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Whitby Free Press, 4 Mar 1992, p. 22

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PAGE 22rWMBY FMEE oesWEDNESDAY. MUCE 4,19~ Vandalism is on the, risein Whitby. A report presented te Town oporations committoe Monday shows there were 175 cases of mischief with dainag under $1,000 asat year in WbitbyU from 116 such incidents in -1990. Incidents of mischief with damage over $1,000 numbered 510, up from 292 mn 1990.. Operationa committe. chair- =esn Marcel Brunelle says van- amIsm l becoming an epide- Brunelle says the only way te stem the problem àa te get the community luvolved ln reporting vandalism in their" parka. Mayor Tom Edwards sayje eeybody should be on the look out for it and reportlt.-" 1Vandalism coit the parka and rocreation departmont $13,310 in material and equjpiment replace- mont lest yoar. That doesf n' clude labour and vehicle costs, anld doesn't luclude the Port Whtby Marina or Civic Recrea- tion Contre. Brunelle suggesta signa be put, un in arks informing Peopleof the Town's policy of paying rewards to people who report acta of vandlism.- I CoId Weather's here and I Cracked Windshields mun easily ~ *when your car heater ison * Our technicians use an increclible -new process to repair I windshield stone chips. ~ I And your insurance company wuil waïve L7-4 your deductible on stone repairs to keepRele insuran c l s own. R ...................MEI CELLULAR * A IM h ADUmS PHNE.Ca H IHTB 66n20 PORT PERRY I * 985-8507 AT R.J. PHILLIPS we' re having the TIRE 25% oOFF MANUFACTURER'S LIST PRICE ON THE PURCHASE 0F INDU VIDUAL TIRES! VAt RJ.PHLLIS e'e yurre eo ier!% 00, ALISEASON *Pinnacle GT* - performance design - ralsed white letter tires -S Rated - performance ratlng ai 90,000 km. *Pinnacle Steel Befted Radial* - white wall I black wall - touring design -100,000 km performance rating- S Rated *Ultra MKV* -performance rating 80,000. km -white wal I black wal . Ail with road hazard ............ A IESLETO F TA<UT.A3S NS I ~ WESPEIAZEiNAQNET&FRNNO ComploesAutomotive «Service 4O-Warmen-Rd.,. Whith-4-34298, OUTSTANDJNG WASTE, REDUCTION AWARD The Oiitaho Waste ýaa'ment rpmio (OWMC) has announcod t third annual Outstanding Waste- Reduction Achievemen Award competition for 1992. Ail ýOntarîo companies have, reduceid hazardous'or liquid industriel waste are ecourgd to enter. RBW G p)hics, a printing firm in OwenSound, won the initial com titMon in 1990 , while'Essex SpecialtyPdct Imc. oLon n mufihtur;o f automotive adhesives, won iii 1991. Bothpaneë reduced their waste4byêver 951v'r"cent. For wr fmetweealopresonted in 1991- to Davidson s trumenit Panol (Port Hope), Quebecor Printing ic. (Concord), Procter and Gamble (Hamilton) and Tonol Canada <Maissag) The judging-critenia include: *quanti 'and toxWctyr of waste 'reduced, reused or * evirnmetalbenefits and coot saving *management and lime personnel commitment to the waste reduction programi *dogree of complexkity and extent of innovation shown *applicability of the waste reduction methoda *to ,other compames. Richard Nowina, OWMC's director of marketIngls dUPaat winners of this award are rocognized -as roleg-models for industry. TheyaIl have demonstrated that they care about -the environmental health of -their communitios, -and, also that waste reduction pays off throuçh improved company, profits and employoe safety and morale." The compeito *i udged by an independent panel of engineers, cnriso and media representatives. Deadlino for entries is May 30., For further information contact Mel Kostovcik, OWMC (Toronto lime) 923-2918 or 1-â0O-268-1178. For our part, we can become aware of ail the danger symbols on c anngaents that our sewer systems were neyer designed to handle in the firat plc. Te following are- evonetally safer alternatives to 'chemical cleaning, agents taken from Durham Refion's handout Substitutes for Houseold Hazardous Producta. Upholetery shampoo: Use -six tablespoona mild soap fiakes or hiquid, one pint boiling water, two teaspoons household ammonia or two tablespona borax. Mix, whip with beaterAppl oam only. Ru oélanerTé1deodorize only,. aprinkle baking sd liberally over carpet, leave 15 minutes and vacuumi. UpIolstery and rug cleaner. Sprinkle dry cornstarch on rgfe%-vo ah an heur to absorb dirt and grosse. Vacuum. The OWMC regrets that it has pot oedeto, the curront economnic'conditions, its Household Hazardous Waate conference scheduled in Toronto March 9-10. Snowmoile stolen from truck A 650 Polaris somoiewas stolen from a truck at the Cham- plain Cineplex Odeon theatres lu Whitbylest Wednesdayevenlng. Police say the own'er found his snowmobili missing when ho returned te his truck after watchmnga.movie. An investigation lions uig Art classes in Brooklin FROM PAGE 16 one kilometre west cf Ashburn. Fniday features a field trip te the Ontanlo Science. Centre in Toronto. Reisotration is $50 prsuet and hl rc for every child after the firat registration per family. Registration fees luclude a1l matorials, lunches oauh day and the eld trip to ,Toronto. Regis1Ïmtion .forma ar e available from Tii. Video Iag at 185 Thickson Rd. N. in, Whitby, and frôm 'The Video, Image luBroolin. For further information cotc eithick, at65-34 NEW .ENROLMENTS NOW Leam to Danoe for the Parties TRUCK TIRE LINE-UP *Roadhawk AT white Iettered *Weathergard MKV LT M MKVI1 L T ail season raâdia"l,, Cr N w 0 z z < HWY. 2O z WARRENO BURNS - -- - ---------------- ----- --------------

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