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Whitby Free Press, 19 Feb 1992, p. 27

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,~I~Y7~ESS8W A~4~A4Y rL9r L9q2, PAGE .97 .......LE at i CA$qéHi 'N DA$H 701 Dundas Street West, Whitby Phone: 666-8711 Fax: 666-8728 AIL TYPES 0F CHEQUES CASHED Income Tax Service Mail Box ]Rentais CHE QUE US DOUT! N EED MECHANICAL, auto body or peint jobs done on your.auto? For good rates & reliable work, cali 434-8191. KLEEN KUT UPHOLSTERY. Re-upholstery of, antiques.. Alil kinds of recovering. Your fabric or mine. Free estimates. Over 40 y ears experience. 430-7568, Whitby. CUSTOM DESIGN and dress- making. Weddin~ and evening gowns,- bridesm ais & g rads, suits, ec. Renovation and alternation. Garments ý also- -made from a picture. 72?3,259. Fre eadma.es 576-7503 FEEL. SAFE ln your awn homel Alarm systemp instalîed fram $399. Cail Dékker, Security- for more inoraton 46M7. CARPET INSTALLATIONS and flooring. Reasonable rates. Cali Chris, 404-2974. Twsnty years experlence. Good deals. BROOKUN - LARGE ROOM. close ta ail ameities. Available now. Cail Dave, 416-985-0856. FURNISHED ROOM for rent. Share bath & kitchen. Close toaail amenities. Cali after 6 p.m. 666-3776. MOTEL ROON nom' Brooklin available-for rent: weekly $125, monthiy $400. Cail 655-5308. inn m esmmmi m me eMne M n mmm mi m mom mm *Paper Products, including, newspaper, comprise 36per! cent of the garbage placed aat curbside for*' - *pickup each week. A Il of it is recyclable. - 3 IBEDROOM COMPLETE homo, centraly Iocated In Whftby. Asking $750 plus utiltes. Please cali aller 5 p.m., 430-8820. VANSTONE TERRACE - 3 bedroam house, newly renovated, $850 per month.- Call between 1 nM m 11Af n A &Q ngn WHITBY - 3=BEDROOM taown- hous, West ynde. Schoals, Ousssnoij.qjîîi~.rr & ia&. Referenc1.925+. For applica- tion, 723-287t. Avalable March «L RETAIL SPACE FOR LEASE. Creative rentai arrangements. 668-1468,9&am.to 5p.m. BALSAM KE waI $Tf oRAO collage, 3 bedrooms,. winterized carport and gazebo, .$159,900. Marions AuMkema, 436-1800, NRS Reaty One Ina., Reaftor. DISCOUNlT CABErS~ meghquaIty mustm bu* it&tdMa, entaetajomenitsR, fnitur, The Mutuaiî Group-.ý HERB TRAN. çall for quoation 725-6564.; RRIFs - ~ANUTE GICs muRS* RESERVE NOW for car, boat & trailer storage. Indoor& outdoor. Cali 668-1834. Demk Dutka Specializing in tax & retirement plannirng since 1986 >1CALL 434-6119 FOR AN APPOINTMENT. ia nca Cnep We..lve'ly ONE,,BEDROOM APT. available March" 1,' $575 monthly. Indludes fridge, stove, parking & utilities. Aply at 110 Victoria St., Apt. #5. 666-0271 or 728-2969. WHITBY - CLEAN one-bedroom. eo rtments, centrally located. Quiet- residential area. Quiet, non-smoker preferred. Avallable lmmediately. From $495/month. Cal 666-3883, (message) or 668-3011 (evenings). WHITBY - AFFORDABLE two- bedroom rentai apartments available for immediate occupancy. Quiet, dlean building wlth easy access ta 401 and numerous sronng conveniences. Viewing on Saturday, Feb. 22, 10 a.m. ta p..adSunday, Feb. 23, 10 a.m. ta 3 p.m. at Woodfarm Manor, 1525 NichaI Ave., Whitby (Dundas/ Thickson area), or for iniformation, please cali 436-6610. NOW RENTINO - WHITBY. Thickson RdiDryden Bivd. 1. 2 & 3 bedroom units. Included are utilities, fridge, stove, broadloom throughout, laundry & storago facilit les, outdoor &- underground parking. Playground for children. No pes plications may be Ëpicked UDrha _uig, 16 15 Dundasu&StE., 4th floor, Whitby, or calI 436-6610 for information. L1ARGE,"A CULATE ,.one- bedroam par ment, ground floar. Al Inclusiv, $590 per month. AvallabIe now. Whltby, 666-5056. WHITBY - NICE, open concept - 1 bedroom basement *apartment. Includes fridge, stove, carpet, laundry. Separate ent rance, g arage & parking. $595 inclusive. 668-5802. 1-BEDROOM APT., basement, west Whltby. Share laundry & kitchen. privaIs entrance. Prefer nan-smoker, employed. Refer- onces ledis & last req uired. $350/month. 668-9780, after 5 p-. LARGE 2 BEDROOM - Centrai Whitbiy, new building. Broadloom throughout, covered pakalng, free cable. $795. Availabe March «L 668-4643. BROOKUN - BEAUTIFUL, cean, large 1-bsdroom apt. Fridge, slave poarkigclose ,ta ail amenitiesq Hcro extra. Avaiabe now. $595 per month. 655-4544 days, 655-8989 evenlings. I E nR Am F =I Nz=" PRIVATE- MORTGAGES - the paeto go wheni youir bank says ENO.n Serving Whitby since 1973. 668-7200. A NU BIS INVESTMIENS. MORTOAGES AND LANfor any purpose, from as iow as 825o. Quick a_pproval. Ai app cai cosnsidered. 'Raycan CHESTERFIELD S,éUITES, love- seats, sectionals, Iess than half price. Large selection. McKeen furnit ure, 524 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. Phone 725-5181. UKE NEW - DIAMOND solitaire wedding set with appralsa l aers., $600 o.bo. Fuii-length, weddi:ng gown & head dress, size 5,.$350 o.b.o. By appointment ànly. 432-0975. FOR SALE BY tuner - rebuilder: 3 uprights, reconditioned inside, Grand 6'2" W/B,- player piano W/B, both reconditioned. insîde & out. Piano & Keyboard. PortHope, 1-416-885-6440. ANTIQUE UPRIGHT GRAND pilano $1,000. Antique Duncan Phyfe buffet $1,000.'Tanning b.d $1,C00. Prices negotiabie. Cali 434-2992, ask for Ann. BRITISH CIGARETTE and- tee cards. Varlous taplcs Comple sets oniy. Framing service avail~- able. Grand Slam, Enterprises, 721-0191. SPORTS CARDS « aIl current. products'avallable aI Grand SIam Enterprlses, 1910 DudsS.E (corner Dundas & Garrard).,We wll not knowlngWiyb. undersold by other card shops. REPOSSESSED water softening systems selling $495 & up. Dura Cube pure sait:'50 lbs/$6, 80 ibsl $9. Ultra violet purifi!ers & bulbs, for ail màkes. Repairs to aIl makes of water system.s. 655-4544. HOCKEY CARDS 192 O-Ps.- Ches premniers availàblëedaIGrand Slam Enterprises,. 1910 Dundas St. E., WhItby (corner of Dundas a. Garrard). No dealers pleas. > [..... ..'i ARE YOU* HAVING TROUBLE getting auto insurance because, of age, poor driving, record or suspension of license? Perhaps we can help. Phono 666-2090. CROSS CANADA, MARKETPLACE m5s FAST - IrS EASYI ONE CALL, ONE BILL"DOOES IT AL. THINK BIG - CALL THIS NEWSPAPER FOR DETAILS.. VACATION/TRAVEL CANAL CRUISES;lve daysabahard KAWARTHA VOYAGEUR. scenic Tranî-Severn Waterway or Rideau Canal, pivale alale-roomai. meals. fre brochure; write Captala Marc. Box 6. Orillia. L3V6Hg19;(105> 327-5767. SOUTH CAROLINA.- MYRTLE B3EACH REMIRT. Oceanîronî condos, housakeeping provided. Indoor pools. saunas, tennis. Gol and vacation packages: winler rentaIs tram S$400hnonlh. Fiee brochure: 1-800-448-563. FLORIIDA TRAVELLERS. Haie doas S.fO/person/night sound7 Across Floulda. ln mosl major holel chains. Sand lori nfomation package: TRAVEL. 46 Bethuna. IGrkland. MAKE THE IIALIBURTON Highlands Tourisi raglan pour destination point for daienhili and x--country skiing, snow1mabiing. or relaxalibon. Telaphone aur Tourisa Hollie ai 1-800461-7677, Ext. 40. PERSONAL ADOPTION: cao answer bolh aur prayers. The ana lhing more preciaus Ihan oursalves is our children. Woîred about your unboin babys future? Lais lalk. Caliect (416) 924-2141. OUJT 0F TOWN PROPERTIES PROPERTIES TO BE SOLD for unpaid taxes. Crowri Land avaîlabulil>,. For informatioanan bath Write: Properlias. Dept. CN, Box 538. Sin F Ottawa, K2C 3JI REAL ESTATE FOR SALE BV OWNER. Reach the Tranto buyers market via lelevisian. Lai us show Vour home or caltage. From ani>, S79.00 iwaek. FSBO Adveîtising (4161 729- 2999. (416) 7260371. FARM REAL ESTATE FARM FOR SALE - 625 aires, irrigaîed, 10w taxes, hause, Implement shed. In Taxas. Avaid iigh costsilaw pricas in larmng. T1hs p our opportuni», 1519) 844-2409. ARTICLES FOR SALE LINEN HOUSE INC., doien duveta regular ina ein589.; double $114.: queen $127. New lrom Denmark hein $120.; doubla $145.. qucen $158. Susan Abildgaard l-( 4 x 4 OWNERS. Manuacturer clearance. Pickup taîlgate nais $21.95, Samurai, Tacker. Jeep Bikini Tops $39.95. Replacement tops $189.95. Gamin> Sales, 4736 East Hastings. umaby, BC. VSC 2K7. (04> 294-4214. STEEL BUILDINGS STEEL BUILDINGS. 1992 Farm Equipment Show. Special on ail modela and sizes ram 20'ta 10Y wide. large selasction. Cali Future 1 -800668-865. BUILDINGS- IF A SIDE-BY.SIDE coroparison la whai il lakas ta pick out the bea dlawest ... we'ra ail for il, Now, tor a limiIed lima - Facai>, Direct ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. Ex. 25 a 30 value $3.125, Noie $2,374. Save 5$754. 40 s 120 valua 514.088. Now,511,288. Sava S2.800. Cal Pioncer 1800668-5422. DEST BUILDING PRICES.- Steel strailiesîl typa.- not quonsel - 32x54 57344. 40x72 $10.276; 50s90 $15.882. 80a126 $22.972 - aîha, sizas avaitabla.- year end. -ciemranc - Paragan - 24 llous 14-.263-8499. AZ PRE-ENG. BUILDINGS INC. New types, sleal/ood. quansal. cladding. For true valua, action & ansera - WalIy (4 ,16) 626-1794 aller 60m. waekands. Frais Your ad could appear in community new spa or any Indivlduai province. Spaco is Limi SPAN-TECH STEEL BUILDINGS - Noie you can gel steel lramed buildings et wood rame prica,, CSA,& CWB certitcd. For frec brochures. caîl Ioda> 1-800-561'2200. CAREER TRAINING. LEARN AUCTIONEERING aIt1the Southwestern School af Auctionearlng. Neal ciasa: March 14 - 20. Information, contact: SoUthwe.-ter Ontario Schooî of Auctioneeiing. R.R.OS. Woodstock, Ontaria, N4S 7V9. (519) 537-2115 . EARN A SECOND INCOME. Incomne Tex or Bookkeeping courses b>, correspondence. Fiee brochures. No obligation. U & R Tax Services, 1345 Pembina Highway, Wnnpeg. Manitoba R3T 2B6. 1-800-66-5144. HELP WANTEO ,SUMMER EMPLOYMENT raquired for Ontario canal ship. Live aboard. May 1 tOct. 12. Require cooks, sarvers, deckhands. AppI>, in handwriting. Ontario Waterway Cruisas. Box 6, Orîllia, 1.3V 6H9. Shipas Hosl(ess), Ontario canal ship. Uiv, aboard. May, 4/Oct. 14. Supervisa cooks, sarvers, dackhands. Related supervision axperienca assanlial. Handwriten application, Ontario Wataîway Qruises. Box 6. Orilla. 1.3V 6Hg. FIEPORT ER/pholographer - naespaper in Norîhern Manitoba. Dulies: communil>, avenîs. pholography & ornais. Rasuma & sampla: Joan Tailiori. Ediior. Opasquia Times. Box 750. Th1e Pas. MB R9A' 118. SALES HELP WANTED MUSIC CAN MAKE YOU RlICH. Market ou, 2 for i'Music Counon Book wilh Iramatîdous savings and tr opical vacauion. Large banuses. High profila. Great opportuni>,. Cal 1-800-263-1900. SERVICES WILL PROBATING? Racenl>, named axeculor? Cal> tha fllt time prolassionala. Wa-caîi save you moniha oftima BANKRUPTCY? New book remis sacreis about yo ur credil raing. Knaw pour righls. Send S.A.S E. for FREE details. Sîeaka Pubiishing. Box 1253. Part Doser. Ontaria NOA INO. BUSINESS, OPPORTUNITIES GREAT OPPORTUNITY. Stan pyour own underground, lawn sp inkler compas>,. Hot naw busines ai the ninelies. EASY INCOME apportunity. Become sell-employed. Na more rat race. Nol MLM. SASE. for cornplete details. R. Whilne, Box 89, Markdaia. Ont. NC I HO Cal> <519) 794- 3077. MISCELLANEOUS GUN BARGAINS; Save up la 40% on sane item. The GunRunnar la a monthly newspapar devotad exclusivaly lo the' sala, purchase and Irade oI modem and antique fireaims and accessories. 523. par year or $2. ample opy. The GunRunnar Newspapar. Box 5658. Lelhbrkige. <AB. TIJ 3Z4. MUISCAL INSTRUMENTS »HOWTO PLAY POPULAR PIANO. .Naw home îtudy course. Fast. ama>, meîhad. Guarantaed. Frac intonnalon. Write: Poptar Muaic. Studio (120). 1031054 Eigs. Klowna. BC. VIY IZI.î EDUCATIONAL OPPORTIJNITIES' LOG BURDUIKICkFEERPafl l/di La Ekcg&1SxîIcmr courses begivng Apri 13b. Tn week4$2 .htaim*ee. lapers in'ontarlo, or rfght acrose canada, nlted. so Cai This Newspaper.Todayl BLANKET ADS ARE'NOW "CROSS CANADIAMARKETPLACE' To reacit a wider market, advertise tuhout the rogionalmiembersh4p oflte Ontario and Canadien Cmm= />,NowspapýerAssodions Ceýn îral Ontaria 55 neespapers -$160 for 25 words M Il Ontario 171-naespapers - $350 for 25 woîds AIlCanda 572nars-$7 for 25 sord For further Information please cail the Whtby Free Poess diasslfleds - 668-0594 --- ---------- - ------------------- ;-.ý ................... .. .................. ee P rio il * - -:ý î iiii 1 11 - - ----------- - im r à- 1

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