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Whitby Free Press, 26 Feb 1992, p. 3

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WB EY FlEE PRÇPP,WEDNESDAY, FERUAgYJW8, 1092î PAGE 8 Items from Whitby Councl, agenda(s) Mondey, Frebruary 24, 1992 Recommenda-, tions from plnnngand development committee That council approve site plan applications (blocks B, C and D) for townhouse development off McQuay BIvd., noar the CPR tracks and south of Rossland Rd. W. There are a total of, 85 block townhouses ln the three applications by Dharamn Malik, on behaiffof Victoria Woods Deveiopment Corp. Appi-ov.d That council recelve for informatilon the planning directors report on the environ mental construction managemnent plan for the, subdivision proposed by eorlty Corporation. There are plans for 547 units ranglng frmapartment housing'to famiy nmeson about 100 acres of property south of Taunton Rd. W., east of Lynde Creek and west of Brock St. N. The report states that 40 landowners were notltled of an Information meeting about the project on Feb. 5, and that 12 people, representIng elght properties, attended. There were questions about the clearing of trees-and vegetation that would take place, park and school deslins, and timing of construction. Approved That council pass a byiaw to change the namne of Progress Road to lrwln Drive, ln accordance with the Municipal Act. Approved Recommenda- tions from the operations A wel-lnown Whitby denture morni*ng. Silverbfrch Pl. home, in a su] therapist was shot and killed Police say Dr. Dhian -Tilak division near Taunton Rd. exn outaide hie home earIy Saturday Thapar, 49, returned to hie large Garden St., around midnight. Inguest tnto death at rail cros sing Warnings given 3 years ago, Byv Marlo Boucher The 12-yeer-old bey kilied when strc4 y a train lest September liad previously been warned ontwo occasions net te cross the tracks nearCentre St. N., Whitby, it was stated ata coroner's inquest on Monday. Stephen Brian Buker died on Sept. 3 às lie weikred over a series of CP trai tracks at the location. The in near Willi Ave. and Centre St. N., is illegal. Buker, was on hie waty home hrm LA. Fairmen publicesciool, at the time of the acident. Durhaem Regional Police specu- lated at tiie time that the, boy did net hear the, train because lie was wearing hie walkman. Buker wes throwinito the ditel approximately 50 metres from where lie was struck at the trachu. At the hearing on Monday, Bll Woods a 1?3-year-old student at F.M. hleerd publice chool, said lie, Buker and several other boy s were warned three years ago by CP Rail Police unit of the danger at the ilegalcrossing He 1 idtiey rode their bikes in a path close te, the raiiway trechu. "I saw him crossing the traclis," lie said cf the day of the accident. Woods said lie believed, but was uncertai that Buker wes weering head liones at the turne. Hie said Buter turned and saw tlie train mere seconds before being struck. Since the accident, CPR has been sliowin& at achools, videos of deatlis on railroad traks, lie said. «You neyer see suybody cross the trecks tee mucli anymere," lie said. Joe Sgro sud Andre Leloud were thé two en sers on tii. train at the. dy 9of -tii. accident. 8go aid eacii engineer lies a amaiolwiudow approiqmately two committee That council receive for Information the park5s ad ByMàwoBoucher recreation department report Two Whtby" public echll on the Civic Recreation May participate iu a new year- Centre. The report states that round program if parents merrtershlp was 727 from approveof the idea. Sept 29 to Dec. 31,1991, WestLýynde sud R&A. Hutchin- that total weii above son public achools agreed te b. expetatons Thre s ttal cusidered, along wth fou otiier expetatins. herela ttaiscioi un =ga'nRegion, as registration of 674 for f itness i progame,248 or smi-year-round ecliols under a test rogam, 28 or eri-project cf the modil. sciiooi private Instruction In aquatIos year system by the Durhiam sud 340 for group classes In Bo;ard of Education. aquatlcs (in addition toi1,046 "Riglit new, we're juet at thé at IroquJois Park). information stage,» sayis Ruth. Approved1 Miciiaud, presideut of tii. That the cleike report on the parentW sciiool association fer 1992 Youth and Civic W est Lynde., Administration Program be She says many are afraid cf received for Information. The the idea fer year-round echeel clers dparmentwil agin, but she assures al parente that for the 21lst .yeu ,hoîd the o m wi e b ule program In co-operation With «Parents wili decide sud vote Anderson CVI, Henry Street in faveurfor or against the. pro- High Schooi and Father Leo grain," she says. J. Austin Separate School. Micliaud says parents will vote The programn, which includes on the. program probably i May semnars oMr a nine-week but the. program would net start perio, helpa students gain until at ieast July 1993. municipal"It lias te b. a slow preces,» Insight Into themuipa she says. 1 govemment structure sud In a ye>ar-round sclooi pro- administration. The program grain, students weuid attend the. wlil end wfth a youth counicil saine number cf days of sciioci meelng May 13.. but inetead of the. usua inine- wek h W;-4l feet by two feet on theïr sie of the train. Sgro seid theïr view was re- stricted' somewhat but added that they we're'12 feet hijrh U50 we have a better overview.-» If one of the engineers needs te, telk te the othefr one he muet either yell or go over Lo him, he eeid. Sgro seid they must blow the whistle until they have paseed the entire crossing. "Once we ceame around the bend, there is a signal... i this instance, it was green (clear sig- nal),» lie seid. 'Tou neyer 8CC anybody cross the tracha too M uch anymore." Despite the noise of the train Sffo seid he heard a bump auJ "iknew we had hit sometlung or someone.' He 'seid Làelond put on the emergency brake iznmediately te, stop the train and called the conducter te have a look on the traecsfor smehig Sgro said lie cidld the dispat- cher, who in tuaýn reached Dur- hem Régional Police. He. seid he got off the train and begen te welk down on the trecks aud "I came ecrose a cassette ribbon.' Sgro said he later found the sole of a ehoe but stayed on the tracks when other peple looking for thebody inthe ditch teld hi he wouldu't weut te esee what they had found. Lelond said he saw a boy a short distance from the tracks and aeked him if lie had been on b. spread out over the entire yee, she Baye. Michaud says there would still b. a few weeks of holidays for the children dur*ig the summer. Each achool would follow their own echedule, elie says. Tihe shorter latyoif during the summer could benefit students and eliminate the need for a few weeks of review iu September, she says. "It would be a shame net te at least try it in Durhiam,» she says. Michaud says there wili be meuy1 meetings in the. next few weeks snd parente are weicome te attend. "W. reaily want them te be informed and corne te the meet- 3lhIitby trustee Patricia Bow- man says Durham Region would be the first area'inOntario and Canada, te test the year-rouud PrTiurie such as the United States and Germany are already IROTARY A$H M AWPAR$ .... .........u211 b- the trecks about five minutes elsundthe by sjaidn. H.sad lie.thenent uorth in the higli grass wiiere lie found Làelonid said lie tried te feel a pulse but there was noue. Ron AlIdred, witli the Whitby ambulance servie, said lie receî- ved a oeil on Sept. 3 that a pedestrian had been struck but was nxet teld a train was invel- ved. When lie arrived at tii. scene cf the' accident. h. saidlie walked te tth. trachu where the. polic, sud the CPR workers were and began te examine the body. Alldred said the boy lied ouf. fered insasive trauma, whicli means h. ia'd been struck mas- sively and that ne vital signe could be fouud. 'The body a ying nti diteli onthe. nortli ai de cf the. CPR tracka,'»lie said.-, Aildred said there lied been ne ident ification cf tii. body at the. scene wlien lie left. Hie said the. fence was low in seme areae neer the, treckese an body could st.p over it. C lCarpelt assistent su- perintendenfo CPR*, seid a black box, whicli stores data in- formition,. confirme-. that the. whieie was blown during the. entire lengtli cf the. crcssin-g sud that the, breakes cf the. train were released at 2:45 pan. ou Sept. 3. He, said tii. two engineers could se. 100 feet in front cf the traiwlen their visions are cern- bined. Couet. Phillip Cook, working es a CP police officer in thé. Whitby area at th ii.tre cf the. accident, said efficers have tri.d over tii. past years te enforce the. law egaineat ilieal trespassing at railway tracks. He' said lie warued Buker twicej on Se pt. ?A sud Nov. 9, 1988,ý about thle dangers cf tres- SEE PAGE 4 usi gthe system, she Baye. éW stunible and fumble our way 9irough because no one else lias 4one it before here in Canada," she says. Bowmen says the consultation procese je constantly being reviewed te, assure thi eet pos-- sible resuits. "We have te have a review comnponent and an accouutail procese te determine tii. level cf success inherent iu the pro- gramn,ý' e.says. Bo*mau, says consultation witli parente je a muet because parent wiii decide whether or flot a particular echool will change te the year-round pro- gram. "I believe in the. need of net juet t*flcng but doing something about;; the importance cf educa- tien,' she says. 799BLOR S. W, OHAW 404-52, He was apparentil repiauin- to get out orIle .ncoo ur Mercedes when he was . shot through the' window. It'a Durham's fret murder of 1992. Thapar was a leader i the East Inidian cornmunity, and pro- ducer of a television show called 'Sounde of Asia.' Police are investigating the possibility Thapar's murder is' linked to the sla gnuof Lali VUi, another East lu ian-broade.aster,, lest May. va friend and business asso- diate of Thapar, wue gtnned down in a similar eiecuton-esle shootn outeide'a Toronto tele-'I vision studio. There may also be a link bet-I ween the murder and an attemp t i October te bomb a ToronC theatre owned by Thapar. MAKEý METRO. LOCAL ýCALL. Cali Toronto and are a as often, as you wish and. talk a s long as' you li ke ANYTIMEfm luST*RS BUS PIceOne plus GST* ~TROPHOb Sales Location OSHAWA CENTREI SHOPS Up TOPý' "We complywith,,CRTCMad Bell canada Tarifs ,ei ;ïime set-up. à~dfon fée.

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