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Whitby Free Press, 19 Feb 1992, p. 25

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.WHTDY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 199 2,-PAGE 2 its AVaWZUUaIe WE»Z RegËular seasen play has ended for mootahool tams and Henry came out with flying colours. Thie ridget beys' basketball team was e ialy busy this patweek. Tey attended ,the Knner Colegfiat tournamient Jin Peterboroughi where they brogt home the silver medal. Outstanding! Tue Hawks aise defeated Oeffl 42-34. .Andrew Martin was an offensive standout with eight points. ý Tue game ended their season withý a 6-3 record. Good luck in the. upcoming playoffs. The junior býoys -have been equally successful in their regular season games. They .aise defeated O'eiil, 71-21, te, give them a supra 6t-1 record" and a seodplace.standing. The. senior. girls' voileyball team played agamnst1 Dunbarton and came out on top by 15-9 and 15-11 mcores. Their regular season ais came te a close with an83 record. T:oday, they wiil compote i the LoeSAplayoffs which are being held at Anderson CVI. Conratuations te Rob Drury, Mike Hewi, Steve McLenon, Corbett Mowbray ad Dennis Noakes, ai ebrs of the LOSSA boys' curling team. Tii. guys recently competed at the Oshawa Golf and Curling, Club where they won two of their three games. Nordic skier. displayed their excellent sIdl on Feb. 13 when they competed at DYSSA. Rabert VaiinWingajjrden placed lSth hi the junior boys ctgeyand Kerzy Wishart- place egth ih the senior girls categoiy. Geoft Harris and Dennis Armstrong flnished 19th and 2Oth, respectively, in the. senior boys event. Henxry'smsim team recently copet«d in a meet from which they emerged as the top Whitby teain. As for the. regional standing, they captured thei. third- place standing. Congrtulations and good luck te ail of Herys fine athletes who are competing in LOSSA or DYSSA. In guidance newsý, Option Selection Week began Monday. Do you know what courses youre taking next year? DENI IFKeXRHIH CHO By Sobia Bebbingtoe Hello. Sonia Bobbington here.. Woek-to-rule continues, choking life from the DU~C entity like a relenties. drought: azid, barren, boring. I hop i of you had a fabulous Valen tine'. Day, relishing that special time when one does that special something for that special someoe. Or. the time when one is more acutely preciative of one'. fredo: L = ree o Mt s at McDonald's that night, te burp unasbamed, te wear track pants. Ah,' the feeling! Tiie Olympic Cames have started, apparently. Tues. day s1Iam feeling particularlyrresh, because I have recently invested i a new brand of ceodorant saap. According te the unmentionable product's edvertisement, it is effective in cleaning tough parts, like my hard-wrorking toes, and soft parts, ike that little dibit underm nase. Since rm certain youllZ b. waitig aniously, I shia brief you On its Performance in an upcoing instaflment. Ter. i. net much else te say that bas net been said alreadyý. Sometimes I wonder why I persist in writing tues. reams o! empty trash. In fact, I have been as perturbed by tuis as I have by the felUlwi. the presence e!ftti. letter W in the word answer, and the fact that -pocketbooks neyer quit. fit cemfortably in my pocket. Go now, and ponder the.. until next time.. -T TAALGAR ASTESH MY> LAU oufa~n-.mn Tuhe Junior Olympics were1 TraW~garan success. -Eighl schools acrx participated int Science Schoo held recently at were a great kt intdepondent ces Ontario the event which man Erm8:30 aam. te 3*30 pm Neera Nundy and Ar-u Melita, both senior students, industriously organized experi- ments, mindtIeas and trivia for the participants froen grades 7 te Tue event was aimed at ......... On Feb. 21 at 9 a.m., music students from Anderson CVI will begin a 24-hour music marathon in the gymnatorium., The event wiil featijreail the instrumental and: vocal, ensmbls, uchas the, Concert- Band, Junor Banýd,'-AnderJazz,- Interediate and Junior- 'Jazz Enspnibles, ConcertChiJz Inc~peatdSenior andJno amn, ensembles and guest performances byr several parents. ý 'Te prpomof hisevent ia te raiseThefudfZortthe mqjor excursion te, MusicFest '92 in Halifat in year.l Mwrewidea public concert from 7 te 9 p.m. i the gymnatorium, with tickets available at the door. 'Music students wi]l be canvassing their neighbourhooda boi collect nosfrthe building scientific ' .kils in students. An awards ceremony. fiblowed and Amner -Haddraith from the Royal Ontarlo Museum was a special guest speaker. University of Toronto School came in first position followed by St. Andrews CoU e.AUl the students thor xijeroyed themselves in the. competition. It was a day well spent. Anderjazz, the -senior, jazz ensemble atAnderson CIwas awarded a gold standard at the Southern Ontario Band Festival i Oshawa feb. 14. Anderson'intermediate and juniorjazz ensembles were awar- ded bronze standards at the. fes- B 1 B Mao Boucher Three Whitb~y schools are plan- ning te participate i a 30-hour famne program organized by WoDrld Vision Canada. >There is apuirpose for doig it and it's been succesaful ith past," says Roger Middleton tea- cher at Henry Street high School. Students at the school will participate i the program this weekenid te coincide with the World Vision Canada's 30-heur faine hesays. Middleëton says students wiîî begin their program after lunch on Friday and continue until Saturday evening aithough some may start on aniother day if it suit. them better. Middletona ys students are encouraiged-to rn a lot during the famine., He paya- the goal of the pro- Sarmn iste help students become oýre aware of what it islike to, feel weak and not -eating for a day or se,» as' i. the case for many living in'third- world coun- tries. Tuis is the third consecutive 1year Middleton, ha. helped toraize the event., r years ar o , students raised about Ï1,900, e sa!ys. "It'.an educationial experience fer the students,' lie says. «I add it<the progranm) temy curriculum in teahn world issues in my classes,» lie says * Trafalgfar Castleý School ýand Father Austin Catholic Second- ary School are the other twoi By Kristen Reveler Hello, againi Last week was a short week for Anderson, as weil as for other high, school students. Monday was a PA day and Andersonians- had an extra day added te their weekend of relaxation. Quit a few events are now taking place at Anderson. Believe it or not stude nts are beginning te prepare for the 1992-93 achool year. Grade 8s from several schools have been ,teuring, Anderson for the past several day. te acquire a taste of what high achool in ail about Watching their awestruck faces, W.l hard te imagine it was five years ago that I was facing the same -situation. Hlistschool years seem te go by The grade 8 students were introduced to, departments sucli as, computers, teclinical and science which, penhaps, they were not familiar with in their. own achools. Touring Anderson will b. a beneficial -event ,for .these newcomers because it will give them, some -ideas o! the kinds of courses they would like te take. Not only were the rae 8à preparing for their arrivaiand choosing their courses, Anderson students were as well.'Several option assemblies are run each year, by our -guidance counsellors who ad vise students about what courses are needed and what they should take. 'Although many people are focdusigtheir attention on the. Olympics h-i Albertville, we shouldn't overlook, the achievo- ments of Our athletes here. In the past few days, Anderson wrestIers have coilected. several med"l. At Whitby- schools participating hi thwen r igworthteacher ý,at TrafalgarCastle School, ,says the school plans te have its event after the March break. , "We're deflnitely going te par- ticipate and I thfinkit'.î a great program," she says. Michael Peever, teacher at Father Austin, isays 3the program, is urn on t e back-bur because ,o! the teachers' work- to-rule. Hîe s:ays he hopes the sehool will paricipate hi the prograra sometime next month.. World Vision Canada i.i organizing the program acros. the cnrand expects about 125,000 1peo l tarticipate thus year, says Glen Langford, area manager for central and north- ern Ontario. it realy upports what the teachers are trying te teach the situdents," he says. About 87,000 pole paricipa- ted in- the 30-heour ifafme pro gam in '1991 and helped rais. $1.8 millionï,heisays. Hie says . the alm i. te rais. $2.4 million this ïear te help fund food aid an cemnmuniy development work' iBrazil, Thailand,, Mozambique and other third world countries.'*' Reaàlly, there'ne ýshort'age of food, just an' improper distribu- tion network," lie says. Anyone interested i- P*artici- pating in the program or for informnation should caîl the. 30- heur famine hotline, 1-800-387- JANDER SO 08.V1 Paul Rowe brought in a bronze for bis class, and Kyle Hahn placed fourth in. the, tough division.' - On .uesday, they travelled te the. Cobourg novice teurnament' and placed fourth overail among more than 30 teams. Tii. following wrestlers remi undefeated: Junior. Anderson, Jaber Al-Zawati, Corey 'Twinkle Toes' Bayford, Bruckman, Clisi Long and Rewe. Congratulations, boys. Tryouts are beginning for Anderson'. fashion show that wil be held in April. It may seem a bit premature te begin at sucli an early date, but it takes a lot of prepatration. The outcome -i. always snsationail and ail the. liard work and he urs spent are, worth it. Badminton tryouts have begun aie. Good luck te everyone. Anderson i. aie workin bard at producing a play called 'When Ged Cames te Breakfast, You Don't Burn the. Toast;'.Onice again, ail the. heurs spent worlcing and practising result in a great performance and show of talent that- wiIl b.e joyed by many. I look ferward te s.eing these productions. Lest ' riday night was ,Andersn.Velentine's dance, a reat succes. that brought love inte the hearta of several %nderson students. Severel .Anderom students are' prcbably countig 'the day. until 'Mardi ,5. There' is an exhnetaking -place between our 'sècl - ea nd -a' chool in Austria.- Those satudtents who tae German courses at-Anderson are oligiblèrý or. Lhistrip !a etime. -llavinit tmVelWiieh're invoelÇ I.at'l Cui NOMMU Students. to undergo 30hour famine I 0 1 3 0 r HEUYSte igh Sehool students, uecondary students who took part in lnclud»ng-(huom -ieft) Minette Van the. 'MOLE '92' student leadership Der, Linde, 'Heather Forsliaw andi conference at Henry Feb. 8-10. Jnfer , Reeks were among 250 Photo b>Eaimuo Boucher. Whitby'Jr.. Pro. HER STEE HM..COO dw - 1 1 R&W xqà&»m»àim XV-4, -----lL ,b . W,777

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