PAGE 2, WHFI'YFRPMPRESS, WEDNE1SDAYp)MA.R 4, 1»92 r~ ~ i ~ ~ ..mïm m.E3~u~r~ ê WANT YOUR HOUSE SOLD? 7 good reasons ta cal Lilian North CI She can seli your house CI Fulltime salespersoni " Experience (l2th year) " Whitby office CI REIMAX Nuxnber *One Real Estate Company (Financial Post) Ci Lists on Oshawa & Toronto Boards 0 Approx. 25,200 members on both boards to help get your house SOLDI walk to Whty Rec. Centre.AKM BU $217,850. Very Tempting. -5 OTAEI IknowvWhitby!I lve in Whitby and have specialized in Whitby Real Estate for many years. IF QUESTIONS YOU FIND, PLEASE KEEP ME IN MINE), ROSEMARY BROWN, SALES REPRESENTATIVE IN YOUR TOWN.lJ BUS: 433-2121 RES: 668-3504 DEL01 FREE Prize in Each Kids Meal tion.» Buffet says the expansion "con- tinues te proceed as we had hoped it would.» Plans should be submittod te the ministry, this week or oarly noit and '%e are very optimistic that it will move forward there- after without a glitch. "Certeinly that's the message we)re getting from them." 'Barten aays Whitby Gênerai wlll continue talking Wlth othér hospitals and heaith caro pro- videra 'in a bid te <rationaîlize services,» although a merger isn't on the horizon. "Some good financial news» from the ministry will allow WGH te, balance its budget this year (which ends March 31), "but we!regog to have te make some irorj&*cuit decisions neit yéar... but I hope w. don't have to maké the, more drastc deci- sions of cutting siervice and cut- ting j!o.' By Mark Reesor Taika between Whitby Goneral Hospital and Bowmanville on a proposed administrative mérger h ave ended. Hospital board chairperson Ed Buffet told staff at a meeting Friday aftornoon "W. are not going to be proceecing with a morgor with Bowmanvillo Memorial Hospital.-" Board pubi relations chair- porson RbMorton en-as per- aonality difforences betweon some of the individuals" in thé early going «tainted the formai discussions for us. <'Nothing sorlous, but it atarts you rethinkin g the process on whichryou've embarked.» occui", Morton saya provincial funding improved, and the board reoeived 1 messages, from the. gvrnment that "we'renot going fà ose our- hair down here at thé. ministy if the merger doesn't succed Morton aays Whitby Gênerai has been a very efficient ope- ration -- "%Y comparison, it is more officient than theBowman- ville operation... we have less te g ain financially, 'probably (through a merger) than doesth Bowmenville hospitai"» .Ho says with ecting executive director Elizabeth Barton's help "and others, it became clear that we weren'tgi~t i fw didn't hav ýegrthe oanagement here was also a resistance within the hospital te a dlinical merger with Bowmenville, says Morton. "Our comfort level wasn't there, and our comfort level with this institution improved drama- tically over this last four weeks." Buffet says the board doesn't seS signiflicant bed closinga or staff reductions as a necessary option "for the foreseeablo future» becauseocf the "drematic change" in funding levels. It was feared, goverrnment, cut- backs would mean no equity funding this year, but "in reco- nition 'thatIDurham is a growth aewe flot only got the $220,000 that we had budgeted, we got $389 000 (in total). «That hati a dramatic impact on our short-term fmnancià I situa- Group can help with activte Canada 125 went te t local groupa involved ini celébrationa of Canada'a 125th birthday. Ontario community advisor Sendy Valé saya thé orgaization iseasking groups Of al kinds te piggybackt birthday celebrations3 on te évents alréadfy plenned. , «Oui, job isa » go out and get pépl eths - bout. tiiebirth day.. -anédso'éthingt maké us ýhappy,» seid Vale at- Monaýy mntsa meeting of tewn operationa committée. Groupa who want te gét invol- yod are asked ýtoregiter' their activity with Canada 125, a non- profit corporation eestabliéhed to hejp Canadians celebrate. Teorganization promsst provde groups and individuals with dvice, glac i'rag local sponsorships, informa- tion, on national projects taking place in the area and access to pooional matérials. - ' PValecan be contacted at 619- 0755 (Ajax). By Marlo Boucher Art Robinson has beon acquit- ted of a trespaasing charge in connection- with gis Prince Edward Island ship in Whitby harbour. Robinson was found gilyof trespassing and finéd $250 on Sept. 9 lest year, but aippea1ed. Thé apeal was allowed in Pro- micalcourt in Oshawa on Féli. 18. Bérnie O'Brien,, Robinsoný's lawyer, said thé audge decided that the- trial -court had-erredi detoriining that undé'r the cii,- cumatances, the ship itsif cen- lot amount te a trespassing charge. Hosaid other argu ments wero deomed unnecoessary., OnIy a Dary Queen' Treatmeal'gives your chiîd a burger fies, sofi drink, plus-a soft serve treat and a special prize., Ail for one great price. At participating Dairy Queen4 Brazier' stores. Irze Dairy QueenTreanneaF'. Every one is a party. Whitby Location OnIy' 1003 Dundas' St. E. 668-5342 iDCairylOueen» stores aie proud spons ol f he Ch idren's Miracle Network Tetethon. which benettsloa hospitais for ch idren. AM 00 UO IlWZqjF9 o11992.MDoCOP For service and resuits ask for LILIAN NORTH sales representative RE/MAX Summit Realy (1991) Ltd. 668-3800 Res. 668-7479W Canada's 125th birth& Kismen .want week,-, of celebration in Ap rÃi Mon. & Tues. only 5 pin -8 M Only $3,.95 Fettucine Alfredo or Spaghetti & Meat Sauce Add a side order of mushrooms, garlic bread or caesar salad for only $ 1.50. Regular Menu available 158 Brock St. N. (Pearson Lanes) »Whitby 666-0023 Li, Thé Whitby Kinsmen and Kinettés want Whitby council te déclare thé week *of April 19 as Proud te bée Canadien' week. Thé weok's évents would ao include 'a celebration at Town, hall, part of a 'Proud te bé Canad n oue planxied by Kins- mon and Kinetté clubs across Canada. Thé tour was kicked off Jan. 1 in Victorie, B.C. and Jan. 2 in Carbonear, NeWfoundland whén processions set out te viait morie than 250 communities with flage that have fiown atep thé Peace Tower. Thé processions will meet at.» the Teriy Fox Memorial in Thun- der gay June 20. About 600 Canadian communi- ties will be involvé.d,' and !Vs hoped'more than 1.2 million chul- rewilagn speciaily dosignéd Canaà dian fiaff as -«a show of hopeand love or'thé counry. Local cheirperson iPéggy Héw- son, says- the 'Péace Towér, flag will' be brougjht te Whitby , by runnérs from Port Perry on Sun- day, April 26.' Ifcouncil approvos, it will be fiown, along with thé Town and Kinsmen flegs at thé Town hall for thé day.. '> Hewaon hopes 2,000 children, and thefr parents, will turn qut for thé day and aigu thé fleg.