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Whitby Free Press, 12 Feb 1992, p. 7

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PAGNE SEVEN legalese. Ge;at. Onep~oon-hour trip, it's done. A guy, who bas nover before in bis life- met me,, witnesses my signature, puts bis seal te tbe fact that yup, Bill Swan signed this form, chrgs twenty-ive buciç. I could have been WaLyne Gretzky for ail -he tos. Has ho seen me, skate? N ext day, I deliver the forma te my brother. They're i my sister's bande -the day after that. Presented te, the court the day after that. Said the clerk at the court: .Sorry. Wrong form. Those bave been out of use for two, three years now." - "You mean we have te get thom notarized ain? the clork is asked. I mean,, the firet time took us, wat, three months? "Nope" f replies the clerk. "New- forni, no notarizing needed. Just have'emwitneesed."%, It takes two lawyers, two bille and neither catcbee the flaw a clerk spots night away. (Theee are the àa e clerks that lawyers curse about wvhen deecribing government inofficiency.) Would have been quicker te begin with if my sister had forged my signature on the original documents. ThatEs what -_ with my permission -- she ended up doing. 0f course, you nover read that here. And l'i deny it te my dying day. I Some thinigs you jus 1t have to depend on. This time it was the noise under my bood. WelI, flot exactly under the hood. Sort of to the right hand: side. Only wvhen- the little compact waes lowrng down. And not exactly just a noise, either. More like a, bansheo shriek: Qureeeeoeeeeek. Only two things would sto it: turning off the enlgine or putting the transmission in ile and revving the motor. Make that three things. See I made this appointment with the service dep7pment at the local dolership for Monday morning. 1Yup. And ail the way there, good old dependable noise., Qureee;ýnOeeoek At ovey intersection. Every time I slow down. Sanie as it's beon doing for four weeks. Until I mako the rlght turn off Dundas St. into the dealer's lot. "Will it make the noise if wo give you a ride te work?"' asks the service manager. "Yubt"reply- GoodCthinIgldidn't bot too niuch. The. whole eight miles te work: no noise. Not a poep. Said the service manager: 've nover had a toothache at thé dentist's." And now the news Just in case you missed it, we'll repeat: Keep your children out of the sun. Hea ffne banner on at least one newspaper. Should be beadhine matenial on ahl newspapers. Is this what the world is coming te? Times was, the sign of health wealth, vigouriand vim was gôlden. tan. Goes with A'osh ar, d cean water, sunshine. Now, especally in the summner, block out those bad rays. Use old blankets, sun screen, turbans, kaftans. Botter yot, dig our bouses'inte the side of the bille for protection. Back to the caves, foks; civilization's got too For one thing we'e likely made our own life bore just a trifle too com;I X. Mon eIl bit utter gridlock: nothing will happen te anyone. Life will one day become like a real estate market with a thousand housing sales aIl lockod up i inter-dependent conditional offers. An example. There's a little tbing about beingr named executor to an estate tbat has te be settlod twvo hundred and fifty kilometres away. DefinitojW not a noon-bourjaunt. The solution: te sign a Renunciation of Probate. "Thero's notbing te, it," said my sister. OVj'~lawyer says all you have te do is go te your lawyer, helflx it up." 'Oroe"reply. 'Whtevr. ust don't forget: The forme have to be notarized. That's wbat our lawyer say. Your lawyer will do it, notarize them, witness your signature, that sort of thing." But my lawyer,,strange te fInd, has quit practice. "No problem,'" says -thée voico fromn two hundred and fifty kilonmetres awray. 'The- lawyor will send you the rigbt forme. Maybe even fax them. Ail you'll have te do is get someone te notarize your signature." Six weeks go by. No forme. Finaily, my sister visite the lawyer, gets the forme, sends them te me by mail. Christmas and a number of family events get in tbe way. -Finaily I phono, another lawyer, sight unseen, out of the phono book. " Would you notarizo these forme?" I ask. "Twenity-five -dollars plus tax," says the lawyer in 1~ Amixed bag BURNS' PIESBYTERIAN CIIURCH, ASLHBURN, DESTROYED BY FJRE, FEBRUARY 12, 1967 This historie 11-year-old church was destroyed by fire,25,years ago today. An.oehae chimney was behievedto be the cause of the fie that broke out 25 minutes beforête egla Sunday service. A new church wasbuiît in 1967/68.' WhitlW Archives photo 10 YEARS AGO from the Wednesday, February 10, 1982 edition ofthe WIHTBY FREE PRESS " Whitby roperty taxes will increase by 4.5 per cent this year. *VVhitbyTransit Service ie being extende'd to eveningâ and Saturdays.ý " Forbes <Doc' McEwen ie head of the new Town of Whitby Special Projects Department. " The Town of Whitby will spend $75,000 to repair the KMinsmen Park swimning pool. 35, YEARS %AGO- from.'the ThursdaFebruary 14, '1957 edition of the, waITBY -wEEIKLY NEWS e*-A town-wido paper drive will*pay for two scouts to atend the World Jamboree. e The population of WVhitby Township has surpassed 2,000. 0 The Town council is ettin new regulations fortecntrcinoaprmne e The Whitby Public Libraxy bas 2,e75 members. 100YAR AG froni the Friday, February 12, 1892 edition of the WILflTY CHRONICLE *Charles King ie chairman of the Whitbhy Bo ard of Education. *Urchins and largo boys are. annoying students fromn the'Ontario Ladies' Collego when they go out on their daily walks. *A temporance sermon will' ho preacbed at Ashburn next Sunday.. *ke is beirig harvosted from Whitby Baiy for local ice boxies. 9 1

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