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Whitby Free Press, 26 Feb 1992, p. 26

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PAGE 28s, WHr1'It FREE PRESS, EDNEaAY,FElRUARY 26,1992 >*Whltby Iroquois scuirt selecta are the Ajax indoor invitational tounamntchampions The. Wbitby aide hadI an lmpesv record of three wins and a ieincludiga 3-O victoey over hasts Nax Warriors ln the final of the. soccer competition, and scored 16 goals while givin up only three. In the. firat preliniinary round game, West Rouge provided the poiton but were no match for Whitbysaide who got off tothe «et .osil start with a 9-O0 i the. goals coming froin Micha Bowerman '(three)- Curtis Emo (two), Mark, Morrison (two), Gardon Kerr and David Morgan. Whltby next faced a strong Wexford team. In a fast, closely-fought encounter Whitby showed great fgtn sirit to emerge as winners again byi a 3.2 margin thauka to goals f*om Morgan and Thomas Shaw twp). Wi1th four points from ýwo gaines, and one more preliminary, match remaining aantAaz the. foilowing day Whtby ývas assured of -a final spot as the teain would finish in'at làast second place. In the third match Whýtby found themselves a goal c owvj ta, Ajxdespite soin. fine attacing play by their forwardfs and .plid defending fiom Catheine Caughell, ?4rrison, aud Hélen James. It wasn't until late intii. second ha]l' that Bowerzhaan scored to earu the Whitby side a tie, a resuit which decided !the prlminary ound slandings with Whitby in firat place and ANax Second, and! ensured that these two teamai oldmeet agaih iu r WEFVE BOXED THE SAVINGS ýl- NE FREE INSIDE EACH TAKE.HOME BOX CHOOSE FROM: ô buster tsars 12 Dilly Bars 8 or 12 Sandwiches- < a . -VANILIA DPJRt QUEEN. COLD CREAMY R)DGE & SPANISH NUTS WRA.PPED IN A SMO)OTH CHOCOLATE COATING. -VANILtA DAIR QUEEN DPPED IN SMOOTH CHOCOLATE COAT1NG VANILLA DPJRY QUEEN LAYERED EETWEEN CHOCOLATE COOKIE WAFFERS. WHITBY DAIRY QUEEN 1003 Dundas St. E. 668-5342 the final. Tihe Whitby aide took thé field for the championEMip final1 to a tumultuoujs Welcoiue from 1their fas, and: the first ten minutes- sawKerr aind Morgan combine ta crate several scorzng chances. But the period belonged ta, Morrison who was outatanding on defenseh abd qmputos. sec ond period saw tbrtb.r outstanding defensive work. froi Jamnes wbile Emo, Shaw and Bowerman contlnued ta pressre the Ajaxgoal. After, 16 minutes Whitby opened their, account as Bowerman placed a superbly.struck free ick past the. Ajax keeper. Early in the second balf 'morgn icreased tihe Whitby =edas he won the. bail close té the Ajax goal,puiled it away froin the keeper and stroked it.inta the. eMaria Cnelhcontrolled the. gaine for Whitby in the final Rofs should cafl them as they see them To the. Editoe. In a recent Brooklin-Whitby Minor ,Hockey, Association uewsletter, I r.ad an article about how fans have reaflly been giving 'the. Whitby and surrounding area referees a very hard time. Ihbave toadmit I am quilty of letting these ofricials ,knowr when tiiey are not doing a good job. On the. other baud, they are rightly aSlauded when they do a good i It la oue tblng ta have poor offlciating during league gaines, but ta not have good cfficiating during a tournament la another. I had the pleasure of watching a Tweens win lst playoff gamne Whtb eok=Sprtasd Trhestween aA igtteain defeated Landau 5-4 in their firet paofgaine in ,tii. Central OntaL Ringette League. The. aeesaw match illustrated how evenly mtch et. two teains ba:ve beenaal seasn. Theie was tied 2-2 at balfime and 4-4 with lesu than tbree minutes ta, go when London received a penalty. Coach Rab Henry's power play strategy paid off when Jennifer Henry scared froin Andrea Babony. Whitby's defence, led by ace goalie Carolyn Audot, iield off ail London efforts ta preserve the 5-4 edge. Earlier goal-scorers were Sharolyn Wouters with two sud Henry sud Babony witii an. each. -Julie Rowland ahane, asfisting on ail four goals, sud Crystal Annis and Kim Fin each had one. asait. miu ecnca s s0a crdibeanew roess o rpai windshield stone chips. And your Insurance company wlII waveI t >our deduclibleon stone repaira ta keep boy play in the silver stick tournament held lu the. fal lu WhitIby. It was a pleasure ta, watch 'hlm play, however, an embarrassmnt ýta watch the officiais on the ice. It must b. wouderful as, an organization ta hast a tournament cf tuis nature, but what baffles me i. the justification of baving referees Whio do not appear ta even car. if they do a proper job on the'ice or not. As a prelude ta, an international itaurnament, I would have thought that more car. would bave been taken iu blriug the referees. It was my understanding tint, just as with coaches, the obligation cf a refere. was ta, aid lu teacing the playera the rulea of the game. If a player chooses ta ignore these rulea the. refèea bas the. right to remove tbat player from the. gain. ta tbe penalty box I have ' n mare intent-ta.linjure sit4aions -tuis yer tlia ever.'The~ infractions hve gone uncalled [by referees. Actions, 1k. ýthese ad- in, games getting out of hand, i'ch reaults inplayers and fans oming, leus anleus reapectful cf the referees. If1 the referas. want the. respect of the. playersansd the. fans, they must show tiiese people that they deserve it. They are not respansuble referees if they go on the ice and pick and ciio<1a what tiiey are gang. ta cail or simply juat ignore. S It is, however,- their nsi>ilt t go out there and caft ail.I they can't do that, then tli.y may as well stay at home. la future, let's ha a little mare selective in choosing the. officiais, make sure they know their rules and are prepared ta, cal by the. rules. Fin sure we would all have a much more enjayable gaine sud season if thls is what took place. I believe they would, toc. period an d folowing up bis shot whlch came bock off a postý tucked away the. rebound for bis aide. third. Cupelli was voted MWl for the Whitby aide by mombers of Taronto Blizzard soccer team who were in attendance. The Whitby win cornes two weeks afier a second-place fiih in Peterborough. Whitby idoe soccer ATON Fe.mS &M anu â JunChabroud DoemIe Scobmnd 1 AauqSln "atbev Mrpe flitLis Barrer lvehnd 1ylI am-*2 2Ensland DIaid M"nd A*4Imhvmeal Jonathan Bino David Crabbe Polaud Lee Ooln 3 USA Belan Ablik 1 Baa MoSqumr Fab. 22 Hair&Sudio RBida Adum 3 Jarge corre Tâmmy Cabral ulrarKdly Hardi-Man mt mm"rcupqm a ;ermy Mount a Michael OWO 1auloado An"aAbwdmkyn a By w St(an Bcata 10 DCBuI PtfOn NoanPop S Myemm itinr Kamal M"IUeln2 HoiirStudio T.mmy Cabrai Donut Pte" Kevln PO"e8 Harian Voumt Matous pajue8 Bigonut KevinDa Mut Dm"mMatlin auamDum 1 PaporPactaey L«e Naylcr 1,, Dylmannes, - Bran"Chuwb laumes oteau Amy Duncan Kaia"lrlàghlln 3 Wbltby Kinne. Grm&BaLdau DavM Filicn 1 mg vvrug amoe »MME WblhyKnumn 2nigDratmr LMaOn Eochm o2 Dlel dumer JBZ poopn«m,

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