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Whitby Free Press, 19 Feb 1992, p. 12

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1UALIK U.'VIIIIIII ' lESWEI)NESDlAY. FEBRUARY 19, 1992 A HOME DE:SIGN* AND IIMPROVEMENT FEATUR_______ Knowle e ýodgekeytoheaigsfl The average Canadian doesn't have to travel lfar to encounter potential hazards like hgh-voltage electricity, toxic gases,- searîng' heat and flames. They can be found in the heating systems and equipinent cf almiot any home.- TbatVs whiY, the' people who manufacture and install heating devices in *Canada folow strict safety standards. But standards are just part cf the answer. It tâkes an informed consumer to buy- the right equipment and keep i running safely and reliably. To start with, if you are considering installing a new heating system, or are moving into a house with an existing one, look for a certification mark. The Standards 'Council of Canada bas accredited four organizations to certify heating equipment: the Canadian Gas Association (CGA), the Canadian Standards Association (OSA), Underwriters Laboratories of Canada (ULO) and Warnock Hersey Professional Services (WHPS). The stamp of one of these organizations on a heating appliance meansit meets the performance or safety reqwirements cf one or more standards. In many cases, certification is the law. But certification isn't a substitute' cf knowledge. Asic plenty cf questions when shojping fo a heatifflg systema an uring its installation. Ycu' need ta know what maintenance is required for safe operation before starting it Up. Your dealer, hydre company, gas1 company and fire department may have helpful brochures. Departments cf the federal and provincial governments concerned with energy, heusing sud consumer issues may aise Ibe able te send you information< on1 the various types of heating systems available and haw te, care for them. Here are a few tips: Since chimneys conduct hot, toxc gass away from your home, they are a critical component i heating. safety. Factory-built chimneys should be, certifled and Wile differtlsmystemins put different demanda on chimneys common prebleme *include condensation ,dam'age and obstructions. 'Both cf these bazarda can be battled by installing a cap sud screen on top of the cbixnney ta, keep debris,-, birdsansd moisture eut. Creosote, a flammable substance that coats the inside cf the chimney, is cf particular, concern when heating with wood. The greatest accumulation is usually at the upper end cf the cbimney, and should net be allowed ita exceed 3 nijilimetres. Finally, make. sure yeur cbimney is apprepriate for the typecf fuel beig urned. When a heating system is cbanedthe cbimney may alsohave tabe modified ta cope with ýthe amount cf heat and, moistur being expelled. .Wood Heating Wood-heating appliances are certified by the CGA, CS&' ULC sud WHPS. Malca sure:the dealer helps you, choose'one that is the right size for your- house. If it is too large, yU Maget alotcf [rrst bid-u.Simlarly, it is important that- enly well dried wocd be burned. The hu:m"iithIm wet wood will cause 1cooer burning and a rapid accumulation cf creosote i the chimney. It is .critical that wood-burâing equipient be installkd a safe distance frein fuririture and walls. Check the certification label or. owner's manual for exact distances and stick te thein. Even a littie excess heat from a Wood stove wil cause the wood in a walI or floor ta .dry eut and- become graduall re iamable, with potènti sastrous resuits.< The 'entire systein,- including flue pipes sud chimney should be insecfted yearly. OÙl and Gas Furnaces <', 011 and'gas furnace equipment is certified by the CGA, Land CSA. It is, important .ta caça a prcfessional once a year ,,"for maintnancebecause ma]functioning furnalces may. cause toxic gases -te escape into the house. rather than up ithe cbimney.,- Some tbings you maybô ableto do yourself. Keepth1e.,furnace area well ventilated and fr-eé from dust sud' litter.. -'Check 'your owner's manual for instructions regarding 'motor lubrication suad fan beit- inspection,, But remember, turn off the furnace power switch before removing furnace panels.. 27iarticle i. prouided by local rwaftors and t&s Ontario Real Est ste Association (OR&VLoe. the benefit of consumnera in Me rea estate market. Today's homeowners are spndingmore sud more time at home. Ibe current 'cooeng trend is prévaient as manlypee choose ta make their homes a place cf warmth, comfort, recreation sud peace -- a sanctuary te escape frein daily pressures sud hectic routines. As a result, home gymsý, solariums, spcal recreation roomsansd bot tusare becoming standard feat ures of many homes. To enhance your home sud make it more cf a sanctry there are many relativly imple things you can, do -- such as altering or changing the lighting, choosing new decor painting, wallpapering or aJdinq neiw decorative touches. Or, if your budget is more extensive, you may wish ta carry eut more elaborate plans in -makring your home more cf the 'perfect getaway.' For instance, if youre a fltness enthusiast, but would prefer -te skidp the health club scene sud work eut at your leisure ithe p'rivacy "f your own home, you majy wish te convert an eisting roomof yurhomeitoans execis aea f«home gym.' Now that personal fitriesa equipment is more accessible sud reasonably priced, many fitriesa enthusiasta who used ta seek recreation away frein home are now instafling their own equimnt. M7nhorrneowners are alse installing items like saunas or hot tubs te help them unwind after' a workout or a hectic day at the office. Units exe available in a variety cf sizes, obapes sud price ranges. If you lack space, but wouzld like toe enoy the comforts of a home spa, you, may wish ta simply replace your batbrub with a new one, complete with buit-in wbirlpool jets.* These dual- purpose units conserve space sud provide a viable alternative' ta conventional bot tubs. (Ycu can aise purchase light, portable tub jet unita for your eisting batbrub thfat you remove after use.) salarinMB If your hobbies include gardening sud enjoyi'ng the outdoors, You may wsut te bufid a SER PAGE 16 Electric Heat Electric heating syst ems are certifled by the OSA sud CCIA. If you are using baseboard.,heaters, hydre officiais say curtains should be at least. eight inches from the top, or three inches in front cf the heater. If they bang i front of the heater, thereshould aise be a one-inch gap between the curtain and the floor. The tips provided in this article are only part cf wbat you should know about home heating safety, sud only cover a' few methoda of hetn.For more complete« informantion, talk to your dealer or contact one of the agencies listed in this article. at Snap *Services Quality Means: e Bail Bearing Wheels Smm Thick Mirror Special Safety Backing -free estimates Cal us, or visit our showroom Snap Services Ld ___668m9328 300 Dundas Si. E., Whitby 6628 are

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