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Whitby Free Press, 4 Mar 1992, p. 26

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PAGE 26, WH1TBMWFME PRESS, WEDNÃŽESAY, MARCE 4, M9 CORNEIL'S AUCTION 13ARN 1FRIDAY, MARCH 6 AT 6p.m. Rotlnihod fiat-top farm scaies Gerard uprlght piano, rot inished apt.-size piano, 3-pc. modem bed- roomn ste., modern dressera & chese of drawers,, 4 tiger-face ress-back chairs, pine blanket box Bradford apt.-slze washer& dryer, Inglis auto. washer & dryer, chesterfields, antique cheots af drawers, ooka, butter bowl, washstand, walnut V2-moon table, walnut dinlng extension table, walnut dinlng chairs, cftee. &end tables, quilts ca-ohi amps9, treadie sewng machine, qty.od wooden kitchen chairs, olôe- & sIngie- door fridges, loo winder,* trunk, anvii, Ski-Wiz, Snowjet snow- mobiles, qty. new brasa iamps, toois, ýchina, giass, coliectible& househoid items. .1 DON & GRIEG CORNEIL AUCTIONEERS FR.#%lLITTLE BRITAîN PH-ONE OR FAX 705-786-2183 REFLEXOLOGIST Aesthetician, make-up artist - aeromatherapist. Oshawa Centre Hairstylists ( j y s 7 2 8 - 4 6 2 3 daàys a week 10 arn- 8:30OPm Waxiny Facials, Pedicures, NaIs, Ae rmatherapy Massage, FReflexology, Make-up Artist (17 yrs. exp.), eye Iash & Abrowdtnt. EUROPEAN'MASSAGES: 9 a. to 10 p.m. Out Galis oôniy. Cali 725-62990 *CASH,,LOANS. $500 'AND UP. AlLapplcions quicyproc ed regardiess of psredit rating Must be employed..436-8104,24 hour answering service. CINDY'S ALTrERATrIONS. Leatdher, ladies' and men's alterations, prom dresses, custom talioring. Tues. through Sat. 101-V2 Mary St. W. Pearson Lanes. 430-6550. BIRTH CONTROL and family planning counseiling. Free and confidential, avallable Mondayta Frlday, 8:30 a.m. ta 4:30 p.m. iginic every Thursday 3 to, 6 p.m. For further information, cali 420-8781 or 433-8901. ADVISOR Joan Monday to Frday 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. 430-1328 BAHAIS BEUEVE: Hie that riseth ta serve My cause shouid manifest My widwomn, and bond every effort ta banish ignorance tramn the earth. For Information and discussion, cail 668-8665. WOMEN IN ABUSIVE relation- ships. For heip, cali the Denise House for Women and Chiidren. Toli f ree 1-800-263-3725 or 728-7311. Confidentiaiity assured. (Formeriy Auberge.) To-listeýn to these people lni thelriown voile.,S 1-4ý6-976-1991, enter code 3 when prompted. enter i for rana adsahad then the box number hn t~Ie a4- ...or you can browse through ail of them. You wil be btfi on phone bl for 994 per minute ta, a maimum of 3 minutesI ENGUISH FEMALE9 23, lifles VERY ATTRAýCTIVE adven- THOSE WISiNQ TO, RESPOND movies, skiing, travel, dinlng Out & turous attached maie 34, seeks to box numbers shown boiow, challenges. Seekë honestI& similar lady. for fun tImes. RSVPplpease ýd o ed1t roliabie*guy for reiationship, 23-30. Box 1013. doenot sondFre posos ta RSVP BO-X 2004. __________ system la a voice mail systom. To _____________________acces, cali 1-416-976-19" SOMETiNG SPECIAL nq T MALE - 24 Mies music, movies, WHIT13Y FRJE PIMYSt C countrywaf;ks,i ulet evenings, eet voC iirdc , ( >seeks honesti ntelligent female for ___ J Box 1002. T p5lfJ PrC___ eainhp a nomdgms caul 668-0594 (Please caU Wednesday - Friday. 9-12 or 1-5 Ta place a FREE 20 woi-d ad ln the Whttby Fi-ce Pi-cas cal 668-0594. We dont even necd your naine ai- phone numnber. Youi- ad wtli-un tn the newspaper cadi wcek for a month. WeIt gtve you a votcemai box number. Then you dtat 1-416-976-1991, watt forI. tut answci- and pi-cas extension rode 3 on your touch-tone phone. Fotlow a stmplc sertes cf messages whtch wlI hetp you placc a votce ad ta comptement yaur frce word ad to n the newspaper. -Your prtvacy ta guai-autecat. *Yeu tkave youi- sali-e nty - ne name, no address. ne phone numbe-r - yeur iespen-l ';, ** ' dentssnswer ta yur matbox only. ~ , -Yu decide who ta cdli back alti- ttstenlng te yr i-tum messages. * y O * t'u drcide whcn and how ofel ctie lve -Z~j your messages. S You pay foi- yaur cai on yaui- phone btll - only 99C maxtmum af ÃŽ2.97 pr cai - thei-e ai-e ne addlttonai long- :-. ~ dtstance chai-ges. -0 - Yu arecchargcd ta icave yaur Initiai message and cach time you listen te yaur responses. NB. Tne Frc Pressa -i-ews eaa nt messàge te ensure lis suttabiltya- u rcadership. Wc reserve the rtghntto delete any sat whtah ta effensive tn' addi-ess oi- phone number of the box heidcr or anjthing whtah identtfics >Hear It lia their own voicet caul Watt foi- It tea aswer. then whcn prompted pres extension code 3 on your touch-tane phone RSVP ads are foundin the Ctasstfleds of the Whttby Free Pi-eas. Each ad carries a valcemai box number to hetp you flnd the coriespondtng voir-e message.' Jat down the maibox number firn the ad you wtsh ta reapand to. 'Ilen dUal1 -416-976-199 1. presas newspaper code 3 and a atmplte sertes or measages w111 lead tu their message. tif you like, you can reapond, teavtng yr naine and phone number. Youi- repty is onty accesatble ta the persan lit ta tntended for. You pay onty S 99t per > 9minute, ta a msximum of $2.97 per ILcati onv ui- *phone bii. lhere si-e »»> no.addt- * - ttnnal long ./ distance charges. MARRIED MALE, 34, iooking for singie or married femnale between 20 & -35 for f riendship. Must bu very discreet. Box 1003. ACTIVE MALE, 35, likes sparts.ý theatre, movies & gaod conversation would lk ta meet Intelligent, witty, sincere and attractive lady. Repiy ta Box 1005. HI, I LOVE MUSIC. dancing& =rts. i have blonde liair,22 years ýÃ".Soeklng a tail, romntic man. Box 2000. BUSINESS LADY seeks considerate, rot lned, étable, professional gentleman. 50 ta 55, with good sense af humour for sincere reîationship. Box 200t, ATTRACTIVE MARRIED 23 year oid ioling for tomais between 20 & 40 for discreet rela- tionship. Repiy ta RSVP Box 1014. SINGLE WHITE CANADIAN m'aie, '29 years, S5il", 220 ibs., black, hair, husky bu 'ild, italian background. Love outdoor, activities. Looking for friendly femnale for activities. Repîy to Box 1010. 1 Coroners juy recommendatns 1i FROM PAGE 1 caught on the second warning must pay the fine. Parents would pay the fines cf young offenders. Othor logislative suggestions include an amendinent to the railway act for a six-foot-high heavy gauge chainlink fonce around railrFoad tracks ini urban area, and the reduction of the sedlimit of the trains in urban aroas to whatever spreedlmti ipsdon motor vehicls Te jury rocommended the enforcement cf whistling at ahl railw!ay crossinprs in the Whitby area b. maintamned -and the sur- veillance by, CP police at cross- ings be increased. nineson board the trains shoutwatch for podestrians at ail timos while tho trains 'are going through residential areas, t iggested. he jury recommended the use Of sensory dovices ta help dotect anybody or anything movig on the tracha ahead of te train. A hem would automatically be Set Off If any movemont is detec- ted. The establishment cf a -cer- mittee with municipal, federal and railway.representativen was also recommended to, study the fk bity,- 4 h C- - in areas with high trespassig violations. The use of videos that effec- tively convey the dangers of p lay- ing on or near railway tracks- should b. 'a mandatory tool ta educate people of ail ages, it was -rf. the hearing, inspectair David Boggiss af CP police showed a powerful video enititled Vavid's Run, ' which was filmed as a short horror stor*y. The video shows t he tragedies that can occur n ear railway tracks. He said tho mncrease in fines and additional publicity WHi help rais. the awareness of, the dangers of crossing railroad tracks. According ta, statistics by -Ci> police, Oshawa' dotachment, since January. 1988, 138 Young offenders have been warned and five charged nÏear railway crss- insi the Whitbyars. T ny aduitsave ben war- ned and five chtarged during that time. -In the 12 months prier ta Bukor's death, 17 young offen- ders were warned and on. char- ged while five adults wore war- nied and two chured Since8Sept. 4,.1991, nin on offenîders have boen warlnedt,' nons charged while two, adulte have been warned and on. char- ged. Court decision on fire violaion FR OM PAGE 1i ply with the law and that Robin- son's yard had been operatin* for manyyar before t e Hagers- wfli enormity of the chie by the new prov incal< law rogarding l ire safety, in tire dumps roquiros time and. mon.y t aè" curethe proper .quipment, h. add. ýý trietorBue eoki. comply with the new*safety gui- delines but were «rebuffedu"iby the owner, who show ed a «noný- co-p ,e aiude. property >wir" Wgher and biggm than ýthey .wers ,suppaood 7b and- the distance beýtween the =sid o memhonwstan- McLàeod said Robinson bas fai- led taovide'.corecët cs. to the rdafr1rveclsand a * 'atçu~n cç PRE-PAID WORD ADS (Cash, VISA, choque received befare deadlinie) $6.00 for 20 words; ($5.61 + 390 GST) 15o each additional word; (Il40 +10 GSI) BILLED'WORD'ADS $8 00 for 20 words; PLUS GST * 150 each additional word; PLUS GST AUCTIONSIANNOUNCEMENTS 890 per agate line (14 agate 11nes per inch) «minimum charge: $6.00 prepaid, $7.50 billed, DISLAYADS'UN -CLASSUFIEDS -* <Ads with bordera, pictures or graphics) Regular display rates aipply - 940 per agate lune Minimum size 1 column inch $13.16, COTINUJOUS RUNDISPLAY ADS AS LOW As $1 0.99 PER COLUMN INCH. G.S.T. ia extra on ail ada unlesa otherwise lndicated DEADLINE Monday noon prior to Wednesday publication. Pisas check your advertlssmnent for errors on the tirst day of Publication, mhe Whftby Fre Presa whll not b. hiable for failurs ta publish an ad, or for' typographie errars ln publication beVand the cost ai -the space occupied by the error up'ta a maximum c<èst af the insertion1. ViT~he W by Free Prss rqO tQa q- or --j

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