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Whitby Free Press, 4 Mar 1992, p. 4

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,MORE REACTION TO 'BUDGET RETREAT' Belleville trip is 'totally unacceptable' TO, the Editoe Copy 0f letter ta, the acting aaoTwn 0f Whitby. Fitly, w. would like ta ea'y tha i yuta smebo4ly for ha-vxnw the. br= ta stpte pln trip ta llnevile. eSocdye vwe would.like Town cauncil toarly understand that theiplan ta have this re-schedulod for March fa tatali unacceptable. -It insnatcleer tous just what the. stetement mado b .Tom Edwerds jea Il about -W il give us an appartunity ta get ta, know on.e nother botter." Someo0f us h ave booni Whitby for raughly il yers and our memory serves us very well. Tam Edwerds has been connectod with Town council since.1964, Jas Drumm aine 1977, Rase Batten ine 1980, Marcel Bruipello ine 1983, Donnis Fau ince 1988, and Don Mitchell-and Judi Longfield ince 1991. Now really, other thai the lest threeoafficers, how mn years do yau considor. is adequate ta ho rub e houldors îon Town cauncil before -you get:ta know one another? W. are not really interested in loaning about your ixhdividual manitary sacrifices whilo away fr-om your. full-time employment. YO al out mention the. annual rmnorin you_ each receive, as well as the tax exemptions of 33.3 per cent that are also very mice perks. As same- people have suggested, ail local'taxpayers have assisted financially ta erect smre nice officiai buildings on Rassland, Rd. With a littie mare imagination than was put inta the Belleville proposai, we are confident a trul~ dedicated council can accomphls satisfactory resuits -. without Ieaving Whitby. Who je thé bright light that madothe ouggoin to ta Boevilo? ad, Igues e ofeould naw ask the question, "What other thrilling spots were ugetdas aternatives?" tefigure 0f $5,000 ithe 1992 budget and, if nat, what do yu proposeta eliznlnate ta, accomodate thiie>high-lovel Gofor it To the Edîtoe With a cambined aporating and capital budget 0f smre $37 milon anda taff of 600 people, it would soem remsnableofor the senior managers of such an organizatian to maniage the business in a poessionel mariner. Progrssive companies conduct seimmars and bpidget meetings away from the company head ofce. Why not aur- Town of Wliitby senior managers and .onclmembers? Congràtulations on your efforts Town of Whiitby council. Go for it. Ronald Murdock - Whitby conference? Whitby is>io different then eny other tawn in, Ontario tryig ta survive undor today' deplorable econamic conditions suad yau, aur elected. officials, have the -gali ta thiink 0f taldng *5,000 0f taxpaer, money and, eponding tuhi nBellovlo in a positive move .ta impraveW tbs ecanamy., If tho Town bildings are not considered suitale, as viewed by council momibers, what 4e the big annasiconm:ta ha-ving your coed.door meeting at ane or aur new hotels alang the North Service Rd.? To admit that you, as elected officiais, do not have the contrai or willpower or desire sud/or commitment ta block out inhibitars wo that you cean porformi your duties as elected officiais is not; acceptable ta the ratepayers of Whitbyý who, incidentally, put yau in your chairs This letter is addressed ta tue acting mayor because, really, by buying inta such an idiotic plan, You are only acting' in the capacty of mayor. T alal the rest of the council memhors, based on ovortures caming out of the auta industry, you may flot have your cushy job in a few years ta came. Rtather than squendening. your own hard-earnîed tex-exempt dollars ta have a bash inBelleville, keep the money foryour fature. By the. way yo ar atterpti ta lookay e h book war o t en t e Otei econoen. A written respanse in theý local media would certeily ho J oli.G nl a l Mr. & Mm. avdCh.rung Day. and marie wllim Whltby IS no wonder there's mistrusýt To the. Editom' I read with dieut yu Feb. 19 story <Councillors poStpone budget retréet' for a more convonient weekend in March in Beileville. Haw nice! I rernember ail those who knocked an m doo last fail for my vote'end aà their Promises -- what a bunch of garbage. No wonder na one trusts or understands politiciens. I guesea little bit of insenity helpe. .I sfincerely hope they have a good tirne. Have a steak an me.. and rernember ta order Canadien winewith the meal . ehý..-," L.J. Nol"em whitby our-fot ntaed while Kismen, pool shut down? To tiseEditor, Re: Kinemen'pool 0 S. hths sad r Sv $.00 offs e- Siie e euy anyet *n enrea u/w e.. O .Sat by6pi oraigexpenses, maintenance sud repair ce s wll aswages. Whitby) whon loaking at the-total pcue Beinr cnseyatve. the hntt<wn If's sad to hear the Wise, sages lino e;xceoda i00OOper rnontj on the hill directing their ire for 12 monthe per year for 20 towards the aid venerable year.- swimmn ae. It appears-the Now isn't it an intelligent Kinsmen pool ja too coetly to ecanomical move ot. ehut down operate., the KiennPool, that cost about The claim i that the poé o cse *44,000 for. the summner whili approximately $22,000 per month maintaiming a four-ýfooter costing for two monthe>moaming $44,000 *100,000 per month or *1,200,100< per :eummor. Being, the wiso per year? stewards thoy are, this flow of rod The stato of recroation ithis ink muet hoe taunchod or -the Town je, mirrorod in tho she Town will ho driven into debtore tupidit of this proposai hoing prison or worse. studid1% u Town fathors. One wondere what p1len these MA rea with a population in~ Wise mon (caocond fromn. Lé excose of 60,000" roquiros a loi and bohold, theso samoeagesmore swimming ho os An the bostowed upon the citizenry a summor thon thoy do,' in the grand Olympus-typoe wimning colder -months. Peopleo usually and oexercso empoium unique swim to cool off., Since Our hot only:to the Caunty Seat, as tho season je summor, theon aur 4 crown jewel' of the County Town recreational needs, 'poal-wise, (nex t ta-the Town hal)-increase itho summer. To ensure that'no adjacent Motpople do not swim ,for peasant gathering such asNax4, recroational. purposes in the Pickering, Oshawa, Port Perr or winter. Visit« either of "ur two other attemp , ta equal tho pools and this je plainly msen. grandeur 0f thé crawn jowel,' the Alsa, pools do flot, neod palatial sages wisely laoished moe1 anycavera i tho summer so thorofore than the treasury odan h n llepeSvo pool failities like tho, wont. as fair as the woqld'sg Kinsmen pçOo sems tao b more financial centre (Oshawa) and: ;thon ad+q4te. borrowed four big;aSta This or0aeaization's purpome je elirninate any J>ooi»]ty. 0f ta asst the council i cottiti.an. formulating policy. Wo ýare more croating thie world4class than happy to pravide whatever four-footer, that cost ij ecess0f assistance our group cen muster.ý $10 'million,' aur feurlées leaders However, hofore that cen happon, estebliahed a eimxi 'hale with council must permt us and every, capital caeseof $10 ira wbich, citizen the Qpportunity ta sS if emortized over 20 yeare, cast what je happening byý opening up you .elnd me: $41,6136.67 'per the Tawn?"operatians, com- month, 12 moxiths a year for 20 mittoos and, council business so yoas. henone c"éré that that help cen ho offered. 14million was barrowed, ta blp Arewwo gettin9 tho-cauncil me pta little widbreak around thé. deservo,1 or AIi thinge ever poolyu .houfld add'interest of improve?. aprxiaely, *400,000 por y or abu$33,333.33 per monb Fat I)ooleY bringin'g the monthlyý total. ta $75,000. Sdo r *Rit -W -One. oldt ovealok io 4- à ESTe u fo yur frezer edS! & DELIATES(E IN-STRE SPCIAL STOR SLICE SEE S FO ALLYOURBACO PAT LTE E.S UE AT e Ar o aoais n a-opo jîe.S eial* e -s RO S. B(n On woe o afe 1s i. d meim pced 50 FFpckg hornAacA oasg n fcus u ue .sek Lor'e u.-

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