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Whitby Free Press, 26 Feb 1992, p. 28

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PA2.â&WÎITBY MRE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, FUBRTJARY26,,1092 The, Durham'" Board' of Education lias formed. a conimitte. te recomimend a name for. the. new Whitby' secodary uchool te b built on thé site of tiie new education centre on Taunton Rd., just eaut of Hwy. 12 ln Whltbye Thisethe. current site of tii. former Sinclair'public echool, now used by the Duniain board as an office for special education staff.- SMeznbers of the. community are invited te make suggestions te the committe. Criteria for naming a new school are as follows: 0 the school may b. named after a pýerson in ,the region, tii. province or the country who lias made a significant conitribution te, society; names of current Durham board. emfployes or trustees are not eligible. *the. echool may'b.named according te a historical name once appled te tth. area., e the échool may b. named after tii.u ditritit wilserve. 0 the. achool may b. named after tii. street. on whicii it will b. îdtuated. AUl suggestions should b. sent, te tiie Whitby Secondary Sciiool Narning Committe., c/o The. Durhiam Board of Education, 555 Rosland Rd. W., Osliawa, Ont. L1J 3H3.- For furtiier information, contact truste, Tanya Kochi at 576-6000, ext. 701P or at 666-9351. ENRY ST. STUDENTS Lindsay handie and use a gas masek Davidson (left), Dave Best and Mike offioer Lieutenant Thom MacI Richrdslearn how to properly stands watch in the backgroun Photo by Mark RIsosr, Whtby n Co-op'la students aim to be 'Up ti standlard' during semester. In mil Eigh lieBy *Mark Reesor %Street students area semester in te militia,» reporting ] ýh Oshawa Armoury.. TIhey'r-e learning firat aid techniqus iter survival, team building and s3eine, among other thig m<~cig up four credits toward their higii scool dploma te boot. Tue course is a joint partnership betw.en tii. Durham public and separate acl boards and tii. Ontan0oR.gient. Tuere are 22 students erom nine s ozs aklng the. course. Henry Street student Kistina Bent hopes tii. course*will help lier g't.a ob on tii. police force. Bentsaysitfs alread [.1 my character a lot and made me a betterperson.' .Bent notes tiie milit"a lsn't 1k. school althougii «when you do something wrong, they lot you know... you put a lot of' pressure on yourself te corne up te their standards.' Anotiier Henry student Day. Beat militia will iielp hlm toward a car, military or law enforcement. He saYs the. militia le "pretty mu epc... not as rougii as hypr but pretty close.»ypr Best recommnds tiie militia to othe "I really enjloy lt... the. fret week 1 ifs and buta, but after that it was okaj Lieutenant Tuom MacDonald, thei. cesays «co-op studenta do particu beause tiey .already have tii. camari teamwork bult la. "They have iih standards, but I wc them that tetieu, face "h. said with a Studenta spend ei t heurs a di militia, Mon day te Tursday, for1 Fridays are'spant la a career awarenei 'Studenta can continue la tiie suan program after completing tiie course. At Durham College aDurhiam College wilb North Shore Branch Association of Early C Education, Ontario (AE( Friday, March 6 and S March 7. The annual general meeting will begin Fridaj p.m.. with Barbara president of AECE,O,E speaker. -Saturday morning w( include 'Dying adDa in Childhood How Can w This presentation will, overview of cildren's grie include danger signais ant talk te children facing lossr 'Behaviour Guidance niqes PrseholChidre =oksOP deals The CODE Lbt.ny Feundu 4om%32 Cc S OfN o .Cf C61KIN )e hosting understanding chi 'ldren's- beha- Ontario viour difficulties in a preschool of the setting. ' hldhood 'Dealing with Diff'icuit People' CE,O) on discusses strategies to deal1 with 3aturday, feelings of frustration, anger and helplessness., 1dinner- Afternoon workshops include y at 6:30 'Travelling Alone,' personal safety Elliot, hints for women travelling as. well as guest as at home. 'Beiiaviour Guidance Tech- ,orkshops niques - Sehoolage Children.' This thi, Grief seminar focuses op communi-. ve Help?' cation and planrnngte increase give an the co-operation of sehool-age' Df. It will children. id ow te 'StressMTme Management!' S.This effective seminar is designed STech- te help people minirnize the en!' This, negative and gain greater.control witii in their professional and personal lives. first-served basis. The fee for AECE,O members is $15 for Friday, $35 for Saturday or $30 for both. Non-members pay'$15 cotat for Friday, $55 for Saturday or dn $65 for both. FulI-time students pay $15 for F'riday, $30 for %) Saturday or $30 forboth.. Pmnc, a ilMibtii McArthur at ý416) 1-800-263-3170O. Course ,1 Do"d By Meranda Waters ait Henry Street students not only excel ln sports but are aIse alwys eager te lend a helping :0 The student council is a fine example, Recently a team 0f liiain thi 'Bi Brothers' ow for Millionw.s', ae addick led the. Hnry tea wth, a 183 score. Al ,hopes inlil, the. competitors had a great he.rl theei.d ase amot$200 for Big roters Wa togoguys. 2ch what I Heatiier Cross, Julie ra on TV Roebottom and Smita Vakil are three more examnples cf students ors. willing te Cive up some of their 1had some time for a great cause..This flute y- »trio. recently performed foritii. course offi- Heart Foundation at Northvlew alarly well Conimunity Centre for Seniors. aderie and Spealdng Of mulc', congratulations te tiie members ouldn't tell 0f the Stage Band wiie a smile. participated in tii. Southern aY at the~ Ontario Band Festival held at l8 weeks. O'Neil. Tii. band was awarded es course the silver medal, and Steven ner militia H.wis and Mark Davies were recognized for their individual efforts. «» ..... Henry's Flute, Choir, consisting 0f Julie Rosbottom, Emilia Hwang, Srita Vakil ind Heather Cross, as well as the Flute Quartht, wiiose members. include SusanDaketJanet',Biierer, ................ Ciristine Sturg.ss and Emilia Hwang, are bath prprng.for 683-5241 orthe u n oinKwnsMusic Festval.dcoin Ail music students are aniously awaiting the. end of May, when they will get a chance to participate in 'Artefeit.' This cabaret evening organized by, Mr. O'Toole will integrate* ail of the arts at Henry Street. DonWt miss it. The Hawks' senior boys'team brought home another LOSSA championship. Raymonxd Burns and Matt Cook led the team with several gold medals; apiece. Other first.place finishers were Ryan Buras, Darren Smith and Shawn Farron. Excellent s3wimmg ability was -displayed, by Tonyiý Mayer, Steve Smith,, Mke Tanner, Jeif Denby, Darryl Metcalfe, Bon- Davies, Chris Tanner, Jon Mitchell and. Wes: Swanton. The. girls team aleo.exhibited fine aquatic skills. Peggy'Hefford, Smita Vakil, KristinaKuk Tricia Luke, Leslie Clarke, Nicole Heinricli, Sara Colleran and Jen Morrine were aniong the. competitors The junior boys' basketball, swept 'tii. McLaughlin team off their- feet in a quarter-final playoff -gae, the. final -score 73-46. .Students s week were ur-ged to participate in Henry's annual Fashion- Sho.w. 1 Do you think you've got ýthat spe»cial modeling ability? If, soi, set uiýck, preparations te, make this show the. greatest yet are already underway., France The singera Winl perform in Wbitby, England, Loudon and Paris. TUE >TRAFALGAR -CASTLE 'Celeb- ration Singera' baveý Feb. 29 ýfor a 13-âuy tour of SE*n idngand and - 1 '. - ý ;- , , , Iffl HENRY STREET HIGH SCHOOL

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