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Whitby Free Press, 19 Feb 1992, p. 29

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WHITrBY FREE PRlESS, WEDNESDAY,,FEBRUARY 19, 1992, PAGE 29' MII 11.., I..I...... CORPORATION 0F THE TO\e*WN 0F WI4ITBY I CONTRACT TENDER-W92-22 Hanngg, 9FlowerBasketBaàrréi Maintenan ce CONTRCT TENDER W92-26 Rurai/Urban Roadelde Grounds Maintenan'ce ONTRACT TENDER W92-27 Parks Property and Urban Boulevard Grounds, Maintenance Tenders for th. abovewil b. eceived by Ginny Lociç Purchaslng Agent, unlil 2.00 p.m., Wednesday, March4, 1992. Specifications and tenderfoms are avaable eath. Town of Whby Tmuy Departmt, 75 Roosland Road East Whitby, Ontauio. Telephone <416) 68-6f03 Extension 236. A certified chequelin the amunt of 10% 0f th. tender amount muet accompany oachb d. Lowest or any tender flot nocesa"y acceptod. GINNY LOCK PURCIIASING AGENT UN LOVING MEMORY of Eleanor Pffa)Bryant who pass.d away eray21991. Vour volce we cmnnot hear, Vour hand we cannot touch, But w. wlll nover forget you, W. love you V"r much. Lovingy remembered by her grancIhildren, Janet and RAchelle THANK -YOU, LO~WhtyPoUk1sonlFlreflhters Loca 206 wold lketo thankail those who contributed to the Muscular Dysbrphy'Fill th. Boor cr drn gils yeaYs Santa Clau arae. fanks tota h.many r:msdonations, we wern able Lraseover $5.000 for MD. Firofightems would aisa like -to 1hank the parente and chilkuen who visited FirehalI #3 for pictures and refreshmente. On behalf of al the membors of ,th. WhItbý Professional Fireflhters Association we wsh you and your famnilies ail éibestl NEED HELP? J.A.C. Associates, workers' compensation specialiste. 666-0047. I.I.....I.......S IPE SO AL THANKSTO'THE 'SIX 'MEN who lifted my car from the raliroad tracks off of Hwy. 12 near Mud Lake Rd. Wednesday, Feb. 12. On. man sald ho needed a good laugh, 1 hope he gotiR. TI-ANKS TO ST. JUDE and the Sacred H eart of Jesus for favours rocoived. Ma the Sacred Heart of Jesus b. adored, glorified, loved and preservod throughout the world now and forevèr. Oh Sacred Heart of Jesus pray for us, St. Judo worker of miracles pray for us, St. Judo helper of the hopoless pray for us. Say this prayer nine times a day. By the oighth a your p rayer will b. 'answerei regardloss of how hoploss .your situation seoms. Publication must b. promised. AM. BIRTH CONTROL andý famnily planing ounsellin.,Free and Friday, 830 a.m. a 4:30 p.m. C inie every -Thursday 3 to 6 p.m. For further Information, calI- 420-8781 or 433-8901. LOSE WEIGHT and/or Quit Smoking'- Easily by using our Amazlng habit control tapes. Only $9.95 oa. plus $150 'tax and.$3.50 S&H. Order both for oÃ"nly $22.90, we pay tax, S&H and you savo $7. Send chqu or, money order today, to: Systomatic- ContraI, 8 Midtown Dr., Suite 164, Dept. M, Oshawa. Ont. L1J 8L2. THANKS TO ST. JUDE and the Sacred Heait 0f Josus for favours recoived. May the Sacred Hoart of Josusbe adored,'gloriid, lovod and presorved thraughout th. world now mnd forovor. Oh, Sacred Heart- 0f Jesus pray for us, St. Judo workor 0f miracles pray for us, St. Judo, holper of tho hap 1eos pray for us. Say this prayer9 lImes a day. By thoeleghth 'day yaur prayers wlll ^bà.,anwered, regardless 0f how hopeless your si4uatlon seems.Publicatin must bô..promLsed. Thanks gûiven-*for prayers< answered. LM. CINDY'S ALTERATIONS. Leather, ladies' and men's alterations, prom dresses, custom tailoring. Tues. through Sat. 101-V2 Mary St. W., Pearson Lanes. 430-6550. CASH LOANS $500 AND UP. Al plications quickly processed, garles ofpast credit rt'_ng. Must h emloyed. 436-8104, 24- hour asweringservice. A ITERATIONS BY MARY. Give rur old wardrobe a new lift. No ob Is too small. Ladies' & men's talaoring ai reasonable prices. 6-10 p.m. 436-1448. TIIANKS TO STr. JUDE and the Sacrod, Headt of Josus for favours rec.lved. May the Sacrod Heart 0f Josus bi adored, gloriid, laved azid preservod. throughout the world now and forevor. Oh, Sacrod Heait 0f Josus pray for us, St. Judo worker of miracles pray for us, St. Judo holper of th. hiopéeoss pray for us.-Say this brayer 9 limes. a day. By tho olgýth day your, prayors wl I bo inwed, rogardloss of how hopeoss your situation soems. Publication must ho promlsed. Thanks gl¶ion for prayors answored. JW. SEWING SERVICE- Children's clothos, window coveringsa, duvets, etc. Also s ome afterations. Quality work 436-0313. BAHA'IS BEUEVE: Farsako -ail ovil, hold fast that whlch ls good. For information and discussion, cail 668-8665. WOMEN IN ABUSIVE relation- ships. For help, cail the Denise House for Women and Children. Toîl free, 1-800-263-3725 or 728-7311. Confidentiality assured. (Formerly Auberge.) AUCTION SALE "KAHN COUNTRY AUCTIONSOU Every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. Locat ,ed on Brock Rd., Piokerin , 3 miles north of Hwy. 401 (exit #399). Featuring every Wed. an excellent selection of antiques, fine furniture, glass, china, collectiblos, primitives and the unusuals. So join us eve.y Wed. and participato *in one of Ontario's 'true' auctions with, no buy-backs or resorv es. "Consign- ment and ostate '.solling aur specialty." CalIl. us today. Previews from 1 p.m. KAHN AUCTION SERVICES (416) 683-0041 CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN * FRIDAY, FEB. 21AT 6 P.M. Theppe of Mms. Mernie Moore of Little6p8erfain plus others. 9 PC. walnut dlnlng rm. ste.,, walnut drop-front desk,' wainut 'arlour tables, oac' plant stands, blanket box, vanity dresser & stool, walnut dresser, wicker rocking chairs, pin. lamp tables, chrome kitchen ste., co-oli lamps, single box sprln g & mattress, 6 ft. pin. table, occl. chairs, cabinet sewing machine, chesterfields, mahogany sido-by-slde (vey ornte ant us mahoaysideboard oak lumber, basampspower hkn tools, 8 HP Mastercrajtrldlng lawnmower, air compressor, qty. china, glass & collectibles. Open faor showing Thurs., Feb 20 botween 7 & 9 p.m. DON & GREG CORNEIL R.R. #1, LITTLE BRITAIN 1-705-786-2183 TOO MANY Kfl1NS? WANT A PUPPY? Che& tIhe tasWlfodafor üItiatal pet, or tg IWndmhatpoclhome. SATURDAY'S AUCION ACTION SAT -FES. 22 AT'630ý P.m EVEII SATURDAY NIGHT. AT 6:30,P.M. AT THE PETHICK'ý AUCTION BRN,.8 MILES NORTH O F BOWMAN VILLE, EAST OFF DURHAM f57, At THE 8TH CO0F NEWCASTLE. This woek the baàlance 0 f Oshawa' ostato ta include Kenmoro washer & dryor, maplo tablew & côhairs, hutch & corner, cabInet, .choster- field -ste coffo. & end "tabea, oak china cabinets, eleclric organ, lots of estato jewolry, dressers, glas & china, sllerware, ý lots* of china, ethnicesome are voery old dolîs, limteci odition pnints & lots more I a ,.unpack. A lg. sale. Viowing from '5 .mTorms are cash, .choque or ,s.For.more" informaIdon, calI 416-263-4252. Sais, managod& sold by:ý GARRY K. POWELL AUCTIONS ESTABUSHED CRAFT' allery conslgnment space avallablo for ,,aI7 hand-crafted items. Phone SMALL POODLE PUPPIES for sae.Cli 655-3020. PUPPIES FOR SALE- Husky/ Calle cross, $25 each. Moher fros 10 good home. 655-5418. ITo isten ta these people in their own volce,cal 1-416-976-1991, enter code 3 when prompted, enter 1 Ifor personal ads and thon the box number ln the ad. ...or you can browse through ail of thern. You wfll be billed on your phone bill for 994 per minute to a maxcimum of 3 minutes THOSE- WISiUNG TO RESPOND to box numbers shown below, blase do not send rosponsos 10 the Whitby Free Press. This syslom ls a valce mail systemn. To eccese, call 1-416-976-1991 - SOMEWHERE OUT THERE has 10 be an empioyed, 'fun-loving man, mgo 30 to 40, for a prafossional, Pr ttyî full-figured mom aof two. Box M02. ACTIVE MA LE, 35, likes sports, theatro, movios & good conversation would like ta meet intelligent, 'witty, sincere and attractive lady. Reply ta Box 1005. MALE - 24 likes music, movies, cauntry ;wafks, uiet fevenings,. seeks hans, inteuigont femnaifo rolatianship. Not inta mind gamnes. Box 1002. ESTABLISHED GENT would like ta meet an attractive lady wvho is fit, romnantic, into mavies, dinfing out, etc. Box 1000. MARRIED MALE, 34, ioaking for sigle orý married fomale belween 20 & *35 for friendship. Must b. very discreet. Box 1003. HI, I LOVE MUSIC, danng& sports. I have blonde hair, 22year 0id Sokg a talI, >romanitl mrail. Bo9000. BUSINESS LADY seeks __________ considerate, rofinod, stable, prafessonal gentleman, 50 to,55, î- with good sonso of -humour for t sinicero rolatlonship. Box 2001:' HARDWORKING, honostgu, 25, working, gaod looking, tlu, seokin9 good looking, hanest waman. Enjoys sports and movies. I_ Box 1007. ~' SINGLE GUY, 349 is oknfra single,.voung lady fo last5n relaion.p. njoys matorcycles, working out & long walks. Replyta fro BOX 1001il HANDSOME MALE, 32, seeks eslablished aider ladies. Very discreet. Reply t9jBox 1008. PEUJFi i i 9 -7ri Fifi Due to technical difficulties, two ads appeared *Iast week which callers were unable to access. At press thme. this problm hdstili lot ' been resolved, and so theseads have been remfovedfor this week. They wiIJ be-reinserted when_: ' the -problemis' corrected. We regret any inconvenience this may.have 'caus'ed. g *-----~------'-~--------.---------------------------------*- -.----*-----------.----- ~ i :' ~ .? ~ ~ - - - . - - - . .~. - - - ~~~1'~.~ -. PSYCHIC & SPIRITUAL Pc ADVISOR Monday f0 Frlday 9 a.m. o 9yrm.

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