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Whitby Free Press, 26 Feb 1992, p. 13

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WIilTBYflEE mPIMe8W£DNESD)AY, FEBUARY2S, 1992. 'PAGE 13 l AJAX MAYOR JIM WrITfY (left)'and Jerryps own'er Jerry Beiz at the officiai openlug of Jerry's new Nax store. Jerry now lias fourstores, but isn't flnlshd yet. Heps conslderlng openlng another in Wbitby, and outiets in Osh- awa, Bowînanvifle and Peterboroughi. Photo by Mark Eoeur, WhItb~y 'r«. Pro New' store-in Ajax, but Jerry' s.flot finished yet By Mark Reesor Business, labour and govern- ment have to work together to put the proince's economy back together agam. That's the tut of aleter by Durham ]Region Manufacturer? Association president Des New- man to Ontario Premier Bob Rae and Labour Minister' Bob McKenzie. The letter states- DRMA's oppostion to prose changes in the Ontario Labur ]Relations Act. "We are ail very worried,» Newman states."Worried about our ability to maintain our busi- ness; worried about the economic seuiyof oùrselves and- the pple we work with; worried abut keeping jobs, paying mort- gages and feeding and raising Our ftaiilies.' Ontario manufacturers are in «serlous trouble,»' write. New- man, "i an Increasingly tough batti, te thrlve and grow - no, just te setay 'Von... 'Thiathen is clearly flot the time to lntrouc measures that may have an adverse effect on our economy.»? Newman sayo the legisiation should b. used'to improve trust and co-operation betWeen labour and employees .- the propo.ed changes "appuariiehave -dons the opposite. He also complains that employets haven't been given enough 4ime te coment on the "F the government deems that scme aspects of the propo.ed legislation absolutely. must be mntroduced, then we would urgm.. exempting those sectors at risk.. foremioot among:st these is manu- fac-turing.0 Newmian urges the govern- ment te form a bdy consistinq of aIl interested arties te examine theerocoed anges. sol te encourage job.creation, imves. ment, employament stability, com- petitivonesa *and.. economic grow!th ... » - yMark Reesor Back i 1984 B.J. - SBefore Jer9'~ prices i the Whitby/ Oshawa ans. were the highest in Ontario. Jerry Belz, then with8Shoer Dru fMrtIound that out doing stuiesof heprovince. ><'So I flgured there's a good place te openup. were sow frthe fiset two and a halfyears. <'We said 'Jerir%'shors' and they said 'Who is Jerry?... a lot of people were hesitant te try a new stère.» But "It'à gone veiy well sice,» so, much se that Jerry lkeste say 9I revolutionized the whole world by startig in Whitby.» Jerr opened a second store in Pickrln in 1985, hi. third in WestHIii in 1990, and afourth hijxlast year - but he's not uWe'd ketegoite another one in Whitby, like t o to Oshawal Bowmzanviile, Peter. boroiuh stay in the general area. »h Jerry says -the secret te hi. succesa i. lôw prices aIl the time. "EverAthing disunted, every day... the big thing i. the every- day aspect. Wegive afree roll of filmn, we give it every day of the year. Some stores "run a promotion for two weeks maybe.» « Another secret, he says, is «our stores are controllable and run locally... you'lve gt t run this type of thing andbe right there. <Ir a fantastic deal comes up w. can say yes iight away, and buýy it. W. don't have te put it te a buyig gcommitteè... «<Othèe) have te go te buyin committees and diicuss an come back a week lator. Ies not alw!tys available.Y ~â. » E.U.W~ ~', . The Whitby Chamber of Commerce is hoeting the annual 'Alrthe-Bugeebreakfast seminar on Thursday, Feb. 27 at the Réea Room of the Centennial Building, Centre St., Whitby, 7:.45 te 9:45 a.m. The. seminar wiil bo presented by Deloitte & Touche, BDO Dunwoody Ward Mallette and Sutherland Hobb & Partners, chartered accounting firme. Informnation -presented wil iterpret the federal budget and its impact on business. A continental breakfast will be served. Coot for the sieminar is $12 (includ;Ag GST) for Chaniber of Commerce members and $20 plus 81.40 GST for non-members. Cali the Chamber office at 668-4506 to, make reservations for the seminar. JIM MCINNON Of Dupont Canada lue. of Whitby was one of those recognized on Feb. 20 as found- ing mnembers of the Human Resources Protes- sionas Association of Durham - - ------ --- WIty re P.. concept "Group Cail me now for an overview of your financial health! DEREK DUTKA Sèrving the Whitby - Osha wa Area Work together to revi ve economy,, says DRMA. president 416-434-611-9ý

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