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Whitby Free Press, 4 Mar 1992, p. 6

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The onlyWhitby Newspaper owned and operated by Whîtby residents for Whitby residents! Published every Wednesday by 677209 Ontario Imc. at 131' Brook St. N., Whitby, Ontario Li N 5S1 Phone 668-6111 Toronto Line 427-1 834 D',oiug Anderson -Publisher Maurioe Pither - Editor Alexandra Martin Production Manager 2nd Glass Postal Registration #05351 Board won't negotiate with'Catholic teachers To the EdItor: Normally 1 wouid rosiat the urge to debato publly the Issues concernlng the current nogotiations botween the Oathollc school board and its 295 secondary toachors. l-owevor, given the board's refusai to meet with the toachors to nogotiate an end to thîs dispute, and givon the tact that -board chairperson Tom* Oldman rot used me the opportunity, as chiot negotiator for the teachers, to addresa the board at the meeting on Feb. 19 when the toachers' last offer was considered, 1 have Ifttie cholce but to mnake the toliowlng points ln thia veypublic forum. Te teachors are perplexed by the boarc's refusai to moot and to resolve the Issues through nogotiation. The teachers, bolieve that monoy la no longer a major Issue since the difference between the two positions la bass than one per cent ovor two years. The prlmary difference between the two positions is the welghting af the variausoelils in the grid -- not the cost since the two positions are very ciose. The toachers aiso bellove al their stafftlng provisions couid bu implemented with no increased cost to the board. Many o? the proposais stili unrosolved sook oniy to confirm current lovois of service. '*. 1 can only thlnk af two roasons why the board wUi not nogotiato a conclusion to the impasse, espocially. when money la no lor an issue. Tho irat roason la that tho trustees aro not awareo0f tho non-monotary nature af tho teachers' stafting proposais and how closo the two parties actuaily are in salary positions. The presontation by senior staff to theoboard at the Fob.9 meeting certalnly did not make those facta clear, sinco no comparlsan was made betwoen the board and teachors' positions; what was made was an infiatod and distorted presontation of the teachors' offor. The oniy othor oxplanation i ses la that the trustees do realize that the positions are close but 'hope,- by, constantily. emphaslzlng the teachors' monetary, position* without roferenco to thoir own- position, they can ignore the other non-monetary issues by !ofusing to neîotiate. Inoithor case, the teachors await the board at the bargalning table. Robert McDonnoii Support for link location To the Editor: Re:, Proposedi 401-407 freeway l11nk.The reent publicify surraundlng the above proposai has become the subject of great consternation ta us. la la with conslderable distresa that we note thé Town of Whifb ha. recammended Lakeride U as the mas? reasonable rote for this llnk. It appears that the Tawn ha. not consldered the Inmiable physical destrtiction ai the aides? subdivision, ln Whifby, narnely Aimond Village.' If such a fini snecessary (and we're certainly not convinced it la), the province, by selectlng kas present technicaily-preferred route, appears ta, have consldered a mare equitable distribution of the noxious effecte of such construction. This, rathor than sacrifice an entire subdivision ln order ta minimnize the deleterlous effecta on other ones. Given the potential threat ta aur home specificaily, we would have ta bu more -supportive 0f. thé wlsdomn of the province than that of the munlcipality. Pamela Phllpq Steve Kirk Almond Village, Whltby Viwpoint *.w*~ Cars: Eàrth's wo-r*st nightmare By Stephen G. Leahy The current uproar by the resldents of Whitby about the technically proferred HI g way 401-407 llnk on the wost aide of town isn't surprising. But it wlll bu nothing comparod with the protests that will rise across Du haoMn -the 407 itsif is ciosor to roaiity.' 1And the 407 will corne. Raroly has a proposod hlghway. or treeway' anywhere 'In Nàrth -Aînêrica' ever been- cazicolled. Dèaydand re-routed, yes, but caclehardly ovor. The 407 is likoly to bu buift eéven though transportation planners know that trafflo problema have nover buen saived by building new roada. More roads simply attract* more cars. Without exception, , every .road improvement has incroased the numbur af vehiclos using it. That is how Rt has gone' for the past 50 yeara. t iooks liko Whtby council and the provincil government wlsh to continue down this same pointlesa road. Building the 407 mnay bu great if you operate* a grpvei pit or pavlng company or hold shares ln GM. B ut it is not golng ta do much for ail the people who will bu torced to move, the tarms that wil bu split in two, and the land that wiil bu pavod. Wo ail know that more roads equal more cara and that isn't vory good for the air we breathe. And now asic any scioniat, they tll you that the single, most obvious cause of g lobal warming la moto-r vehicies. Wat we don't know la how this warmlng.will affect the earth. ToteOpen Up the budget process ToteEditor:> comrmittees Jiave 'a difficuit task thé opportunity ta have input and facing themn due ta the restrictions elxprssvlews with respect ta the Oopy of, latter ta Donald G. ta transfer paymenta tram thé TOPon',s operating and capital McKay,, cleuk 0f_ the Town of prvincial gofvernmerd,tand thé budgets.- Whtbiy. ' igh costs ot Town srvices. 1R Two areas ai cancern ta aur DerM.McKay: appears that ln the pas?, the Town group are: DevMr.ha. attemptod ta' justify tax It The statua ai the proposed ln 'these, days ofi spiraihing Increases based . on the operations contre with its reported taxes and deficit budgets, 1? would questionable hlgh level af services $7 million cas?. bu an opporun time for thé Town provlded b thé Town ta its 2. The annual operatlng costa of 'Whitby ta open up fs budget resldents. - e suggest thet this of thé new rocreation centre. prOceS. for input from realdent latter area bu considered whon Any Information rogarding taxpayers. praposlng tax Increases. those points that you can aupply Such an, apen procesa ha. As memrbers of the Taxpayors' prior ta aur scheduled meeting been adopted by thé towns of Ajax Coalition, we wauld approciate wth the operations committee on anPickering, and aiiows public mare meanlngtul dialogue on thée ac 6~ld b ral partIcipation prioi ta* thé final budgei dliberations prnor ta thé appreciatied. recommendations belng forwarded budget going ta prit.- On thisJaeA.Gy ta council ta set tho milI rates, etc. point, we roques? that the generai l - -- - Ms .Ga This highway, with ail -its trom oul through varlous processes various links to 401, is estimated to which use a great deal of energy cost a billion dollars. At least that and most of the' by-products are iis the price the government is toxic. Oil aiso means spills, over sticking with today. When it ls ail 10,000 each year according to US. ftinished, as we ail kôw, it wiii cost Environmentai Protection Agency a iot« more than that. Evon though estimates. Thon there are tankers we can't afford it, and the tact that which rogulariy, flush.,a'ut we are learning that cars are thousands af litres of, excesa ohl serlous -onvironmental problema, with sea waor and thon there are the proj ect la go ing ahead..<1 the everyday spilis ai ail terminais. Why? Because our entire-way Clean up costa -are,. staggorîng., of living has,_buen so,. carefuliy Pillions were ,spont. pn -tlExxon wrapped around the matar vehiclo Vaidez 'disastr '-- ndi stili has we cannot live without It -. evon rulnod hundroda of miles of coast. though we know it lasisowly.killing As. the Greenpeace ada put II OR the earth around us., Do not, doubt. wasn't his driving that caused the for a moment that the world our, Exxon Valdez o11 spil, lit was childron willIinhorit will bu ln much y aura.' worae shape than ours as a direct TOXIC WASTE - millions of tons rosuit ai the automobile. ai scrap automobiles lie rusting al The car has. become theo over the earth. earth's worst nightmare. ýA tew ACCESSORIES - Ail 0f thase cars wan't hurt it, but the 500 extras like power windows, power million cars on the roada today seats, and hlgh-output stereos ail across the world do. We are' require onorgy ta -operate. That producing incrodibie numbera aif energy cames tram.the gasaline in cars overy yoar. Take aur very aur fuel tanks. Accéessorles, aiso own Gênerai Motors Company for take energy ta buiid ý-- and the example. GM's oconamlc wooa aif procossa oai creating these the ninotioswae in part due ta thé - accessorles, produces thoir own tact that it has had ta roduce itRs toxic wastes, air pollution anid car production lovels tram nîne deplote resources. million, now'vehiclea peor yoar ta Our addiction ta 'the motor only seven million each and overy vehicle will soon bu aur, nlghtmare. year. Sevon million new -air- The soution la simfply'tewer motor poliutlng- vehiclea evory year from vehicies period. >Yes, thls does J ust ans auto manufacturer lsa:a mean-that companleslike .GM wili ataggorlng load for aur embattled have ta produce fewer and tewer planet ta h ave ta deai with..ý. vehicles, that last' bonger and' Rt would be bad . enough f nf longer. II: doos mean that we wili wasn't jus? what comoes out ai the- have ta use mass transit more and tailpipos of cara. f that were the more. ft doesm ean we wiil have ta oniy prablom thon electricpowered change the way we live. vehicles or ones running on In other parts , f the world non-polluting hydrogen would thinga have airead changed. In enable us ta keep aur addiction ta many European ciftes no ans le cars. But consider thèse tacts: ailowed ta commute ta their Jobs ENERGY - The-- nergy cas?_by car. ln Singaporo yau must, requirod ta build a ca roughly, have four passengers In a car equals thé energy used ta aporato during rush haurs. In Las Angeles a car for a year or more. And the they are planning ta leg lalate the damage ta the, envlronment ls numbur and types ot vehicles about the'samle. familles awn. OZONE -Part oai thé reason the. .,8inôe buses, are three -times ozone laer la thlnnlng la beause* more efficient at? carrylng of the ai rconditionor in y aur car. passengers, and eectrlc trains are And atîli, y aur locai GM dealer will 15 times cheapr ta transport the giadiy throw in an ozone- same* numbur of peoplethan cars dostroying air canditionor free of *- why do we. continue buildin charge. Asic hlm for free sun blcck, super-expansive super- týlghwàys?, taa. This la where governments, locai LAND - 10 per cent 0f ail arable and provincial, have to tako off the land in North Amorica has buen--blnkers and take. a hard look into turnod into pavod surfaces - just thé future and not jus? next yoar. Rt for cars. One hall ai ail land the la clear that ,the 'world cannai take average city occupios la devoted Manly more .vehieles. ta roada, parking iota and other Unquestlonably ýthé future wmll' auto relied- olomoints. In. Las force us ta use tower cars. The Angeles àf la an unbolievable twa- 407 wili become another' thirds. That heipa keop LA nice monument ta aur inability ta read and warrn. - o fprs thé writlng on the Wall. .PLATIC - Alotof artsin ars Opinions 'expressed are those -of ,areý plastic. ,PIastic loi, Çonvoed.JhgaWhIQ, ,..-.,.~ 77-.7-

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