WH1TB FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUA19 992, PA AHOME DESIGN AND IMPROVEMENT FEATURE Roya1 Gardens condos: afrbeoption, Royal Gardéns anew 1con- domlnîium' devlopment by B.G. Schlkednzprovides an affor- doble optio to renting an apart- ment. Royal Garders in.,located -on on Inelctin off ay ac- mes to shopping, restaurants, banrkame daofieG Tan sit and the 401. Thore are a total'of 124 sutes aval lable -in this uix-stcrey build- ing. Prico" which include GST, range $rm 88,990 for the. 435 Bq. ýft RoseI, te$160»90 for the. tbroe-bedroom, 1,031 sq. ft. Gar- doia &penthouse suite. Tebuilder la: offerng, pur- chasers -a 4.5 per cent'mortgage for- two years or five per, cent down, which means that a suite af Royal Gardons con b. carried for as Uile as .$454 a rnonth, principal and interest. Monthly condominium feos,'which include heat. and hydro, have boon set at $110 te $264, depending on the, size, of the. suit. purchased. Oc- cupancy lascwhoduled for oarly Royal Gardons boaste an im- pressive list 0f amenities, includ- ing concierge service, an ludoor pool, an exorcise room, storage Ioclcrs, aworksiiop and a. party room with kitchen. The builder bas also made ar- rangement. witii outaide caterers and cleaners so that rosidents bave the. option of asging up for suite leaning and meal services at a roasonable price.. Thoso ser- vices will he o'o-ordinated through the. concierge. moere are six, different suit. dosigna te choose fro at Royal Gardons. For February, al lucludo five quality appiancos: refrigerator, stove, dilxwasher and stacked washer and oryr. Other features includo lu- dividually confrolled thermostats for iioating and air conditioning, mirrored closet doors in the entry hall in most suites, quality broad- loom, bay windows and ceramic tii. foyers.dms fieplaces, are available as an option lu- the. penthouse suites. ý mhe two-bodroom,. 742 sq. ft. Orcbid is a popular style, starting at $128,990. LMkoail suites at Rtoyal Gardons,. the Orchid bas an, ensuite stacked washer and dryer. Tefoyer is finishod' in meamie tile. and includes a largo coat closet with sliding mirroeed doors. frightly lit kitchen fea- tures a double .ink with sing0e lever faucet, custom Clësngned kcitchen cupboardls and quality he><>r>hid bas one ful bathroom, plus an ensuite powder roosu. Each fa finishod' in quality vinylýf looxing. The large master bedroom moasures 10-ft. 2-mns. by 15-fL. 9-lus. and features a walk-in closet. Dssigned to maimize'natural featur.am windows, and sUd- lng glasspr that lead t6 bal- Another -popular style -is the. throe-bedroom Gardenla which i. pricod starting at* $151,900. This unit features two fu bathrooms and three bedrooma, with plenty Of closet space including a walk-in in tfie. master bodroom. Theres 1also a large s9toragoAaundry room, as well as a linon closot. >So far, most of the purchà orsa at Royal Gardons fl into two main categorios- firt-time buyors who are taking advantage of the affordabeicos and older p urchasors who have sold their, nouse and are, looking forward to, the convenionce and peaco of mmnd that cornes with livin in a condominiuma, as well as the s1pe- cial services offered at Royal G-ar- dons. The. buildor has also mai arragemntswith',an outaid fcý r.tO o vide in-hon b t meservices, if dsed. Additionally,- purchasers wl are ovor 55 roceive a fre one-year rnmbersbip te th WhithY Seniors" Activity Contre. .To visit the. Royal. Garder sales office, take the 401 te Broc] St. in Whitby. Go north te Mai St., which in on. street past Dmý dan. Tii. saes office is located or the corner of Mary and .Ash- Ste The. office, is open Monday .tc Friday frm2 to7 p .r., and froc noonte 6 p.m. on Saturdays and Sundayu. de lae i.ý ho he ns ck 25% OFF MELAMINE CLOSETS, SLIDING I BIFOLD, MIRROR DOORS- GOOD To MARCH 77H 1992 Installation Service'Avalalble (SPACE AGE -,SHE 1LVIN WEMAKEFREEHOUSECALLS. RESIDENTIAL - COMMERCIAL - INDUSTRIAL 80 THICKSON RD. SOUTH, WHITBY (416G),430-636- STOfE HOURS: Monday-Wednesday 1Oam to 6pm a Thursday & Fniday9am to 9pm a Saturday 9am to 6pm ry n- 1. idg, DOWNTOWN WHITBY Februa.rySec l 5FRE appilance Zs_ BACHELOR APARTMENTS FROM One, two and three bedrooms also available. Some suites with solanium and ensuite. UNDOOR POOL AND EXCERCISE ROOM SI-lbVELS: NO LAWN MOWERS COSTLIY REPAIRS Cali Jack or Ed M M Whitbyto 668-7136 .Torontio W40 686-1316 Hours: Monday - B.G. chicIeda& Friday MASTER BUILDER Saturday, Sunday& Holidays "Staîned Glass Is Music For The Eye" Enhance your home with the 'beauty of stained- glass. Our studio produces unique designs for your home and yours alone --nô two. commissions are the same. Cali us for a consultation - we will carefully create a, beautiful window,,sidelight, transom, door insert etc., to suit your decor. Corne in and see our wonderful selection of art glass. 1735 Bayly, Pickering 420-8485 -.1 1