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Whitby Free Press, 4 Mar 1992, p. 24

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LOOKING 'FOR MATURE WHITBY - CLE AN one-bedroom 'RENT OR B UY USED wedding McBRINE LUGGAGE -5p. BOKN FEE' E person to rent ýone9 bedroom. apartments, centrally Iocated. gowns.- Also wantod . prom brand new, navy colour wfth Supplies - Dîscount Pet food, bird Asking $370. Heat, hydro included. Quiet residentlal area. Quiet, dresses, graduation dresses. aenulne leather, burgundy trim. sed and wholesale flour. Hwy. 12, Please oeil 666-5288 or 427-1990. non-smoker preferred. Available 686-5248. Mustsali. $150. 721-091f9. Brooklin. For Information cal immediately. From $495/month. -- ____________ ___--________ 655-4804. Caîl 666-3883' (message) or _____________ Re% UACIAU ,1 % vfb 668-3011 (evenlngs). G* IfIBBRRAfll OLID mamonevi nye.IU m VMILAULEIM. WII nt- weekly $125, monthly $400, In a nice, quiet motel near Brookln. Oeil 655-5308. IBROOKUN - LARGE ROOM. Close to ail amenities. Available now. Cali Dave, 416-985-0856. ROOM FOR RENT ln cdean, q uiet Oshawa home, Park/John. SIt mature working person/ student, older gent. Eve]thin. lncluded. $85 per week. First last. 721-0919. RETAIL SPACE FOR LEASE. Creative rentai arrangements. 668-1468, 9 arn. to 5 p. FOR RENT OR LEASE - 1,500 sq. ff., il ft. ceiing, 10 ft. drive. Indoor. OCal 430-838. ~fr I!9!'9~!~ I MORTGAGES AND LOANS, for any purpose, from as low as 8.25%. Qwick approval. Alil ~PP iaeions considered. Raycan Fînancîal Ltd. 571-2880. PRIVATE MORTGAGES - the place to go when your bank says *N0. Serving Whîtby since 1973. 668-7200. A NU BIS INVESTMENTS. j- 's- HOUSIE, APARTIMENT FOR RENT? If you had advertisodI here, »1,0009 Mie you would be readlng this now. CUSTOM HOME. REDUCED. Like new.ý 3-bedroom (plus one), living,, dlnlng, kitchen, two 4-pc. baths. Garage, pus. On approx. 60.5 x 110 lot. Nothwest Whtby. $164,900. Oeil 666-2066. SPECIAL SALE - NEW 13 eu. ft. 2-door fridges, $475. New gas stoves, low, low prices. Rebulit f rld ge & stove sets, $375. BBQ and. fppIlnce parts, rebuili timers. Han' s Appliances, 191 Bloor St. E., Unit 6,OÃ"shawa. 728-4043. OROSLEY is back - Quality appliances, TVs, VORs. Best warranties ln the indust ry. Visit our, showroom. Hank's Appilances, 191 Bloor St. E., Unit 6, Oshawa. 728-4043. FOR EPET!REPAIRS on refrigeration& ail brands of major appliances at reasonable rates. Dgiscount for seniors. Cail 430-8779 requuri. ea@uovE - me nw W, white. $850. Private. Oalil after 6 pan. 668-5988., SEASONED FIREWOOD for sale. Face cords and bush cords. Pick g or delivered. (416) GRAND DEALS ON HOCKEY cards. 'Smokeys' unlimited draft plcks 37 cents a pack*. Score American Series 1. 37 cents a pack. Score BilIng al Series 1, 37 cents a pack. O-Pee-Ohee, 37 cents a pack. Whlle supplies last. Dmopln & check the box prices. Grand Siam Enterprises, 1910 Dundas St. E., corner of Dundas& Garrard. MATTRESSES and box Springs at half price. McKeen Furniture, 524 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. Phone. 725-5181. WASHER, AND DRYER, heavy duty, asking $300. Heavy duty dryer, asklng $125. Oeil 430-7450. STOP Dont throw Rtout. Someon may want if. Try t#e Clasifiais. CalilThe Whitby Free Press 6684111 ARE YOU HAVING TROUBLE getting auto insurance because of age, poor driving record or suspension of license? Perhaps we can help. Phone 666-2090. Derek Dutka Specializing in tax & retirement. planning since 1986 CALL 43j4-6119 RAFOR AN APPOINTMENT. four-post double bd le Scanidinavian teak stereo cabinets, Yanîaha 4-channel amplifier, convection oven. Al ln excellent condition. 416-666-3169. SPORTS CARDS - hockey and basebail cards from the 70s and 80s. Gilbert Perreault rookle $5. GuyLa leur rookie $45. Also buyln entire. collectlons. Kirk, 668-289. CHESTERFIELD SUITES, love- seats, sectionals, less than haîf rice.u Large selection. MoKeen ~urniture, 524 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. Phone 7295-5181. ANTIQUE UPRIGHT GRAND lano $1,000. Antique Duncan hfe buffet $1,000. Tannîg e $1 0. Prcesnegotiable.Coel 434-2992, ask for Ann. 40-GAL ELECTRIC, water heater, new element , -excellent condition. $5.Oell 666-9738. COLONIAL STYLE 42" round table, 2 captains chalrs, 2 mates chairs,. corner hutch. 'Beauttful, solid wood. Excellent condition. Must seli. $500 obb..721-0919. ROMANCE, CAMPBELL-prînts. Royal Doulton china, 12 place settings worth over $1.600, seil $950. Living room sofa with 2 matchlng wihg chairs, white, rose, blue. $800. 430-8076. BEST-WISHES for a Happy Birthday or Anniver.sary. The ciassifieds are a speciai way to send greetingsl Cail 668-6111 CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE. rr'S FAST - Irs EASYI ONE CALL, ONE BILL DOES IT ALL. THINK BIG - CALI TItS NEWSPAPER FOR DETAILS. VACATIONITRAVEL CANAL CRUISES: liv. days eboard KAWARTHA VOYAGEUR, scenlc Trent-Sevem Waterway or Rideau Canal; privai@s sate-rooms, meala. free brochure, write Captain Marc. Box 6. Orilila, L3V 6H9; <705) 327-5767. PERSONALS ADOPTION - PRIVATE. Mature couple wantlng lo adopt an Infant. Happy. llvely home. Seciure. loving relatlonshlp. Supportive famlly and finonds. Home study complaesd. Cai <416) 607-3513 anytirne. RECREA11ONAL VEHICLES COACHMEN & BONAIR Campig-trailera. Hardtop- Foldown. Flithwheel. Travel, Truckcampers-Caps, Park Modela. Royal-Traler & R.V. Centre ln Teviatdais, Ont. 1-<519) 343-2122. Conne ses us at K.W. Camp rama R.V. Show Mar.5-8192 and Strafford R. V. Show Mer. 13-1519?. OUT 0F TOWN PRdPERTiES' PROPERTIES TO BE SOLD for unpaid taxes. Crown Land availability. For Information on bath write: Propertlos. Dept. CN, Box 5380, Sîn FR Ottawa, K2C 3J1 ARTICLES FOR SALE DON MESSER and other memorable recordinga from the good aid de ys. For free catalogue. Write to Music Barn, 355S Don Mille Rd., Unit 6-307 N. Willowdaie, Ont. M2H 3N3. 3 FT. SATELLITE DISH AND SIXTY CHANNEL program, approxlmately hait price, for basf shows, sports, cali Mr. Button. <416) 945-8714, 45 Ontario St., Grimsby. Ont. L3M 3H2. PORTABLE BAND SeWMILLS - Canada'e leading manufacturer offers e varlety of modela. Save money, make money!Fr.. brochure, Enercraft, 03. 130 Saunders Road.1 Barris, Ont. L4M 6E7 (705) 734-1211. PREFAB HOMES FANTASTIC OFFER TO OWN VOUR OWN HOME. DeveIopmeni'company wilIlbulld on your lot. Top quallly imaterial with excltlng fléar plans. Thrae modeis la choos tram. Exitmple price: 1,200 sq. fI, $49.500. Scheduling of construction and prics commliments litait the amnount of homes la b. bult. Phone taday for delalia whill this aller la alilil available. <416) 969-8000. .STEEL BUILDINGS BUILDINGS - IF A SIDE-BY-SIDE companison la what Rl takea ta pick oui the besf and lowest...wWre aIl for il. Naw for a llmted lime.- Factory Direct ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. Ex. 25 x 30 value S3.1 25. Now S2.374. Save S754. 40 x 120 velue $14.088. Now $11.,288. Save $2.800. Cail Ploneer 1-800-6"5422. BEST BUILDING PRIÇES 4'Steel sîraftwall type.- not quonset - 32x54 $7344: 40x72 $10.276. 50x90 $15.862; 6OX126 $22.972 'oailer sizes evallabe.- witer worke program- Paragon - 24 Hours 1 .800. SPA$.TECH STEEL. BUILDNGS - Now you cen gel eteel ramed buildingseta wood frame pnîces, L CSA & CWB certlled. For free brochures, caîl today BEWARE 0F LOW PRICES. Before you bu y check the aize and depth of the panel, the overlap and lhlckness <geugo) aof the steel. For value, qualily end intgrty celiFture i 8006648653. A-Z PRE-ENG. BUILDINGS INO. New types, eteei/wood. quonset. cîedding. For Irue velue, action & enswers - WalIy <416) 626-1794 aller Spm, weeirenids. Free brochure. Clip-save. CAREER TRAINING LEARN AUCTIONEERING et-the Soulhwestern School af Auclioneering. )Neat clase: March 14 -20. Informnalion. contact: Soulhwestemn Ontario School of Auctloneing, R.R. ï5, Woodatoclc Ontario. N4S 7VI). (519) 537-2115. EARN A SECOND INCOME.'inconnu Tex or Bookkeeplng courses by correspondance. Fre brochures. No obligation. U & R-Tx Services. 1345 Pembina Hlghway, Wlnnvlpeg. Manitoba. R3T 2Bo, 1-600-665-5144. FREE CAREER GUIDE fa homs-sludy correspondence Diploma courses. Accounîing, Aircondillonlng, Bookkeoplng, Business, Coamelology, Elecîronice, LogalMedieal Secretary, Psychology. Travel. Granlon,. (SA)-263 Adealde West, Torano. 1-800-950-1972. '- SALES HELP WANTED MUSIC CAN MAKE YOU RICH. Markcet our 2 for 1 ,Music Coupon Book' wllh tremendous savinga and tropical vacation. Large-bonuses. Hlgh profits. Great opportunhty. Ceii 1-600-263-1900. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WINNERS SECRET - Fanlaslic home business; quafily housshold producîs; uncondilional guarantea; relîrement progrem; 124 yeer reputallon; excltlng Income potentiel, Watklns, Box 22066, Saskcatoon. SK S7H 5PI,<306) 955-7725. EXTRA INCOMEI Grow bailwomms ln your basement or garage. Odarles perallon. Low Inveslment. Markcet guaranteedî Fraeinformnation. Early Bird Ecology, R.R.e1, SmithvillIe. Ontario, LOR 2A0. (416) 643-4252. EDUCATIONAL.OPPORTUNITIES LOG BULD8IG CAF1EER. Pat VWite Lmg BuIr$kg Sdadc oaest couses bgig AMrIlet8iToniwsde 2=, bW weoic.$1.10M ie weelç SM5( 61~ 3) 31, Ottawa gares. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS HOW TO PLAY POPULAR PIANO. New home Isfudy course. Fast, easy methiod. Guaranteed. Fre informatI on. Write: Populer Music. Studio (126), 1031054 Ellis. KeIwna, .C.VIY IZI. >1 * REAL ESTATE SALE BV TENDER: Restaurent ln Hiliburlon Highlands vacation, country, 2.400 square feel. lully equipped. icsnsod, seals 140. Addillonal lot. Contact Halibuflon *Counly DevsIopmenl Corporation 70)457-555.- Your ad couid appeer in'communily newspapamrs lni Ontario, or right ecros Canaàda, oreany Individuel province. Space is Limited, 80 Cali Thîsý Newspaper Tedy'I BLANKET ADS ARE NOW "CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACEl" To reach a wider marner, advertise rhroughout 1h. regional membershp of the Ontario and Cnadian Community Newspaper Associations Centrai Ontario 55 newspaper s - $1 60 for 25 wards - Ail Ontario 171 newspapers - $350 for ý25wrs Ail Cadada 572 newspapens - $974 for 25 words For further Information please caîl the Whitby Free Press ClassIfieds - 668-0594 y-- -- ...............m # Fx 88w59 Qu8Mly cudcton f« o'ened Buue Bathrorn Ktotiens customn tr Deokâ - Gazebos Additions, etc.' Z.en&çcontmution- M 448 ....... .. . ..... F n c h l BARRETT CONTRACTING 432-7502 a Toronto une 698-0477 e e* s. * e =.. IM I *. CARPET & UPHOLSTERY STEAM CLEANING.SERVICE $39. - S26."'ý 666-0494 M.H. ---------- L-

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