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Whitby Free Press, 4 Mar 1992, p. 9

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Offededby letter abot'slu' To the. Edlte Re: Townhposea, site plan application for McQuay- Blvd. Rtesponse ta the letter from residents who live in the area -i Tanya and John MacDonald of Whitby (Affordable housing: sbums,' eb. 19, Fre. Press). You wrote the newspaper and implied that the proposed' new develyment of affordable housing would become "sluma." As' a vice-presidexnt on the. board of directors for the Whitby Dunlop Corporation that will bo one f, ournelours, I-1take great'ojence ta yu vocabua7 cafing this devlopment "lum. Iwould like ta oint out a few things ta you. 4, too, amn a, ingle parent raising two children. You stae in yourletter that a sister 0f yours ini the saie family situation. Since this member of your family is obviously close ta you, you muet be aware 0f what life is like for a single mother. I did not choose this rôle. I once had a nice, home in a nice area and iny Idds could have been your.kIda' beet friends. I work fi-time and do flot chooee NO, free ride for co-ops Té theE£ditom. As a member of a co-operative, 1 was appalled to read, in Theo Pro. Prose, two bttera from residents of the McQuay Blvd. area where a co-operative housing development is to b. built. Ini reply to the- first btter, co-operatives and co-operative members do ay taxes ta the Town of VWhi bot *48,26 was paid to the Town in 1991iby Athol Green Co-operative Homes Inc. The tai' projection for 1992 is slated at around $54,000. These monies are for a 48-unit devebopment. Pringbeà Creek Co-operative and East Whitby Co-operative pay heathy tax maney as well. As you can see, there s no free ride for our members. To address the second set of issues it is moot unfortunate if Mr. and Mrs.MàcDonald's relative is beingharassed in her co-op hom, u be Iamn on f=ri footing when I say that such incidenta are few and far between i co-operative housing. For many low- to moderato- income earners, co-op housngis the best and the . only form of housing and home ownership that they will ever bo fortunate enough to know. Our homes"are not slums and to categorically state that the members living in these hoipes are certain types of lower-class persans. is discrimination and prejudice at its worst. Statistics have shown that co-operative residents are good coprt citizens, have' fewer prolemst in the community and, as a whole, are what are referred ta as "solid citizens"in the truest meaning of the phrase. 1 have lived in and been actively involved with MY co-operative, Ahtob Green, since it openied. Durihg this time I have The Future mus* 's REDUCE- REUSE, RECYCLE with WASTE'SYSTEMS Calil Derrick 427-3253 seen more carmg, concern and neighbourliness among aur members than I have experienced in a private community i my many years on this pIanot. I would urge people in the greater communities ta get some information about co-opa the phioohybhn hemoveent, what make thein wok attend information meetings etc. Moet Co-op people would h more than pleased.ta explain aur lifestylo which, in essnce, is really not much different froin your own. We, too, are concerned with over crowding, traffic etc. Every human hoing lias the right ta decent affordable housxng, whether they are liandicapped, have low or moderate icome or earning a good wage; ta denly onyono that right ls unconscionable and an assault ta human dignity. Shirley Mlemt Whitliy ta ait 'on welfare and have the governinent nor your tai dollars subsdizo me. go please. dont label me. The future residents 0f our eo-op are not going.to ho ail singlo parents. They con ho people just lk you, with your values and genuie carmg as ta where and what thoy live, in. Do not juage your futuj'e noig hbours eause, unfortun- ately, due ta the employment or coot of living, no one knoïws where they wil ho in, the future. %Hopefully, y ou as a "9taxpamyer"f willp nover boe your home and have ta walk in aur shoos. If this shoubd happen ta you, you may on. day hope there is r=o for you and your family in a Jvelý1opient such as ours. Athough you say your sister's living conditions are flot good, teil me whore else your sister and her family could live If h. con find accommodation that is botter and she can offord it, thon I say ta her, move. As the old phrase goes, "Ifyou caret stand the heat, get out of the kitchen." Stop complainng and either do something alxt it or beave. I have earnedover the years ta never say neyer' because you neyer know what wMi happen and what you wiil havo ta do. As a member of the board of directors, w. have worked hard for the past years ýta get ta the stage we are at now. We have worked with the architect ta devebop a tawnhouse development that would ho coat-efficient and look good tathe local arma It appears that 'the local neighb ar have wanted changes for appaace sake and we will do th es we can ta implement' your wishes.' But, remembor, upgrades add ta the cost 0f the uta. Don't oemplàtn if youry request for more trees or shutters, on'the buildings get addedsowwe- 'blond in" nicer with your homes. 1 would like. tomako soin. suggestions. When you purchased your property seven years agp, it( is quit. obvious you boughit your home for- the area and yetý failed to inquire as to the* zoning of vacant fields in your area. That is' flot our development's error, it is> your errer. I empathize with your sister if she has probleins. The reason for a board of directors in a c-pi to maintain a pride in -othe Hang developinent. Because of the board ofdirectors, we will be able M ulroney! to make sure the developinent is kept to, certain sitandards, 10" DOLL! whereas individual own ers, as. Like a Garfield or Moonie yoursef cannot control what or Car Window stick-on with o eir neighbours maintaim suction cups.!. thon, propertr. Whether you have Hang hi'm in your bar'or at a home wortn $200,000 or mbre, you are out of luck if your work (if you're still working). neighbour chooees to bave clutter.. Money-back Guarantee if not on bis property or does not delighted! Just $19.95 plýus maintain the- property, which Shipping & Handling. would make the value of your ORDER NOW! property go down. !UMMLLRE It appea in your letter you alTLFRE are g-rasping at straws. Frst you 1-800-463-2587 24 Hours / 7 Days/Weeký SEE PAGE 14 Ask for Dept. 98 AISTHORPE WILSON & ASSOCIATES Certified Management Accountants Taxes, Bookkeeping, "Accouniting Drop-off or pickup in Whitby or Toronto 898 Kingston Road Toronto 691-3704 330 Byron Street South Whitby 430-6473 I I1lst Annual Fundraisino Bowaton SPOLICE SERVICE 5712 't,~ ý, 06J *it4f arch [' 4. 2 Prescriptions Delivered 1

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