binessnew, WHTYFREE PRES89 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1992, PAGE 17 B Door-mto-door sales.: Are you getting a fair deal?. Snowfiakes may. still b. falling, but door-to-door' sellers are buay woring onnew ways to make their businessies bloom this spring. Some are already 5.111n magazines, vacuum cleaners an home repaire. Smiart-shopping exprts at Ontario's consumer ministry say Most door-to-door- salespeople have good-quality products that Bu o alo these sellers are ethical. Some use high-pressure sales' tactica or seil unreliable goode and services. They want to make a quick profit and then move on before they're found out. A few unethical door-to-door sellers take advantage of vuinerable consumera - people, who don't have much experience. in today's marketplace, or Who may flot be abi. to compare producta before they buy. These- sellers often try ta win the. confidence of vuinerable consumera before trying to seli them something. They know it'il be bard for their victime to say no to someone they consider a friend. Last October, a Windsor-area firm was convicted of engaging in an unfair business'practice under the Business Practices Act. It had used bigh-pressure tactics to seli an elderly consumer a vac~uum cleaner. She couldn't afford. the machine and was unable ta use it because it was too heavy for her to operate. In this, case, investigators -at Ontario's con- sumer ministry were successful in getting-- the seller convicted and the victim's money returned. But ail too often,ý unethicai sellers can't be tracloed down. The best protection is ta, make sure you)re getting a fair d"a before you sign a contraët or a cheque. Before buying anthig fm a door-to-door salesperson, asIc yourself these questionis: e Do I really need and want this product now? (If you haven't already thought about buyiga similar pout uprobaby don't need it.) e Can I a.fford it? (There may b. additional costs such as installation fees or interest charges.) * Does another company offer a sdiilar produet at a lower price? (A few phone calis ta competitors shouid* answer this qetion Ih. seller should be willing ta corne back later. 'If not, think about buying from someone eise.) *Is the prc reasonable for the quality? (If it seems very low maybe the product won't work as well as you want it ta.) <* Does the company have a good reputation? e Io a guarantee or warranty offered in writing? (Another company may offer a -better guarantee on their goods, 50o spend the time ta check. But, remember --- a guarantee or warranty is only as good as the company standing behind it. If a firm goes out of business, it's not worth the paper it's written on.) Mfany products -and services sold door-to-door, such as sets of books, vacuu m cleaners or home renovations are paid for by instailment. You'll sign a contract ta make pyments over a period of time. The kind of contract y ou normally sign at the door is calIed an executory contract. If goods or services you buy from a door-to-door seller have a value of more than $50 a.nd are not deliveredor aid for on -the spt you may ta cancel t e contract. But you must act quickly, because after two workIng days the contract is binding. Provincial law says you have two working days ta cancel the signed conract. Do- ths by writing a cancellation letter -- called a latter of rescission -- and sanding it ta the -company by, ragisterad mail. The letter must be dated. It must state when the -contract was signed, your full. name and address and the fuli name and address of the compan. The letter could read as folows: On (date), I signed an executory contract with your firm for the purchase of (item). Under the provisions of the Ontarjo Consumer Protection Act' I hereby rescind my contract with your firm. 1 adverisement Protect yourself Security is a specialty for Ron Dekker. The owner of Dekker Security can Pro*ide alarm sytems to meet any need of business and home owners. He sells and installs various types of accesa control and video systems, inciuding concealed video. And ha can offer 'specialWy applications, such as alarms that can be turned on and off through phone limes, smoke detectors that will contact the fire department, remote medical alerta that wili contact ambulance or police, and alarma that deteot gaa leaks and oeil police. Ron bas seven years experienca in security. He began worldng for another alarm company and saw enough potentiel in the produot and service ta start his own business, six years ega. He bas teken training courses, and continually ~e i equipmant taoff er the alatest in technological advances in security, including alerms described as etextremely user friendly." Dekker Security service includes 24-hour monitoring and 24-hour emergency service and repair. Ron is currently offaring, as a special, alarm installation for priées as low as $399, and 24-hour monitoring for as low as $19.95 per month. For more information, cal Dekkar Security at 436-3712. t WREHOUSE CAS 'H -&-CARR'Y COMPUTER OUTLET 1501 Hopkins,>Stý., Whitby * 430-8081l DAVE MORRIS *Wholesale computr shopping cornes to Whitby' Dekker Security Systems, 436-3712 Hligh quelity computer systems at wholesale prces.1 Thatépriwhat's offered et The Computer Wariehouse the first "warehouse-direct, caak & carry" outiet opened in Whitby. Owned by Day. Morris, Th~ Computer Warehouse off rewholesala and, retail MS DOS-ed systems and, peripherals (printers and accessories). Morris bas beenin the. computer ,business for SIX years, and opanad The ComputerWaeoe at 1501 Hopkins St. lest November. Several more frachises will mon open acrosa Ontaria. The. Computer .Waraehousa is -Durhamn Region'as-only service, outlet for Yorktech, 'a -full service and maintenance comay. The Whitby- outiet 'offers on-the-spot repaira and, à ful spectrum of serviceés from networkts ta mitenance contracta, through Yorktech. The outiat serves bath' the corporate and public sectors. if. Morris ' says. there is no in-betwaen at 'The Computer Waréhouse. As a warehouase-outlet there:are no "nmiddle men," soethat highest quality can b. for the iwest pries .Viit theoutIet or oel 430-8081 for mnore information.