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Whitby Free Press, 26 Feb 1992, p. 6

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PAGPE HTYFREEPIRS8WEDNESDAY, TEBRUARY 26,1992 The only Whitby Newspaper owned and operated by Whitby residents forWhitby resîdents! Published every Wednesday by 677209 Ontarioo mc. at 131 BrockSt. N., Whitby,- Ontario LUN 5S1 Phone 668-6111 Toronto Line 427-1834 Doug Anderson - Publisher Maurioe Pither - Editor Alexandra Martin - Production Manager 2nd Class Postal Registration'#05351 Get the facts furst To the Edltor: As to tho planned co-op townhouse dovelopment off MQaBlvd., -1-thlnk t'a a groat pro oct because we need more suc houslng. There are people who can't afford ta buy a house or even afford an apartment. Thore are people on dlsabllity who need smoething lk. a co-op., It Just so happons lI'm one Whltby residont who Is waltlng for a ca-op townhouse. Those who talk about not having co-op there sound like thoy don't know much about ca-op. Thoy should flnd out. ail facts bofore thoy talk about what thoy don't want. Joanine Courneya So the ditr. REA CTION TO 'BUDGET RETREA T' Restraint doesn't seem to. apply-to council To the Edtor: 1 cauld rot belleve what 1 wau roadlng. 1 cail It shamoful excuses by a grop of elected peaple, ta have a woekond out of town, paid by the taxpayems. Whon ik cornes ta getting a 'freeblo,' they ail blow inta the saine horn. Councillor Dennis Fox, accordlng ta hîs statement, does not seem ta know thpople ln the 'business,' the people ho has ta demi wth regarding the budget. What has ho dome until now regrdng hebudget? He wants'to do this 'GettIng ta Know You' ln Belleville. Afthough the retreat costs about $5,000, 1t will have no major Impact an the budget,* as h $5000 may anly bu a drap ln the bucket ln relation ta the Town budget, but there lsaa principle -here. Town co'uncil ls telllng everybody that there ls not enough money ln -the Town treasure. They are asklng al dopailments, paolce, f Ire, etc. for rostraint -and ta cut bock on expendituros, but the saine policy of restraint doos not sem nta apply ta council. Councillor Joe Drumm -wants ta ga ta Belleville bocause ho doos not lik thé nenvironment of the Whitby Tawn hall.7 la the Whitby Tawn hall, not gaod onough' for him?This 19 an insuit ta Whitby. If ho doos not lk. the envlronment of Whtby and cannot woik ln aur Town hall, ho shouJd not b. a councîllor. Councillor Ross Batten seems ta have the same problem, he cannot work or thlnk stralght come up wth agood budget --'ln Whitby. He misa cauld work much botter ln Bellevile for the ubenefft of the taxpayers,0 as ho putseIt. From counicillor Dan Mtchell, the unew kld on council, 1 expected sorn. atamina, ta rosist this move ta B1elleville. After ail, ho, iyaung and was supposod to brnp fresh blood and grsle positive thlnklng and actInfoth benefit- af the. taxpayors. A big disapo intinent. AI he ha. ta say ls that he ls ' loking forward ta the retreat.7 He wants ta bu aon0f -the boys, and has ta bbow ho the saine homn Where the .leacads i.l iAhl group -- leadership for the good'oI the Town af Whi* ? .Gouncilbor Juil Longfield- is statlng MA 10w minutas here and a few minutes thore et the municipal bildng 18 not enough.* Why doos she not spend mare timo than just a few minutes on the job for which sho was olected, and gotting paid According ta her statomont, she cannaI see thewhole picture af the budget, and won't bu able ta mako proper decisians unloos she Cgts Inta this budget rotreat ln Ileville. If thoy really want ta- do the thlngs they are talklng about, they can lock theinselvos ln the busutiful Whtby Town hall on the weokond and do the work for whlch they' were olectod and gettlng pald. if this council can not thlnk stralght- businesslike - on an Important malter 1k. the budget, ln aur awn beautiful Town hall, are they able taO make proper docîsions an ather maittrs? Personally I arn very angered and disappolrtod by those staternents. I can only urge mIl taxpayers ta read that front page again and remoembor il at oloction lIme. As a taxpayor I fe01 veiy holiless -- there 1s not a thing I can do about Rt I thoy decido ta spend $5000 froin 'aur tax moiney. Vey simple for thein -- Ihey are sltting ad the till. 1 wondor f they ever »herd of -rosponsible- gavernment. Thome councillore seem tta bu far romoved froin realiiy, have lttIe profossional prido. Thoy don't frovide the oxample and la shpwe expect and badly need froin all levels of govemment. Johamm Torok Whftby Counciul sending the wrong message To the EdItor: Copy of ltter ta the mayor and mombors of coun.cl. Dear Memburs af Cauncl: We wish ta acknowledge receipt af yaur letter of Feb. 13*arranging a meeting between aur group and -'the aperations committee cf councli on March 16. The purpase cf this meeting Is ta Introuce the Whitby chapter cf the Ontario Taxpayes olto ta counicil, and ta discuss suggestions thon we wish ta place bu fare council whlch we fee1 cauld bu useful ln council's upcamlng budget discussions. We wore, therefare, unploasantly surprlsed ta read In the local press the day followlng your lettor ta us, of plans bW cauncil ta hoki secret discussions out of Town regardlng the budget. This appears ta us ta bu a strange way ta estmblish Ocloser and more open reiationshipe with Whitby taxpayers. The quotetion marks are tao mphmslze a statement made during counci's Inaugurai meeting in January 0f thîs year. ýWe had hoped ta have had a constructive and moanlngful m .oting wlth council memburs, are~ ta llustrate this point we enclose a lettor outlinlng somne of OU~ ideas. We had 'Intendod ta prient this lbIter aI a public m iqwth yau. The tane of the lotU'er is nol confrontational and expresses ur genuine dosire ta support council In decisions thet may bu difficult. Trhe need for confidentlmiity les How about a restaurant in Wh itby?3 To the Editor: Whitby' council plans ta spend $5.000 ta get away from RIlal sa they can have peace and quiet, so they can cut money fram the budqet, and thon thoy try ta Justify il. Give us a break. FIrst thoy ay hoy don't wan tot bu botherodfbyrînglng phonos. Solution: unplug thom.Thenl1hear thoy don't waht ta bu gettîng. up ta No financial contirol. To the Edîtor: *How nalve do aur local olectod officiai thinkç we are? f le ludlicrous ta suggest thet a weekçend ln Bellevile, or anywhere oe. for thet malter, wlll praduce a butter budget; not soening the $5,000 wlll. Suroly the facilties avallablo et -Town haar"omtha>ad.qwKa- ta provide, the meamo for an in-dopth budget reviow4 Lick 0f. flnancislcontrai, paticular.ly by aur iederal and provincial governmontÏ, ls one 0f the major roasons' for the ooromIc problems In t Iis country doiui Whftby 5o neils have doan admirable Jo In llmtlr prudance muet bu cont ued. - - - - - - - - - - - legve the roam evory 20 minutes (Il there by armed guards ta rvent this tkom happenilnn B4leviIe?) or could it buthave ndself-disipine ta sit and wairk?, And, cu'clibore say it le a gaad wa ta get tao w each other. . iy don't they gel together and m ke rsrvatuons isaine fine r ~ aurant in Whitby, uslng their' ov à monoy 0f course, and get ta kràw one another without the Pr ure cf the 'budget., Gordon-E. Woodcocik Whltby PS., Almast fargot - To the cclilorswhowero whlnîng thit ryaeloslng money, let's r , embur that yqu are gettîng plby the people of Whtb s vp.qot lésir %y flhare undorstood, but doos this aver-rule input on a subject of greet Importance ta the taxpayer? This Input could have' beon recoived priar .ta council's secet deliburetions. HaI aur ideas boon cadeed a a normal pub>lic meeting af councîl, the taxpayors, thraugh the miedia, would have had an 'opportunity of buing Informod and thus botter able ta Judge f thoîr Interests were bulng adqaeyserved.' adeacancem ta the" coalition Is the reported $5,000, price tag attached ta this aut-of-town j unket, whlch experionce suggests vwiiibu an undereetimate of the costs. I n a tawn in whlch appraximaely 70 per cent of Its works are employed autslde its boundarios, ta ta= business ta another town sends the wrong message from a counicil thet 18 actively seekling toaettract new business 'ta the Town. If this money really must bu spent t should b. spent wihtin the Tawn's boundarles. if is aur understanding thet Durham, Regian recentlY conducted a similar meeting thet wms held locally. If the RPan do this, why can't - Whitby do lkowise? Unfortuunely you have conveyed-the impression thet you are. unwilllng ta, recelve Input regardlng the fimandiai affaire 0f the Town from lits own citizons. For al 0f the abave reasons this correspondence wlli bu roleased ta the media for possible publication. ~resd~tWhltby chapter

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