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Whitby Free Press, 19 Feb 1992, p. 7

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PAGE SEVEN Telecomferencing T1ii. foilowing triiscrpt arrived ini Free Pros, offices in an unmarked brown vanilla envelope with chocolat. toph No identifing-marks. W. thought, "What the. heck."Thi purports t. b. a three-way telephone conversation. <Briain: So I said t. thoee reporters, "Why should I listen t. a buich of crazy crackpots?" Box You mean those folks in Peterboroughi? Bràma 'Thedabefor, in0Orillia, Iendup wtia finger up my* ne. In Peterboroughi tiere are five Urnes as many people. Should I end up witii five fingers up my nose? Jean:. It would pleae a good many people. What I did this week wasj for a trip t. where is it you say? Washington. An Itl eBush guy, I say, "George, this fretrade deal we would have t. talk about.mare more." BrIawn: Easy or, you ýt. talk1,Jean. Epeialywn George couldnt understand 'a word yusi.Tiie Americansare 1k. that Witii people who speak a foreigu obCan we bring tht. teleconference cail t., order and get ownt. usiess 1' paingfor Ontarlo'. share of tus cli..W. don't have unimted long-distance budgts tii... days., .Blan: Bey, you want a good demi on phone cafls, you shouid slipdonht., Buffalo. Did you know yucnoi Ottawachmpr oran hour from tiierethan rm Jen:Y h ier Americans, tiiey sure don't know iiow^ tput thie tât.pedple. Gar, maybe we couid eport Mmre our wisdom in dat area. Bob Just get on with it, Brian. Briami04y. Bler.'. -the poop. I calied YOU two guys becausel1need younbhelp. You need mine. Alyoubhave t. do is trust me. .Bobs Notý the easiest job in tiie worid.. Can you get down t., specifics? Brian: MRgiit.- It's tii.protestora. Those skuzz -baga out on the street. Orîllia, Peterborugh, everywiiere I go. 1 know youre setting up that wiiole tiiing. If youl U ein off; lve got a deal you an't refuse. Bra me.w a I convince people that everything is well in our fai land when tii... ya-whoos loeep showing upon t.levision every niglit. I know moot of them are cDail'nd. rcrackpots. So what n mking is: Bob, Bobx Brian, ameest. me this is a federai matter. You want t., talk about federai-provinciai rights and stuf% go aiiead. Shouldn't you b. talking t. Audrey? Bria What? And tip tii. media off that mii. existé? The. media started takring ber omrously, she shows up on the news once and a whil and botii Jean and I are dead in the. wat.r, eh Jean?- Jean: as nothinç t. do wietiie face mii is a woman. Righ, Brian? As ItoliGeorge the otiier day.. Briam Coming down tii. pike, riglit very soon, could bu smre magical fumds we just happened t. find inithe. budget. Maybu itls money we didn't have t. pay in interest when the. interest rates went down. Maybe tes extra money fi-cm the GST as tiie economy rebounda. Get tiie drift? Bob You mean ldnd of big mony for roads and Sewers and iiighways and capital coStruction stuif 1k. that? Bria (In a ccer, parental voice): WeDl, we just neyer know, do w.? But if we arei god, good boys Jean: But you can't brib. me. What can'- you possibly ofer that I woud b. interest.d in? Besidesgo' Mb Blaun:Wi, noW tat you mention kVûCA f S craqy hound doge or 111 begn b~y ignoering you complèely. lmp tiin at Petoix Manning eists. £eumBut tiiat wouid giveb credibfityl Ban: Strange , ion t Ithat I culd give hum soretiiing that neitiier you nor I wiJ ever agan have? BOU You mean that'RI we bhave t. do? Cail off the proeser, ad ouwMM sarésnding us busiiels of money t.get th.emoeioeny giagain? BRilan:Weilyes ve woud want credit frthe kick start, but we would have t. have Jemns word here.tbat b. wouldn% t«nu inthat wereea ou wrd Jean: You can count C'a me. W. businesspeplémust stick tagether. Brian: I just.want people t. like me. Why do peope BESIDENCE 0F WILIM SC(IT GOLD, GREEN AND C OLBORNE MT.9 C. 1909 This brick house, now 'Stairways,' was built in the 1870s by Thomias Deverell, a Whitby contractor. It was the home of William Scott Gold from 1899 to 1909, and of Arthur Henry Allin, a druggist, froni 1912 to 1945. Mr. Allin remodelled it in 1938. Whitby' Archivephoto 10 YEARS*AGO fron the Wednesday, February 17, 1982 edition of the' WHIB FREE PRESS "* The Oshawa-Whitby Social Planning Council wants Town land designated for non-profit housing. " Witbys fire losses in 1981 amounted to $575,750. *Whitb Theatre Comipany is presenting « Cause Celebre' at the, Centennial Building. *Coal Tom McLoughlin of the Whitby Iroquois Swim Club has received an achievenient award froni the Ontario Swim Coaches Association. from3the A S AGO frmteThursday, Februaiy 21, 1957 edition of the WHrrBY WEEIKLY NEWS " The Newman subdivision between Hery and Annes Sts. will begin construction soon on 119 lots. " Tii. Town of Whitby wants more overpasses on. Highway 401 to link residential and industrial areas. " Whitby Wonien's Institut. le the second oldest in the world., " Ratepayers want Burns St. opened froni King St. to Henry St. 100 YEARS AGO from the Friday, February 19, 1892 edition of the WHIYCHRNICLE 0 Brooklin undertaker Clarkson Redman lias a funeral every day this week. a Carleton Lynde, son of Whitby pioneer Jabez Lynde, died at Mitchell, Ont. on Feb. 10. * The skating rink is deserted as everyone is attending political speeches for the upcoming federal election. *Mr.- Langmaid's residence, opposite Jerry Lock's (Sunnycrest Nursing home.in 1992), was destroyed by fire on Feb. 15.

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