PAGE 4. WII1TYFM REE P U NMSAY, FEEIUA1Wy, 1992j Mayors'report: Com itted .to hnead GM l3y MarkÈReosor Oshawa maiyor' Nancy Dia- mond and Durhaln régional chaurperson Gary Hrea met wlth -Ontario Premier' Bob Ha. and. GM, of Canada presidont George -Peapples last week ini a further effort to save local jobs., Diamond and Herrema prebon- te ep pies with -arpr out- lining, the -resulta of the Pak- woodConference, the* meeting of mayors from 14 area municipali- ties, held Jan. 27. The report, entitled «Commit- ted -te Chag Committhd te, GMe' outlinoesptii.economic in-, pact of a GM plant closing on the It Includes resolutions of sup- port from1eauh of the 141 com- munitios and statementa op how they wou@d ho affctod. At a prsacnference *t"day, Diaxondaid sho has no rec-t word" as te what GM will do, althouigh she says Poapplos"siug- gosted we wee mostcertily on the right trac... "But (w.) must b. prepaýed.te, re egm" thatiwhen a cor-. poatonof thatmaInit W a to dwà olze. W ou easîl happen here as elsewher<. iam d said the are has te b. preade face thaý situa- tion, sd"o move forwiard pro- activel~ in broadening the. bas for the community..' In the repoxr,- Oshawa pro- mises te: *ee a licy of buyin only NortheA4ralrcan vehicles, preferably GM, and encourage other municipalitios te do the' Jim Parker isjack of ail trades same; pr rote the use of methanol cars, 'te research, developmnent and, Production of which are beinf'undertaken at GM Osh- awa * * koep local spending te a innnium;- *.r 11es theprovince te move qrcel on construction of Hwy 40'h wideninj of Hwy 401 aud the construction of the Ste- venson. and Jgarmony Rd. inter- changes; * speed up the upgrading of Oshawa Airpýort; *pressure federal and provin- cial oenet te "maintin a stable ecnomcenvlronment The report also laya out two ««cor. objectives" for the Advisory Council for Economic -Develop- mont, formed at the ParkwooÃ"d Conferencé: "l) create a sound, stable, diversiied economic environ- ment for the. city of Oshawa; 2) dovelop'the Rions busi- ness, service, institutional and educational infrastructure te glo- bal-clasa competitive capability and capacity.' ý'21w.e FROM PAGÉJ1 how, it can b. improved, then reshoot it. Whon they're flnished, the show is patched together. 'thoy've neyer done this efre' "And they say, ý'ohkah, ive did that, lots sSe, in'«9 «Its impossible really to' corne up with new idea. What 'o try and do la eome nn wià rfh2 Parker will be at Henry Street High School with the Mr. Dros- sup Show thiEs Sunday as Casey an kinnegan continue thefr farewell teur.' Mr. Dressup la not an easy treatinents of old idéas that have self) March 3 at Ohiton puli show te write for, says Parker. been done before." school in Whitby., It's no hard te como up with new idems. On occasion, rve writ- - ton something'and say ta myself s a l e - -_m;;Clerk sex uallyasutd Fou FarniIy 1 A female clerk at the Journey'a thon forced the clerk inte an ~ FilMea DalS 1 End Motel was threatenedwit empty roo, telling hor te atay FEED Péi e sy alornemn entered Police arelookin ,for a man in T OUR the Chamnplain Ave. motel at hisrnid-20s with Lack, stringy ifor I disclosed amount of money. sud black leatheijacket and gloves. Whitby Location Oniy I1003 Dundas St. E. I- Marchl19th/92.- - Restaumnts Early Bird Spect*a'l A& Sunday to Friday DELVINER SPECIAT., Buy any entree and receive 2nd entree at 1/2 PRICE. Seated by 6 prii. All clinners include complimentary salacl bar. Rcscrvatiolls recommended 918 Brock St. Whitby 668-9369 JUST LISTED - WHITBV Super dlean 2147 sq. ft., 4 bedroomn home. Large eat-in kitchen, walk-out to cedar deck, main floor family room and laundry. Blair Buchanan, 436-1800. EXECUTIVE SETTING - $2545900. Prime Brookwood Prestigious Tormina. Perfect for the exec. to raise a family as weil as entertain graciousiy. Approx. 2,550 sq. ft. Even a "drive by" wili seil yoù! Joan Scott, 436-1800. BROOKLIN BEAUTY - $21 45900.1! The Warmth of natural wood, french doors, oak floors plus 4 bedrooms. New oak kitchen in 1991 and 66' x 162' lot. CaJI now! Linda Kubota, Assoc. Broker, 436-1800.-, n- ue n y ri y a FR OM PAGE 3 passing at the crosaing at Centre St. N. and Willis Ave. Cook said ho apprehended him and other boys and tried te explain te thein how it la easy te, underestimate. the approach of a train, espocialIy on a curve. Ho seaud there, was, near the tracha, a ramp on. whiçh kids rode their bikes. Cook said Buker was not char- gd at -the, second warning Dcuse ho was under age 12 and therefore protected under the YoungOffenders Act.. Cnat. Donald Jones,- also a CP poÃ"lice officer, aaid young offen- ders betweon ages 12 and 17 are given. on. warning and thon chrgd the. second time. Adulte are charged on the firet warning, ho said. Jones said the warning only works for some kids bocause some dont car. sud will repeat the offence no matter what., 158 Brock St. N. (Pearson Lanes) Whitby 666-0023 He oaid 'the fine of -$63 for trespassing la too low' and sihould ho increased substan- tially. Jones said ho and another officer patrol the. area for up te, 30 minuteo at'a time.' «We try te reach as many children and, adulte anid explain the dangers,» ho said. Accrdigte setatisties by CP Police, Oshawa, detachment,ý since January.1988, 138.,young offenders have been warned andl fÃve charged near railway mcoss- nsinthe Whitby area. Twen a4uà lta have beeà n warned Lid fIve charged during that time. In the 12 montha prior te Bukers 'death, 17 young offen- ders were warned and on. char- ged while five adulte wer. war- ned andtwo ch Since Sept. 4. rlnj offendera Have ,eenwarneu- non. charged while two adulte have been warned and on.echar- ged. Fettueine Aifredo or Spaghetti -& Meat Sýauce Add a side order of m'ushrooms, garlic bread or caesar salad' for only $1.50. Regular Menu, available SELECT FROM A WIDE RANGE' 0F DESIGNER EYEWEAR! *Qualified Staff + QualityEewa CALL NOW. FOR EYE'EXAMS Mon. - Thurs9:30 to 5:30, Fn. 9:30 to 7:00, Sat 930 to 12:30.' Your Vision is our Concernl Mn. & Tues. only 5 pm- 8 Pm ____ Only $3095 InefngI he tr Jnterest Bonus 1/2% per annum R.R.S.'P. Extended ilours February 26, 27 and 28 - open 'tii 9prn February 29th from lOam-4pm Your lasi chance Io contribute Io your R.R.S.P. for 1991 is coming upfast! Convenient locations to serve-you: Baldwin- St.ý (N. on Hwy #12) Brooklin 655-3361 Dundas & Brock, Whitby 668-3351 Thickson *& Glenhili, Whitby 430-1800 Canadian impersa_____ Bank of Commerce CONTACýT1,1-.'NS