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Whitby Free Press, 11 Mar 1992, p. 13

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- ~. .- ,~ ~ .. - - ...---~--~ - - - -- -~-.-- - *ARTURiTISMBET G The. Osiiwa chapter of the. Artirtis Bluebird Club,. a support group for arthritios sufferrs and their Mronds and families, will meet on Monday, Marci 16, 7:30 p.m., at tii. socety's now office,-44 William SLt. .=M:iwa Giest speaker ichard Smith nd Paddy Geyhurst 8hrn~lt from Oshawa GenorL Ho ital, wil ha a:vailable ta, answer questions about' medications related' ta arthritis treatment. For.tlirther informnation cal the. office at' 434-7221. WU[YpnSuftCLUB The- Whitb!y Photo Club wil mooet for an . evaluxation presentation on Monday, March 16, 7 to 9 'pa... at the. Family Trust building, cornor of Dundas and -HIcko9Sy ts. Members are asked-to bring a couple ef alidos or prints ta, discuss. Entries are ta, ho -submitted for the. theme of the. month, '<Tai]. SUPORT GROUP NMETING Tii. Head Injury Association of Durham Region wil hold a suppr group meeting on Wedesday, March 18, 7:30 p.m., at 459 Bond St. E. Oshawa. The. survivora group wîh meet on tiie main floor, with theofamily and caregivers. group meeting up- stairs. For assstance witii transportation, cal the. office at 723-2732. * DOWN SYNDROME The. Durham Down Syndrome Association wiil meet at Whitby Baptiat Ciiurcii, 411 Gilbert St. E., on Tueaday, Marcii 17, 7:30 h~m ida Laing, hrm;the. Grandview Treatm-ent Centre, will discus 'Groas Motar Skills.' For more information cail 668- 9510. INTERNATIONAL TRAINIG IN COMMUNICATION Tii. Firat Oshiawa Club PTC wil *ihld à meeting on Tuesd.ly, Marcki 17, 6 p.m., at Hong Kong Houa., 89 Simcoe St. S., Oshawla. The theme ý.will,,ha 'Pot Pourri.' Coot of dinner is $14. For mreo information, cal Pat at 725-9375 or Joyce at 668-5504.' ST. PATRICK'S DAY DANCE mhe Amotrophic La.terýal Sclerosia <y LU lw disease) wf £ h ad 'St. Patrier Dydance at tii. Oshawa Naval Cu, 320 Viola St. on Saturday, Marcii 14. Tickets are $10 per person. For more information, cal 430-0251 or 432-7602. MULTIPLESCEOI IMEETING Durham Regional Multi le Sceroos chapter will discuse th governmenea propoeed changes in lntemcar. on 'Wednesday, rMarci18t 7 p.m., at Grandvizew Tretment Centre, Townin, Rd. S., Oshiawa. A presentation ta the. miniatry 'will hab made on Wednesday March 25 7p.m. at Fairview Lodge Wit. yor information ca 579-77127 or 434-1481. SPR1NG SWEATER SALE Tii.Wiiitby General Hospital Ailiaiy will hold a apring sweater sale on Thuraday, Mardi 12,10 a.m. to 3 p-m., in the hospital ,lobby. &For -furthiio information oeil Coiy at 668-0411. GOGOLF PASSPOKT Tihe Ontario March cf Dimes 1992 GGolf Passpot may ha b purciiased for $75 and la available now at any Ontario March, >f Dimea office, and at the Oshawa Centre on Saturday, April 2,9 am. ta6p. Tii. passbook la valued at over*2,000, and entiles the purcbaser ta, play a fre ge.do golf at over 100 golf courses acrosa Ontario -Ail proceeda wiiHabeusedtaas"nt. addte witii hysical disabifities. For more ino* to about tii. Goolf Paseport, or tao order oee WHJTB PUE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MAJtCH 11, 1992, PAGE 13 CANCELLATION <>The Plckering sýupportgru meeting forAlïhiiùémr fm=ie scheefor March 25 bas beon cancelled ta aillow interested peopleto attend the long-term, car. and support services p ublic meetig at Fairview Lde Dundas St. W., Whitby at 7pjn. For more information al th, AliemrSociety at 576-2567., 'INTRODUCTION TO BEALTU SMIA Learntinth raewasOf staying iealthywithout dre Monday, Marc h 16 7 p.m. 7. Introduction -ta. me&tation (., Tiiuraday., 'Marh 19. Sp limited.Register early. G Natural Halth & Beauty Centre, 121 Brock St. N., Whitby. 668-2661. FOOT GARE FORmSENS The. Whitby Seniors3 Activity Centre offers baic foot caro clinica ta, seniors at threo. locations in Whitby.. Monthly' clinice are iield at the. centre, 801 Brock St. S.,. 315 Coîborne St. 'and 100 Glenhil Dr. Appointmenta are neceaary and may ha made by calling 668-1424. Tiiere la a anmai fe. for the. service. SKI-A-MON A ski-a-thon wiil ha held at Dagmar Ski Resort on Friday, Marcii 13, 6 ta 10 pam., ta rais. funda for the. Canadian Cancer Society. Pledge aheets are availble atfamar'or from the cancor society, 467 Westney Rd. S unit 6, Nax, Ont. LIS 6V7, telephone 686-1516. Prizea wil ha award.d for moot money raised in the junior, intermediate, adult and seiraeî rua Tîe cost la $30 whiciinécluesift ticket, and a tax receipt for $15. For more Information caU the. skiresort or the. cancer socety. BABYSJFING COURSES' St. John Ambulance, Whitby branch, wii hold babytin cousesforyoungstere hatween 1theoagos o iland 4on Saturday, Mri 14 and during March Breaký on Wedn"ea, Thurday' and Friday, Marcii 18, 19 and 20, at ti trainin centre, 1517 Dundas S3t. - E.F or informtio a U 6-296. 'ILING WELL LECTURES Asa part ofits 'Livi Woil' prgathe Whtby nors' Activity Cntre wilhold a talk on i'How ta maintain a healtiiy backe" at the. centre, 801 Brock St. SB, on Wednesday, Marchi 18 at 1 p.m. Dr. David MacCasIll from Rosaand Chiropractor Associates, wfl conduct the discussion, moere ia a fe, of $1 at the door. Refreshments wil ha served. For flirtiior information cal 668-1424., AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL. SPEAKER The University Women's Club of Oshawa and District will hold a meeting on' Wednesday, Match 11, 8 p.m., at tiie Oshawa Public Library. Cecile Thompson from Amnesty InternationalwMil h guest- speaker. Visitars 'are welco-me. MARCHBRA The. YMCA is offering a variety of fun-filled days during tiie six-day Marchi break. Ther, wiil ha Sit Day, Mini Golf Day and Crazy Olympic Day, ta mention a few. Ii. Camywf operate at tii. Whitby Baput Ciiurcii; camp hours are 9 a.m. ta 4 p.m. but extended houra are aviflable if needed., Children aiiould bring their lunch eacii day. Asmany activities will ha outdoors, ha sureta dresa for the. weather. Fees are $27 per day or $150 for the. full six-day program. WJDOWS AND WJDOWEES A social club for widows and widowers will meet onSunda, March 15, 7:30 p.m., in thé.Vo wing OshawaAirPort. There wil ha dIancing, shuffléboard, -darts and cards. Formore information. Ca Ehmie(683-2045), Forbes (43-10)or Marlon (683-3855). ANNUAL GENERA The. Volunteer -Co-ordinators of Durham Région wii hold their annual* generalm eeting on 1hursday March 12, 11:30 a.m., at the,.fioliday Inn, Oshawa. Gueit speaker, Keith MacGregor, wiil discumsgoal-setting and goal- achieving. The cost is $20pe person and includes 'lunch. Membersý inter.sted in attending are, asked- ta contact Ronnie Klaasen, president, at 723-4461 for furtiier information. OSKAWA GARDEN CLUB The Oshawa Gardon'Club wiil hold their reguùlar, monthly meeting on -Moda, March 16g, 7:30 p.m., at Nortunnister United Church, corner of Simcoe St. N. and Rossland Rd. There will ha a 'Windy Mfarch flowor show,'1 foilowed by guestspeà.ker Frank Kershaw, a renownod horticulturalist, who wiil give a alido presentation entitled 'Gardons on ouw Doortep.! New mombors are always welcome. DURHM-PC USEE Durham PC Usera' Club, will meet on. Thursday March 13, 7 m. -at theMchelStarr uiling, King St. W. at Centre St., Oshawa. Nominations will ha accepted and elections wil hae held for ail -positions on tii. exocutive. AUl m embers in good standing wiil- have vtn privieges. and may stand'for olection. Ailare welcoene. Fer mroreiinforation oeil Bornie at' 416-655>4156. FRJENDS 0F 8CmfZOPmtEIcs. The. support roup for Friends of Schlzohrn ics, Durham chap- tir, meot. ev ery third Wodnes- day. Tiie next meetin m March 18, 1 to 9,p.mî at St. Mark's church, house, 260 Byron St. S. (corner of Byron and Coiborne streets). Guest speaker will ha Paul', Mascard.,of 'Central GuarantéedTrust,who, .willdi- eues willsI and estates. Cathy Ashdown, an. estato -lawyor, will also hae a guest speaker. Jn -selhool, hees one of 30.> With us, heds mna clas s >by himselt, Sylvan Learning Centre' provides the individual attention thàt makes a real difference. We guarantee your child's skills will im- prove one full grade level in reading or math after just 36 hours of instruction. Or we'l provide up to 12 more hours - free. Sylvan'- offers help in reading, writing, mnath, a<gebra, stady skills, homework support and timiemanagement To put your child in a class by himself cail Sylvan today. - Sylvan Learnng Centre Helping kids be their best. Reta and Siegmann Barsam arc cclebrating, hir SOrh wedding anniversa, on Saturday Marchl4th, 1992. They were miarried ini Manch6ster, England and came to Canada ini April 1977 to be with their children. Love and congratulations from Susan, Martin, Patricia, Michael and the grandchildren O Best Chines. Food in Town Soe'vingDurham foi 392 Yer C CHJNSE F001) BFXUDMLY p Lunucdh 5éoDinner P O Rogular Menu Available; N Dine-In and Take-Out Service N 107 BROCK ST. ýS. WIBY *FR E Prize in Each Kids Meail acr. Only a Daiùy Queen « Treatmeal~ gives yo ur child a burger. hies, sofi drink, plus a soft serve treat and a special prize. Ail for one great price. E At participating Dairy Queecîr Bra7ier' stores.b aze Dairy QueenîvTreatimeaf'- Every one is a party. Whitby Location -OnIy 1003 Dundas* Stý. E. 668-5342' Dairy Oueen* stores aie proud sponsors of the Chidrens Miracle Network Telethon. whch benelits local hospitals for chelden ceNto F4,9 U .S'Pal ONf AU 0O0Co. e-

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