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Whitby Free Press, 26 Feb 1992, p. 18

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PAGE 18, MUIBYFE PRESS, W,.DNESDAY, FEBRUAR 2e, 1992 CPR H]]EARI!SAVERý SMICIAL Duin.Februaay, Heart Month, Duha.m Save-a-Heart will offer the. four-hour,heart savér CPR (cardiopulmouny resuacitation) course at a special discounted fe. of $18, which includea the. manual, certificat. and GST. A course is scheduled for Saturday, Feb. 29, 9 a.m. te 1 p.m.i at Durhiam Save-a-Heart office, Whitby. Rtegistration is required in advance by calling Durhiam Save-a-Heart at 416-666-0995. QUESTION PERIOD 'Question Period,' with Dur- ham Centre MPP Drummond Whtwill b. iield on Thuradav- Marc5 7 to9 p.m. atNo rÎ- view Public Library, 2b0 Beatrice St. E., Oshawa. Constituent. can express concerna and opinions. For more information cali 430- 1141. SPORT'S CARDS COLLECTOR SHOW Pnngle Creek achool will hold a sports card collectible show at the. echool (Manning/Anderson) on Sunday, March 1e il a.m. te 4 p.m. in order te rmise funds for the music program. Students and alumni are, encourajged to b. spors crdadealers at the. show. Th-coet of a table is $10 for Pringle Creek--atudents and $15 for non-Pringe atudents. Appli- cations will b. acc.pted on a firet-come, firt-ervedbasis te the firet 25 applicanta. To regiater, as as daler, contact David Hughes, rooni 206 at the. ahool, or cali 666-0481. QUILTERS Durhiam Trillium Quilters meeting will b. held' Mardi 3, 7:0pan,Boom 208, Central CleatOshawa. For fbtii.r infrmaioncl 263-2138. STAMP CLUB The. OshawaStamp Club will meet on Tuesdaty March 3, 7 p.m., at O'Neill Cllegfiat in the. cafet.ria (firat floor). Collectera and visitera are always welcome. Stampa, postcards and cover col- lections can be exchanged, appraised or aold at auction.-For more information cali John at 725-7962. ONE PARENT FAMILY' Oshawa Chapter One Parent Family Association meets Tuesday, March 3 at 8 p.m. at Simcoe Hall Settiement House, 387 SinicoeSt., S., Oshawa for its general meeting and ex*ecutive elections. New members and guests welcome. For more information caî,l 986-5707 or 728-1011« INTERNATIONAL TRAINIG IN COUMMNCATION Tii. iret Oshawa Club ITC will hold a meeting on Tuesday, March 3, 6 p.m., at Hong K.ong Houa. 89 Simco. St. S, Oshawa. Theii . will b. <Evaluation Workshop! Coot of dinner in $14. MEETING Durham* Region Union of Lnjured Workers will rneet on Wednesday, March 4, 7 p.m., at CAW hall, 1425 Phillip Murray Ave., Oshawa. Guest speaker is Jack White, author of 'Your Rights and Your- Employer's Obligations Under the. WCB Act of Ontario.'Ail are welcome. MEETING North Oshawa chapter, One Parent Families Association will meet on Wednesday, Manch 4, 8 p.m., at Chist Church, Mary and Hillcroft Sts., Oshawa for its monthly general business meeting. New members and guests welcome. -For 'further information, caîl 668-7579 or 434-3687. VISION AWABENESS Vision Awareness Week' is March 1to 7. A project of tii. Canadian Mqsociation of Opte- metnists, tii. Canada-wide event te held to drawn attention te, the many eye problema that exciat and are preventable or treatable thrgugh regular optometric care. For more information, cau Fat at AM gN M 725-9375 or, Joyce at 668-5504. Tii. Oshawa Machine Knitters Guild will nieet on Tu.aday, LA LECHE March 3, 7 p.m., at S.J. Phullipa La Leche Léeague Oshiawa will school, 625 Sinico. St. N. (corner hold ita regular montiily meetigof IRdsland ]Rd.) New membera on Wednesday, Marcii 11.Mth are welcome hiand-knitt.re or era and nurasig babies are wel- machine-knîlttera. Membera come. For more information ahould bring material for the about the. meeting, 'including workshop. For more information location, cSH 723-0542. cali peg& at 576-9810. BABY AND YOU St. JohnAmbulance,' Wiltby brancii, will' hold' a <Baby and You' course for new or pot.ntially new parents on Tuesday, March ý3 and TIhuraday, Marcii5, 6 to10 ~n.eat 1517 Dundas St. E. lilddin the, course 1*0 infant CPR, choking, iiow te batiie, dreso, feeding akille, erylms and anything else needed teow about caning for a baby. Th. cost is $40 per penson or $60 per couple. For more information cal 668-9006. PARKISON SUPPORT GRoUP lb. Parkinmn Support Grouj Durhami Region chapter, will hy a general meeting on Monday, March %,7:30 p.m., -at St. Mark'a United Church, Whitby (corner of Colborne and Centre Ste., aoutii door entrance). Al are welcom,. Refrehments wiil b. avilable.' For more information cli 666-8576 or 668-6580. LEARNING DISABILITIES A parent su pport group, the. Learning Disabilities Associa- tion, Oshawa chapter, will hold their regulan mnonthly meeting at 7:30 p.m. on Feb. 27 at the. Whitby Public Library. A video, 'Creative Approaches to Atten- tion Deficit,' will b. shown. Cali 436-7706 or 623-4934 for more information., CRSAIREAN PREVENTION Cesarean Prevention Support and Education will meet on Mon- day, Marcii 9, 8« p. at 31 Carnelly Cnee., Aax. Tii. topic- will- b. 'Nutrition. For more in-, formation-oel 683-4229'or 430- 2343. BONSAI SOCIfffY The Matsuyama Bonsai Societ will meet on Monday, Mac 2, 7 p.m., at Faith Place, 44 William St. W., Oshawa. For more information 'cali 683-2568 or 725-2045. Societ will meet on usdy Mofciih10 8pm.i the cafeteria of~~L M..~cLu'in' Collegiate, Oshawa. Al rIcome. For more information caîl Wayne Rakes- trow at 725-7911 or lTy Fisher atý 686-7368.1 EPUIEPYDURHAM Epilepsy Durhami Region will holdî ifs monthly- meeting on Tuesday, March 10, 7:30 pan., at the, Kinsmen community centre, 109 Coiborne St. W., Oshawa. To clebrat. National Epilepsy Mothguest speakers. wHilb Scott,:lCkartin and Mn. Zona dis- cussing druga and. stress. Othen guesp invited are tii. mayora of DuhmRfgion and ïèdvértisers who Piave h.jped publicize the. association, *Ail are welcome te attend and enjoy a scial lunch. For m ore details, Meil436-152. BLOCEPARENTSCHIL Cild 'Find, '-With Whitb- Brooklùin Boc Parents will b at the. Wbiby MaIl on aturday adult or guadian muaot acoi pay children ldentified for Chuld- Pid. For more information cali Iynda Drake at 666-1203. ,NOONS INLENT Noons in Lent will b. iield at Ail Saints' Anglican ChUrch, Dundas St. W., Whitby on Wed- nesdatys noontel1 p.rn., from Marchd .4te Aprili15. Meditation and short service will b. followed byasoup and sandwich. Coat is- $2.50 per person ($2 for seniors). Tiieme < Personalities .of t'i Bibe.'ýh NUTBJTONMONTH Anne Lindsay author of 'Tii Ligith.art.d &Jokbooke and 'Uhthearted Eveda Cocking Ing on,-L-ursday, March 5, 7:30 te .9~m in room., Cl13, main flowDnlam-.Colege. lb. pre- sentation was organized by the. Ontarlo Dietetic Association, Reion 9, and the Heart& Stroke Foundation of Ontario (Durhami Region). Admission -is free, door prime will b. awarded. Tie. Yoek/Dunham Region of the. Ontarioa March of Dmes vjl wrap up ita 1992 fimcIraiuixg :caign at teedo éray York/Durham Region of the. March of Dimes volunteera bave raiad lat yer~19 o0fr adulte' withpfsl!àldiab"ties. The' March of Ues asaitieý clevicea roraihas help.d adultse11. Jak McLellan of Whitby. On.i minute, he was playing frisbee with his kida and *diving into bis pool to retnieve the. friabe.. The. next minute after tbat changed hb i1f. forever. After suffering a spinal break, h. is now a quadriplegic. lbroughi the Ontario March of Dmes asaistive devices program and bis own determination, h. was able te eventually- free. himself froni a 24-hour 'ventilator and get hiniseif into a wheelchair where h. could use a mouthpiece te, mov. himaeif around and liv. more frely. Hle la now tii. York/Durham regional chairperson for the. 1992 coenmunity fiindraising cani- paign. "The. on]y difference b.tw.en you and I is a. aplit second and the. swvimmiii pol," says Mcelan. --- --- --- -- GENEALOICAL SOCIET'Y TiM. Whitby-Oshawýa Branch of the. Ontario Genealgléa Society (Durhamn Region) will iiold its next meeting on Tueuday, March, 3 fri 7:15 to 10 p.m. in the. cafeteria of Hemy' Street' High Echool Whitby. Guest speaker. will b. Les Pullen and the t4ic wiII b. 'Save Ontarlo ShipWreksHiatonical Wrecks & SaigSanie ' witii sides. For fiieinoration cmli Bei Gannon at 723-7460 or -Joyce Hilton at 668-8177. 799 LOORST. ., OHAW 40-05 4VER4 MAKNGDEALSVO On Marcii 7,8, 14 and 15, tii. Foneat.& Streami Woodcarvera cof Whitby will b. hosting a specmI carving diemonstration at the. Purpie Wocds Conservation Area nort7l cf Oshawa. 1 Chanlie Mesher and -NPul Ward. bave over 56 y -- o combined woocavngexpéence and specializin hand-aned ducks and binda.-% An exhibition of thein work wiil b. open fromi 10:-30 -am. t., 3:30 pan., in, the. building beside theeldn lot. b. nunning tbroughouithtei.day. .Carving» will b. avaIlable for sae- and special orders are welcome. 1Sugar bush teun are alec running on Marcii 7 and 8, 14 and 15,ý and. 21 and 22, at il a.m., 1 p.m. and 2:30 fm. AU] p

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