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Whitby Free Press, 12 Feb 1992, p. 8

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PAGE 8, WHITBY FREE PRES S, WEDNE .SDAY,.FEBRUARY 12, 1992 By Marie, B oucher Whitbýy council has decided to suspend a Town task force look- ing into a proposed regienal tran- sit system, saying sucr a system is flot feasible during the current recession., Town council gave unanimous app roval te, a motion by council- lor ýJudi .Longfield to stop ail initiatives andt actions by the staff task force for the next three years, ýuntil the next municipal election. '"Pm convinced at somne point in time in, the futurýe that- such a system must ha introduced,"! said mayr Tom Edward:. oul bring Durham -Regi on together instead of having different tran- sit systems in each municipality, ha said. "But right now. is not the, time,» hie said, citing the hard economic times. >Councilior Marcel Brunelie said the concept is too expensive and is «going nowhere.» Councilier Joe'Drumm agreed with Edwards that one regional Valentine cards FROM PAGEZl Thie cisplay rpresents only a tiny p r f h r nd of o i c tn -- he has more than. 10,000 petcrd Valentines *alone, and hundr2eda cf the penny dreadfuls. 1The display wil ha at' Jerry's «tii at ieast Vaientines Day, if net longer.» transit system would ha cheaper and should be explored at a later date. He suggested the Region wo.uid take over the debts of the transit systems of. municipalities. Whitby TransiÏt has -no debt, he said.> Hospital merger FR OM PAGE 1 Fox ,emnphasizes, that . f the merigeirgoes'ahead, znoney rased through comimunity fundraising will only be used for WGH. Buffett Isays. service will not be cut te save money. 1g Whatever we do* it will not ha at the ex ense o# beds. and/or layoffs. '7e. kelieve... we can makeé whatever cuts we have to, .makeé without either- reducing the 'service'or putting people's jobs on the line.» Buffet says WGH is «basically' talking to, ail the hospitals (Ajax, Oshawa and Bowmanviile) in thé area,» in a bid to, identifS' pro- granis that will «save dollars and at the same time. in -no way diminish the level of service." He's optimistic the process will work.- «We believe 'that we're going to le able to come in with -a balan- ced budget (for 1992/93).» Tie. hospital's fiscal year runs from April 1 to, March 31. Buffet expects toi end up with'a surplus probabiy somewhere in the $'50,000 neighbourhood» for the current year. 40d ladffat'Andrew iAndrew Canada has cut 40 of 250 jobs ai its Whitby plant. The company biames the niove on. a siump, in cellular phone sales and.'a decrease in govern- ment contracts. .The job- basaffects enipioyees with-,four years ,,or, 'lefsa of seniority,,anidWaspar't of plan by Andrew 'te elîm'-inate. 200 jobs werldwide. The - eech St. Plant produces antennas adtrived during the cellular phone boom. ltes, been epergting in Whitby for 40 years., I......... ......... Founding imembers"cf the Human Resources Professienals Association of Durhamwili be reonzdon Feb. 20 for their* role in starting the organization. The association, which held its first mteeting 10 years ýago, pro-. vides local human resourcesë prlo-- fessionals with oppprtunities to develop their expertise and share informiation with theirpeers., The. association also provides a New guide'book available Ille Touriat Association of Durham Region's 1992 guidebook wiIl h introduced on Feb. 12. The new guidebook, featuring attractions, things te do,, infor- mation and services, will ha shown at the Ontario Fishing and* Sportsmen Show at the Metro East Trade Centre in Pickering. The guideboek aise includes a pullout .teurist map showing y1sitors the attractions found in the region.. About 90,000 copies of the gui- debook wili 'be distributed iocaliy, and.copies wili be sent across Canada and the UAS and "It's nearby... and. it's free!"1 Help with your taxes is probably dloser than you think. We're opening a temporary tax office right in your area!, You can choose from a variety of forms, guides andi pamphlets., or talk to us about your tax situation. If.you havre questions about any < 0f your tax papers, bring them along. We'll be happy to give 5you the ases The Oshawa Shopping Centre at Stevenson Road Monday February17 through April,3o 80 Open: 9:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m,. WEEKDAYS 9:30.a.m. to 6':00,p.m. SATURDAYS 'te numerous travel shows. The publication is available free of charge te, local residents and travelling visitors. The Canadian' Teurism Research Institute forecasts a 2.5 per cent growth in pleasure tra- vel in Ontario for 192. For more. information about the guideboek er tourist associa- tion, cali 668-8000. 7forum for the di scussion oet s uch current -issues as the ravisions to. Ontario labour Relations Act and Employment E uity. Présentations wil take place during the tenth anniversary dinnar at LeGala in Whitby. Founding members to e hareog- nized include Jim McKinnoÎn with 'Du pont Canada Inc. of Dian4tOshwa, mayor, Nancy dElaine Minacs cf The Minaca dfroup Murray Wildman of Snowden 1iubber Industries, Richard ?geau of Cardinal Rub- ber, Lois' araton of the Ministry cf Revenue, Donna Anderson with the Kaladar. Hotel Ron Maraton cf the. Minfistry oÏ Com- munity and Social Services and Brian Marchant of Kretschmar» 'Ic. Wanted4 Views on ecoen--o my Whitby business people can express their ideas on how -te make Canada's economy more competitive, at a conferenca to bo held Feb. 20 ýat Henry Street High School-. The Whitby Chaniber cf Com- merce is inviting members and community resîdenta, to attend the 'Consultative Conférence on Competitivenesa &' Learning,' sponsored by the. féedrai govarn- ment. Participants can, share opinions 'about what is needed te make Canada prosperous, espe-, ciaily in the areas cf ,'training and educatien. Tha, conference wiil ha haid from 6:30 te 10p.m.,,at ne ceat. 'Ail are welcome howevar 1pa9 s imited. Cà Il668-450à formore ,information. HIGHER RRSP RAES. GUA RAN T EE D, Horgkpng Bank of Ianac We guaranhee 'rates higher than those pos ted by Royal Ban4k CIBC, Banik of Montreal, Scofiabank, TD. Banik, National Bank of Canada, Canada -Trust, Royal Trust and, Montreal Trust on flxed-term redéeernabke RRSýPs. Please contact your -nearesi branch for fil details.' 1200 D UNDAS STREET EAST PHONE.- 666-2300 j - R~iona1 transit Task fSS'esujgpmded'l CORPORATION--OF THE... TOWN OF WHITBY 1992 INTERIM.TAX, NOTICIE The rirât instalment-of taxes for 1992 is due and payable February 1 Ji 1992. I=is not recelved by the due dategenalty will be, added on the f default and the first day of eac calendar m nth so long as non-payment continues, at the rate of 1,-114% per month or part thereof. If you have not receiýed a tax bill and you are responsible for',pa ment, please contact the,ý Tax Departrnënt aU 668-5803, to 0 tain the necessary infonnation. Taxes may be 'paid at 1 any Whitb bank w ithoui bank'collection charges, or at the Municipal Office, e75 Rossland Road £ast, Whitby, Ont&jo. ln addition, if yoù are a TD Bank customer, taxes m'ay.be paid by telephone through TD Bankline. LYNN PIKE SUPERVISOR OF REVENUE fl e ci

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