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Whitby Free Press, 11 Mar 1992, p. 12

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PAGE 12, WHITY FME PRESS WEDNESDAy, MAR 11, 199 BEmCYCLTECH FOR HIGR BUILDINGS Mf~r se dwellers cmn now have the convenience of rey g.with' the new Recycltech System. This, recent devlpentýofcollectinq r»cyclables kas &ert put into' .ýopemn inofa iugh-rise condomnium In southwest Rëeyling for the 210 tenants in this building is now as simpl swlln eteir arbage chute. With the press of a bu mpecaly designedl>is at the bottom of the chute rotate te match- the selected. cateory of newpaertelphone0 bookocans/pIastlc or'garbage G bottles ahdas eas thy are susceptible te breakage. and contamination..., are coilected from brue boxes located on each floor. Kevin Towers, president of, Re~ltech, stated that it is important for recyalng, te be made just as convemient for the. teniants of apartment buildings as it in for homeowners and,ý at the same Urne, divert more recyclables from landfill. Thanks te aý co-operative maintenance staff 'and interested residents, the firat collection that took place on Nov. 27, 1991, was virtuaily contaminant-free. For further information on this system, call Recycltech Ltd. at <416) 487-4185. The, 'Newest Kid in the Box? is corrugated cardboard. (the brown cardboard withfluting'- pizza boxes included) for. reuidential blue box pickup. Sue, Campbell -of Durhamn Regional Recycing says that some people still confuse corrugted cardboard wfth boxboard. Boxhoard is the nakagin material for cereal boxes, etc., and the two cannot LÎnuxed tegether. By now, everyone has received the new blue box pickup echedule (once ever'y-other week) that also indicates what may be included for pickup. Let me emphasize that the 'New Xde must be flattened and bundled no larger than 4-ft..by 2-ft. by 2-ft. Unlike garbage trucks, recyling trucks do not h ave a crusher, so if corrugated cardboard is improperly set out, it may not be taken. Ifthe garbage truck cornes by your house first, loose boxes could bo milstaken for garbage ... so bundlor boware. For a loonie,»a -durable canvas bag cen be purchasod at eny iAquor Cojtrol Board of Ontario (LCBO) outlot. It was ostimated that every week the LOBO ýuses approximately five million bags across Ontario te wyrap purchases, and in this. decade of conservation, it now makes senso te introduce a bag that cen ho reused. The bag is large and cen be used for other items as weil. If, however, you purchase one with the intent te, use soîeîy for LOBO botties, then I suggost you stitch a few seams te creato amaller compartments te keep? bottles from bumping into ono enother en route - or always loeep a cloth or ýsome nowspaper inside your cenvas beg te wrp each bottle. ByvMario Boucher The Whitby-Oshawa branch of the Ontario Geealogical Society continues to grow with almnost 400 members today. Founded in March of 1982, the branch meets everyfirst Tuesday of each month in the auditorium of Henry St. High School. Whitby archivist Brian Winter says, genoalogical is one of the "hi est hobby in.our times." Hé says ýth e-interest in dis- covering the family tree can be traced back to the popular book and television mini-seriesg "Roots» in the late seventies. Winter says the members of the genealogcal society help to "show peopl e how *to do. farnily research » and learn about their past heritage. in 1973, the Ontario Genealo. gic-al Society, began a cemetery project te identify the location of ail cemeteries in the 'province and to record ail the monumen- tai inscriptions for future refer.ý ence, lhe says. Wînter says- such a project'is 80 ..... prencopedinDurham Regi*on an wil1 help preserve the information for anyone inter- ested in knowing more about their ancestors. , The-main goal of the genealo- gal society is to encourage,, bring together and help.people to discover their- famiiy histoy, lhe 1 he Ontario Genealogicai Society publishes an informative quarterly magazine. 'Famnilies' wvhich includes researched anâ illustrated articlep'of value, pro- viously npublished . referonco data, brieffamily histories, book reviews and a 'variety of inter-' national items, hie says. The Whitby-Oshawa ýbranch publishes.a.newsletter,'Kindred .Spirits,' four' times a year -as woll, ho ,says.' 1Winter says ýthore is a ýgenoalo- gallibrywin'¶teWhifby branh pbliatins.Individual cemretery listings can be obtained by sending'- a stamped self- addressed envelo'pe te the Whitby.Oshawa 'Branch OGS PO Box 174, Whitby, Ont., L1ID 5S1. LET11TER: No end to constitutional 'crieie FROM PAGE 6 certainly not the average resident of Ontario. But one -thing the. CBC repor did serve te enunciete wes the futility 0f tirno-consuzrnng. and econornicaly-exhausting reports continually fed te the average Canadien. Clearly, the practice 0f appeaemont politica has not worked and argument, if givon the chance, will continue without end. Day teaftor day, we are inundac with the constitutionel « crisis' on TV, radio and ini the newspapor. Howovor, the constitutional criais seems a week and unimportant issu next te overyday o for the average Canadien. Althoughpoihtice is admittedly My pass io Istudied it for four yoars at university), I am smck oif hearing of the constitutionel crimes and Fmrnont surprised that the average working men and woman is, either. Quite siply, the rn*rity 0f Canadiens (perhaps, even a 1 mAjority 0f Quebeers) do not1 care te hear- an» over-privleged minority of Canada complain about the icular wording of a i report -cumd out, by ea panhernentazy comzmttee.:when' =heyare havingtroubleputting fodon the table. I don't give a darnn what1 radical -elements of Quebec socioty want because I arn convinced they will neyer want enough. But rm forced te listen. Quebecers are emong the moati privileged people. in the world,1 enjoying a superor standard 0fi living. There is a significent1 minority Who feel this is netc enough. They deserve te ho enswered, but only so far as we ctan efford te. But, we no longer,,. cen. «.We stmblo on endlis consttutionalfoot-faulte. Our federal goverment and the Liberal goverament of Quebec shaeleslycurry thefavour of ones they must know. they cen neyer satisI at the expense of questions of rosi substance. Perhaps, inaeaof trying te convince Quéec that they are distinct- end différent the govormnents s hould be tolling them how much- we réally. are alike and how miuch we share Exaggerated differencos and appeasemont will 'not form the basis 0f a ýharMonious eand 'strong- union 0f 'peoplo. I only ope ta the. governrent Of Canada realizes tuis and begins te spend Urne on problems and people that deserve aur attention., Duncan Fletcher- wbitby IIHT IN 15" x 21"1720 sl ce pepperoni pizza.a ARTY' OFF 1' ISaleENTOý m CLEARANCEI * - 50 .Ends M. E ?,,P S T G S TNo dealers i ncluded pes m ~with coupon *Additional toppings available: $1 .00 ea. Double cheese: $2.00 (ail taxes included) I (Pick up only. Expires Mar., 31/92. One coupon per-persan per visit.) I Itm o xcd luta I I Lm uI 1 2 M l e t O h s a a C n r U IEDLODPR LZ -uniisU Ie t i J&'G V*.mî., f4U AA Checking your roots popular. hobby today

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