PAGE 34, WUITY FREE PRES8, WEDNESAY, FEBRUARY 28,1992 JOHANNA BAIRDOUL (shown at left in boys (in photo below) seemed to eiqjoy photo above) and Lucy Barrow eînjoy performing almost as much as the an evening of enteranent, courtesy audience eiiJoyed watcbing them. of local beavera, cube and scouts, The Photo byMar Reemir, Whltby Fr.. Pr. T HOSE WISFING TO RESPOND to box numbers shown below, Fleasdo net send rsosst hlt by Free rPres&a.This system is- a voice. mail system. To accese, cali 1-416-976-91. ACTIVE MALE, 35, likes sports, theatre, movies & good conversation would like te meet Intelligent, witty, sincore and attractive lady. Reply te Box 1005. MARRIED MALE, 34, looking for, Siegle or marrned female between 20 & 35 for triendship. Must b. very discreet. Box 1003. MALE - 24, likes music, movies, seoks nonest, intelligent fml or reiationship. Not into mmnd games. Box 1002. HI, I LOVE MUSIC, -dancing & Sports. i have blonde hair, 22 years ol. Seeklng a talI, romantic mani. BOX 2000. BUSINESS LADY seeks' considerate, rotined, stable, professioni gentleman, 50 te 55, wth good sense et humour for sincere relatlonship. Box 2001t SINGLE WHITE CANAD)IAN maie, 29 years, 5'il", 220 lbs., black hair, husky build, Italiani background . Love outdoor activities. Looking for friendly femnale for activties. Reply to Box 1010. ENGUSH FEMALE, 23, likes movies, skling, travel, dining eut & challenges. Seeks honest & reliable guy for rolationship, 23-30. RSVP Box 2004. F FK 1 11911 Ké1' By Linda Archer wbltby District Scouts Durlng February, Whitby cuba becomne vehicle designers as they- prepare to enter the cSnnptition of Kub Kars. Tecompetition is a part of the -scouting program which is enormously popular but alo promoctea self-estem and in a friendly, competitive atmoSphere.. The youth shape individual blocksa of wood into racing cars. Everyone starts with the same it -- a block of wood, and sets of wheels on axela and some decals. It is up to the'individual to design a vehicle on aerodynarnic principles that will meet pre-set weight requirements. With the thelp cf a parent, or on his own, hecbshapes the wood into what will eventuaily ho recognizable as a vehicle. He may include as much or as littie detaiing as he wshes .. saine even bave steering wheels which were carved froin the wood. When he is satisfied with the basic outline, the vehicle is painted and final assembly takes place te add: the wheel components and place decals. The vehicles are raced on a 38-foot desoending track in heata until the field is narrowed to the few remainir.g entrants. Although one will eventually win as the fastest vebicle. there ýare nany categories. In each of the 18 units in this year's races, nine, wiil receive trophies. The nine finalists: frein each unit will compete against each other in the district finals. The winners progress to the regonal finals where they may pit their best against the beat of other districts. In the past, Whitby district scouts were aided by the Town and a local church tadonated !pace but this was no longer psbl.For he past five years, Anthony Lang c Lang al Management has allowed space in the Wbitby Mail for the finals. The Kub Kar competition continues te the end of February and the regional finals will talcs place in March. The public is mv',ited te attend and juin the youth in rootingt for their favourites. This year, ho thfe ',enthlie competition. Duârhim gion1Police Several tips to the Durham Regional. Crime Stoppera hot lin. helped solve the recent Briînka roltery and homÃŽicide at Knob 1H11l Farmeaon Dec. 4. Tom.Rus1e11, head o security at the Piclcering nuclear igenerating atation and current chairperson of the Durham ;Relonal Crime Stoppera bà ard, said it waa gratifing for the volunteer hourd members te ho part of aolving these and other serioua crimes. The investigation netted tbree mon who are chargod with firat-degree murder and related offences. A fourth Man waa charged with robbery and a female waa charged with poseson for the purposo of traficldg after approximately $40000Ã" worth of narcotioe waa seized. Îýupt. Bob Brown of Durham Reg*onal Police criminal investigation unit agreed that Crime toppera bas bocome a very succesuful tool in aolving these and müany other serioua cases.i Crime Stoppera bas been operating in Durham Region or neary s'xyears. It is an invostigative tedl that allows citizens' to caiI anonymously with information on serious crimes and, li fact, offers a cash reward when arresta have been made. Since the inception of Crime Stopprasi ears ag 58 people, bave been arrested, 1,862 charges have been laliâ and over $2.6 million worth'of stolen property and drup have been seized in Durham Region alone as the resuit of Crime Stoppera tipa. The Durham Regional *Crime Stoppera hotline is 436-8477 (that's 436-TIFS), and la open 24 houra j>er day, seven.daya a week. The phone number cmxi b. dialed 19Mros ot areas ofthe region, free of char». If th. number is long distance, you caxi eaU conlect or cail tLýough our local Durham Regionà l Police number. and asic for Crime Stoppera. Calis will neyer ho traced 'or recorded. AO... ti' o ar -- *- ser te Ce * Soper d e L- ti l e . - e ..-s w h * s :. b e s- e * euh a provided space for period of the To lste tethee pop1!~teir own voicec"âfl 1-416-976-1991, enter code 3 whexi prompted, enter 1 for personal'ada and then the box number in the ad. ...or you can browse through ail of thein. You will be billed on your phone bill for 99* per minute te a maximum of 3 minutes Our Apologies Due to technical glitches, Box 1007-& 1008 were' deleted. Would these two indivîduals please contact- the Free Press to reinert their ads and obtaîn new box numbers. To the best of our knowledge, the system is now operating properly. There are messages for al 1the ads above. Thank you for your patience