and druge. New members and guests welcome. For furtber information,, calI 668-7579 or 434-3687. MIN I ROMANCES- Two' r $250 -fersgod ,tie. /2 ST. JOHN AMBULANCE VALENTINE'S DANCE St. John Ambulance, 425, and 409 divisions, will hold a Valentine's dance at Heydenshore Pavillon Saturday , Feb. 22, 8 p..Th ere will be a buffet, cash br, dise jockey and dance/door' prizes. The cost is $25 pr coup le. The dance is being, held to raise funds for the operating costs of providing volunteer first aid coverage in Whitby. Sponso rs may purchase a taible of eight and. receive a tax receipt. 'Be My ç,2 Valentineý,-'. BY WALTER CAMPBELL Puppy loe.. .aiiUanheart ..,a fond glanoe, ...aprtty card ...a Valentinds dance a chocolate box a re4 bouquetsy Now Available tax included (choice of frame, triple-mats and v-groove) H.aJrwood Place. Mail. Ajax (near Miracle Mart)'- 427-1663 *We also feature other artists such as: ROMANCE, CAMPBELL, BATEMANLUMBEjR,COTE, FLUERfRY,& ROBSON. rWE'VE-BOEDTH SVINGS FRE INIDEEACH TAKE-HOME BOX DO SANDWIcHT FROM:, ~OSE S VAMILA. DAJRY QUEEN. COLD CREAMY FUDGE & SPANISH NUIS WRAPPED IN A SMOOTH CHOCOLATE COATING. 12 DiIIy Bars <' VANILLA DARYQUEEN DII'PED IN ,Ï8 or 12 Sandwiches VA,,"7NI1tA'DAJwQÜUEýEN-LAYERDETWEEN ÂM eîý,-WHITBYDbAI.RY QUEEN"'"- '~ 1003 Dundas St. E. 668-5342 CH( 6 Buster Barc AEROBATIION. A 'Dance- for 'Heart Aerobathon"' will be held at the European Women's Health Club on Thursday, Feb. 20 ta raise funds for the Heart & Stroke Foundation. Women may pick up registration fornms at the club, 1121 Dundas St. E., Whitby, where the event will ho beld. For more information cal 666-4540. DINNR MEETING The Canadian Institute of Management Durhamn Region branchi, wlll hold a dinner meeting on Wednesday, Feb. 19, 6:30 p.m.,- at. the Prospect of Whitby Restaurant (upstairs), corner of Mar? and Brock Sts. Paul, Hurly wil, speak on 'Team Building -- Pros and Cons!' Al are welcome. Admission is free ta CIM members and students, $15 for the public. To reserve,. cali Gayle at (416) 683-0750 by Feb. 17.-Parking is free after 6 p.m. on' street, or in back of building. CieStoppers has been in operation in D urham Ptegion for nearly six years, and bas been very suc.cessful.- Crime Stoppers .'WiIl take information' on any criminal. offence. It doesn't have to be one that isprofiled by the media. Your calwill be treated confidentially. A 'c*ode numberwill be gven to each caller for-furtber contact.-.This--means"you neyer .ave to give your naine, just, refer to your nu mber. If the information leads to an arrest, you will be eligible for a- cash reward of up to $1,000. This, again, is just btween Crime Stoppers and you. Police don't pay out the money, Crime Stoppers does. The system for ',picking up the cash will be explained over the.phone to thosewbo qÙali1fr, uponý appro val fromn a civilian board. Aes sn as the airest iïs madle, you are eligible for the cash'reward. If you're in doubt:alout calling',us with 'inforination, don't hesitate. Sometimes. informnatio'n' ,that' you' may think is insignificant and not'worthy ofrieportin«'rmýýy be the final part of the puzzle. Only the, police can tell. Ifkin dôubt, Caîl us. y The Durbamn Regional Crime'Stoppers'ýhotline is 436-8477. (that's 436-TIPS), and is open 24 hours' -per*day, seven days,*a week. The phone number can be dialed from iemost areas of the. reg on, free of charge. If this niumber is ongý distance, you can callcolect orcalthrogh'your'local Durham Regional' Police- number and ask for Cme Stoppers. Cals vwill nover be trac'ed or recorded. Constable Grant Arnold is the co-ordinator with the Durham Regional Crime Stoppers and writes.this article to-help combat !.S9page at no cost.- MEETING Durham Region. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ME Support Group will meet on Wednesday, Feb. 19, 7 p.rn., at A.E. King Memorial Complex, Ingsway Colege, Oshawa. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ME sufferers, their famnilies and friends are welcome. The toic will be ' Conducting a researchý survey investigating supportive services neelded by Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/M sufferers. For, more information, cail Renee Leahy at'655-4398 or Frances Walsmley at 436-6315. SCOUT BANQUETS 8th Whitby scouts will hold the parent/child banquet on Feb. 20, 6:30 p.m., at Henry Street H-igh School;- 4th Whitby wiIl hold its banquet on Feb. 21, 6 p.m., at St. Mark's United Church, and parade on Feb. 23, Il a.m., at St. Mark 's. Feb'. 16-23 is Guide- Scout week in -Canada, marking the birthdays of the founders o f guidini and scouting, Lord and Lady Haden-Powell. CODA Co-Dependants Anonymoubis meets overyTues«day,,7:30 to. ,9' pmat H illsdale Wesleyan Chuýrch, 301 Rossland Rd. E., Oshawa.,The'group is- for those unable 'to maintain. functional relation «ships, and there is a 12- step prozam..For more informa- tion calilJoan at 721-2299. LEAP BACK TO.TIIE FIF'TIES . < . WhiAtby*!Juniior -Chamber 'of Commerco/Jaycees' will bold' àa fundraising dance 'Ljeap Back ta the Fïftieà-,' featuring Roger Ashby, CHUM-.FMs morning in, beginning atîk, 8 p.m., Saturday, Feb. 22 at CAW bal,: Philllp Murray Ave. (soutbwest Oshawa by the -lake), and everyone is encouraged to dress in fifties' att;iraý. There will be miny prizes, a nd "ail net proceeds will go tbe..W hitby1 Gonerai Hospital's First Class Fund. There- are stilI some tickets, available * ($35/ couple, $20/perso'n) thiat may be purcbased at Celebrations ta Go, 25 Thickso 'n Rd. N., Whitby, W-ilson & Lëe Ltd. Music'Store, 8 7 Simn' oe St- -N., Oshawa or by calling (416) 428-5726. CIIRONIC FATIGUE Durhain Region Cbronic Fatigue Syndrome/M.E. Support Group will meet on Wednesday, Feb. 19, 7 p.m'., at A.E. King Memorial Complex 'Kingsway Collego, Oshawa. TRere, will be discussion of conducting a research survoy to investigate supportive 'services: needed by cbronic fatigue syndrome/M.E. suffèers. For more information caîl Reùiee Leâhy'at 655-4398. or Franoes Walrislèy at 436-6315. EAD INJURY Thie Head'Injury Association of Durhami Region will meet on Wednesday, Fe. 19, 7:30 parn., at the- association office, 459 Bond- S t. E., Oshawa. AIl wel- came. Anyone who needs assis- tance *itb transportation can cali 723-2732. O0SH1AWA- GARDEN CLUB The Oshawa Gardon Club will bold a monthly meeting on ý'Moniday; F-ebz "17, 7:30 p.m., at Neorthm;insfer -U ni1ed Cburcbh, corner of1 1Rossland Rd.. and zSicoe..t. .,Oshawa.. A, Valentine flower show will be followod by 'guest speaker, David Toinlinson,. an award-winning landscape architect and lecturer. WH , 7Y PHOTO CLUB Whitby Photo Club will hold 'Slide Clinic IIr' on Monday, Feb. 17,,7 to, 9 p.m., at the Family Trust building crnier of Dundas and Hickory Sts.). -Members are, reminded to submit entries' for the themne of the montb, 'Legs.! WIDOWS AND WIDOWERS A social- club for widows and widowers will meet' on Sunday, Feb. 16, -7:30,,p.m., -in the 420 wing, Oshawa Airport. There will be dancing, -shuffleboard, darts and carde. For more information, cali Ermie 683-2045, , Forbes 430-0130 or Marion 683-3855. FIRST AID/CPR COURMS St. John Ambulance, Wihitby branich, will offer first aid sud CPR courses for college sud university students during their reading weeks. CalI 668-9006 or 668-4159 to inquire about dates, times and' cost. LUNCHEONOUT "LunheonOut,' the -meai- pro- gram , held at the Knights of Columbus Hall in downtown Whitby, is now sponsored by the Knights. Meals are held at noon on Monday, Wednosday and Friday. F lor more information caîl Kay at 668-8334 or Phyllis at 668-8064. FRRENDS 0F SCIIIZOPHRENIA The su peprt group, Ontario Friends of Schizophrenia, Dur- ham chapter, wil meet on Feb. 19, 7 ta 9 p.m., at St. Mark's cburcb bouse, 200 Byron St. S. (corner of Byron and Coîborne streets), Whitby. Guest speaker is Phil Callaehan, a supervisor froin the Ministry of Community and, So6'ial - Services. For mrore information-caîl 404-1301.1

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