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Whitby Free Press, 26 Feb 1992, p. 16

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PAGE 16, WIITY FREE PRESB, WEDNESAYX ~AY26p 1992 Canadian show company ny cets Ca nadian exhibito ris produced '12 ono-day computer exhibitions oach yoar. . fWe feeli that, had we invited non-Canadian companies ,ta, exhibit in our shows, it woule ho no different, tian sup"* cross-border shopping," oays .Prmarl hsmove was aixned at preventing mail-oý'der houses outaido Canada from being able ta exhbit in)ýour shows. W. introduced.this policy two years ago, and as far as we know, w. are the firat Cana4ian exhibition producer ta take 'this step. *Rentai PersonaV._ capital Gains Small Business" *Child Tax Credit Commission S'ales Chuld Care Expenses Employment Expense Deductions "Satisfaction Guaranteed" PROFESSIONAL TAX PREPARATION FAST AND EFFICIENT from $20.00 FRE ESIMTE/EA RONDSVC Cail now for your appolrn*nen and take advantage of oui- already low prices. 430-1986 Life Insurance J*. . Sa aespeople Eleot New President 7The Life Underwriters Association of SDurham Region (LUADR) reoently elected J. Stewart Bail as their president for 1992. Other officers elected were: - SImmediate Past-President - Barbara Macfuif, CLU lst Vice-President -HryMtheis S2nd Vice-President Ron avidson ~ Seoetaiy- Joanne Rice TreaurerMadie Mallory J. STEWART BAL LARoperates as a local association of The Lite Underwriters ai Canada (LUAC), the professional association of lite insurance agents in SCanada. LUAC is a non-profit association established in 1906, whlch Smaintains an extensive professional developmrrent poramme and a .yCode ai Ethics. LUAC's 17,000 voluntar members are engaged Sprimarily in the sales and service of litean health insuranoe, annuity contracts, pension plans, 'registered retirement incarne funds and registered retirement savings plans. The Association is canoernied about the continued availabilty of affordable insurance protection and .$maintenance of quality service ta the insuranoe-buying public. Th_ f Unclerwriters Association oi Durham Region co-ardinates and Te Lie locally the courses forming the Professional Development Programme leading ta the Chartered Lite Underwriter (CLU) and SChartered Financial Consultn<CH.F.C.) designatians. It also monitors Sand administers local adherenoe the National Code ai Ethics. Much aifl t,'ils work is accomplîshed through the monthly business luncheons Swhich teature a guest speakr presenting industry-related or motivatianal material. The highlight ai this year will be the first Awards Banquet in October, honaiing thse members achieving, a vaniety ai -~awards and educationial attainments during the year. For iurther information, please contact Carolyn Taylor, Public "Initialy we wore reluctant to publicize 'our policy because of some concernas regarding anti-competition logialation. %W. feel, howover, that at ti time it is extremely important, in. any way possible, ta support Canadian vendors. We hope that other producers of consumer shows adopt similar policiosil Creighton also Delieves that "purchasers of computers or software. are hoat served by Canadian vendors, who are ini a better position ta offer service or exchanges." "To date, not oneo ingle visitor ta- the Ontario Computer Pairs han offered any criticism regarding our not having out-of-country exhibitars. This would appear ta indicate that Canadian vendors of computer and software are offering tap oselection and 'value for Caxiadian buyers," says Creighton. INiTRODUCING! bu fiesnews News, commentaries and information >aimed a t buinoesoe <coming the last Wednesday of every month The Free Press already reaches 999v ofthe homes in Whitby, Now Whitb/s #1 NEW9paper reahes ail the businesses as well Ini addition to our weekly deliveries to the maj retail concentrations, we now deliver the Fme Press to the anutiali OofTown by mail on the lust issue of each month bu îiies ie designed to reach the business market of Whitby bettier than any otherpublication, bettertban the mail Whitby- Free Press &usti a&News, reaches.- *1500 active businesses * hndrds of home businesses *thousands of busin*ess owners and executives who live ini Whitby but work iiineibUrMg c Mites Foryer delive~y or a dvertising cail Toronto Uine 427-1834 Fax 668-0594 Exhibit race in the Ontario ComputrÈeÎ may only be purchasod'by Canadian vondors, according to president James T.S. CÇreighton, - _whoe company Major chahges at your business?3 Let us- know! We -re Whitbyos NEWSpaper The Whitby Free Press Business. smarts. By ScttWisnCM How do yo aag mail business in Canadato"y? Startwt a largeone and wait. An old and flot very funny joke, but appropriate to, current realities. Canadian businesses are being amsaulted on al aides by varjous economic and infmastructure facetiona.L* This is the firat of a monthly feature that will focus on the, management, finanil aand economic issues that affect the operations of a busiei i Canada. Along the way, I welcome. any commmer4s, suggestions or questions that you may have., It la not a pretty sight when you read the back of the. local< paper andse the auctioneer ada for inventory and equipmont fmafrend or competitor, nor when you Cali to, collect that old recoivablo and the. phone is disconnected. This downturn bas, and will have, a profound effect on tihe structure and strategy of a business. Somo flrms have not survived due to a combination of lois of revenue from present clients, no new business leads, high fixed cost structure, tight. banking arrangements, outside Canada: compotition, r mana gement non-pioductivity of equipmont or staff andiidoep price ciutting. My people are calling tisa "rationalization of the. marrket" and ti. atrong will survive." Ihese are simple commenta for complex issues. Despito alfti doom and gloom, I believe w. only have throe or four more months before we tura the corner. Despite the fact that many are 5just hanging on,' thero .are other firme that are thriving. Thoso .companies that have dotermined where their strengths and their opponenta' weakensses are and where thore are opportunities that can ho exploited, have, focused their effortà and attacked. Th.y are showing that sûr-, vival and eventual growth dependa on a great many factors in. tandem with a well-thought-out strategy for your particular operation.1 Its nover enough to have a good idea unlesa you can proper- ly execute it ta get the job don. properfy. Plan, execute, review and refine. Business ia not static, it is dynamic. No one could have predicted the. diffilculties of the past twoyar nor the, changée th4t it will bring. But we can keep loV for those opportunities, keep informed of the situations, keep on top of our own operations and keep smiling. The Futureus REDUCE REUSE RECYCLE ffÀoff4&ÀOffOZ, WASTE ËYSTEMS Cali Denick 427-3253 IbiLsimssne'ws

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