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Whitby Free Press, 4 Mar 1992, p. 25

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WPRE~rWA~M~4~j2O92îPAGEt25 SOUD OAK PEDESTAL HERMANS 10E & JANICE, are extension table, complote -wth 4 roud to announce the blrth of solid oak hCxo-bak, side chairs. fhelr daughter Kelly Jo on January Bran - ew. Z6.85-830. 14, 1992,- welghlng 5b. ozs. et __________________ 153 p.v. A littIe slster for RDr Molsa& Kati. Proud ganre:7 FIREWOOD, - -SAVE MONEY are John & Cory Mormans of Wth sumprême qualfty-maple, Whitby, proud granidfathêr, WiIIard béechu oak, . very dry. Honee White cf Burks Falls. Great measurêmênts. Frée dellery. < 416) grnparents are Mr. & Mrs. Jâk 753-2246. oLan of Halleybury. Speclal ________________ thanks to ail nursing staff et Oshawa Gênerai Hospital. Thanks AQUARIUM 16 W UTRE HEX. to, Dr. Scott Hendêrson & Dr. Includes U.G. & Aquacear mini Manorle Edirislnglhê. Runsiuet, vIrtuaily maintenance free.0. 0-8148. Sewing Machine Repaira Complete Tune-up $39.95 Rieondiiioned Sewing Machiines from $69.00 TOPUNE SEW1ING CENTRE - 571-1385 400 K(ing St W Oshawa DONT YOU DESERVE te discover thé pleasuré of porcelain doil-making? Register now for *April classes. The Dol Shoppe, 736377. CRAFT SHOW- Village Arts & Crafts, In Pickering Village ls holdng, theîr sprIng craft show April -11- 12. Some tables stili aaiable - $25 for 2 days. Cal Rose forý more information, COUNTRY HOME accessories, placemats, table linens, rugs, ,éndes»woodn shelves, tn pan- ÏCrafts, 7692 Ashburn l. Brooklln, 655-3071. Sad., March 7,10-4. HARDIEGrhAdeS MAE OOLEPUPS orXO sale. Cail 655-3020 or 655-8897. Maruch is Red j Cross Month I.................O......._........... 1987. CHEVETTE automnatio, 8M.000 km., gas saver, $2,995. 683-4100, 434-1610. 1982 CHEV CAVAIER - 4-dr. Good, reliable, one-owner car. 80K .mies. $750. 655-4423. 84 PONTIAC ACADIAN, 4 cyl, auto. Certif led, $1,800. Phono 668-5298. 1984, PONTIAC 6000 LE, Iloaded, 130,000 - km, $3.49e. 683-4100, 683-4555. 799BLORSD.W.ROHAWA 404-0%52%5 * CHRKNGDELSYSLE *': *e A AIEV 1984 MAZDA Bio000 TRUCK parts: Doors $60 ès., 5-speed transmission $60, alternator $50, front grill $25. 281-9379. 1978 BUICK ELECTRA LTD. - Air, crulse, P8 P/B, P/W, Piseats. Good rubber. FaIr conditin. $475 o.b.o. Cal 723-5852. 1989 JEEP CHERKEE, 2 whéel drive, 6 cylinder, 5 speedB4W air conditioning, AM/FM cassette, $12,495. 683-4555,434-11610. 1989 NISSAN PULSAR NX SE, twin carn, 5-spedAMIFM cassette EQ, 63, 000km., whité, $8,995. 434-1610, 683-4555. Neeci a car - Credit problems? I .We have iease take-vers (<repossssons) " Lease b awn anymrake ér m1o *Cashifortrade -CaiinowtorfraaquotesI LEASEGUIDE AUTO LEASING 436-9837 -Gary Fat2 1miloe$PhtIsawa I~ ..E........I.......... CORPORATION 0F THE, ~ TOWN 0F WHITBY\À REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR Concession -Operation at Parks and Recreation Facilties Proposais for operation of Snack Bar and/or Vendng Serves for Town of Whiby Parks and -Recreation Fadlities will b recelved by Ginny Lock,. Purchasng Agent, until 2.00 p.m., Wedn.sday, March 18,1992. Proposai documents are available at the Town Depatment, 575 Rossland Road East, Whitby, (416) 668-5803, extension 236. Hlghest or any proposai flot necessiOly accepted.' of, Whitby Tmeasury Onta"i. Téléphone GINNY 100K PURCIIASING AGENT GEALCQ CNAQB Tenders are. invited to provide nêw Courtroom Faciîities gd 850 King St. W., OSHAWA, Ont. TENDER #OBkSi91258 UANDAORY ITEIS 10:00 a.m., Monday, March, 9,'l1992, 850 King St. W., Oshawa, Ont. Biddors JLot AtnlgMandatory Sità mfêtîng wIii- E A $5W0.00 Refundable Deposit in thé form of acertifiod choque for the plans and spcfcations is requlred. A$999000.00 Bld Bond must be'submite with your tender. A 100% Performance Bond and a 50% Payment Bond wilIbe required from thé successful ténderer. Plaa nd SMicflatons wiI be .vallah .affar Uahnimu MamblJh 21L Séaled Tenders wiIi bé réceived until 2:00 p.m. local time on WEDNESDAY MARCH 19- 1992- Tender Documents. may b. obtainéd from 'thé Ontario Ministry of Goâvsrnment, Senlces, Orillia District Office, iMémoril Avenue g thé Huronia-Régional Centre, P.O. Box 790, Orillia, Ontaio L3V, 6K7.' NOTE: For-further Information regarding thé Tenders, ploase cali thé Tenders Office gi thé ab-oyé address, téléphoné',, (705), 325-7403.- Thé lowest or any Tendeér not necessarily aoeepted. HENNESSY AUCTION -HALL service slnce- 1980 71 Mearns Crt. and~ Base Uine Rd., Unit 310, Bowmàanvlllê Ail consigniments welcome. Pick up anîd dellver. As low as 5%9-15%. <.1-416-6R7-1276 AUCTIONEER RMONTE lENIESSY AUCTION SALE "KAHN COUNTRY AUCTIONSN Every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. Located on Broo'k Rd., Pickering, 3 miles north of i-wy. 401 (exit #399). Featuring every Wed. an excellent selection.of anitiques, fine furniture, glass,. china, collectibies, primitives and the unusuals. So join us every Wed. and part icipate'in one of Ontario's 'true' auctions -with no buy-backs or reserves. -"Consign- ment and estate selling our specialty." Cail us today. Previews from 1lp.rn. KAHN AUCTION SERVICES (416) 683-0041 SATURDAY'S AUCTION ACTION SAT MARCH 7 AT 6:30 P.M. EVEIN SATURDA'Y NIGHT AT 6:30 P.M. AT THE PETHICK AUCTION BARN, 8 MILES_ NORTH 0F, BOWMAN VILLE,- EAST OFF DURHAM #57 AT 8TH CON. 0F NEWCASTLE This week we. have to be solId apt.-ize. washer & dryerï,.wood stove,ý smali tables, jewelry, limifted edition-prints, organ, dressers, ots of, gls hna, many more intresting &-unusuai iRems. Large sale. Viewing from 5 p.m. Terms are cash, cheque or -Visa. For more-info. cali 416-263-4252. Sale managed&sold by:, GARRY K. POWE ,LL AUCTIONS SUNDAY AUCTION THIS SUNDAY MARCH 8 1 P.M., PREVIàW NOON 'AT THE KNIGHTS 0F COLUMBUS CLUB, 133. BROOK ST. N., WHITBY Save mono>.'. Buy a t auction. Antiques, reproductions, house- hold effects, estate -goods for Robert: Gravés & othérs, incîuding 9-pc.- walnut . dining room ste., carvéd sideboard Oak 'bow-g lasa china cab., 6,fi. pin. ,hazvost Table & 6 hoop chairs, several wing chair sets, jéIiy cupboard. -sot cf 6 Victorlan chairs, carved. cherry Iashsand, glas china, brass, catIro dooror pcos.,ok bookcase, press-back. rockln chair, fancy parleur 'chairs &i tablés, Orientai carpets, umbreila. stand , oak-& waliutkneo-hoeo.& office desks, ,,blrd's-eYo maèle altsoverailôlvésas, - âe beces, o.dktablechair set, Icecrearn, parleur set, ginge jar, oak treadie e wing machine, o.k ovor-mantle mirror, pine boekcase, ossel, pino -coffoe. table, ant teawagon, duck decoy,assrted lampl_, pine hanging cupgoard, shavingsand, prints & pictures, pino banet box 2 high-back sido chairs, curlo shelvés ý & stands, cheval mirrors.Torms: cash, choque (Visa, W4C 3% premium). AUCTIONS UNLIMITED 519-345-2082.'519345-2426 "4 j : -. ý-- ýýt Z, an-,--W-f ý- 0 *1 t- Z ..........

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