Henry 2 rais1edesd$1,700 for1, Woitzikage Somo 1500 s'tudonts and staff ï turned out Friday to weicomo Mark Woitzik back to Henry St. High -School. Woitzik, 19, graduatod from Henry ini -1990. He suffered a. spnal cord injury during ini*tia- tion week at McMaster University in September, 1991, and is completeiy paraiyzed from the waist down. Staff and students rosented hlm with $1700, raisl through various activities and the sale of leaf bags donated 4,y Dupont Canada. Other fundraising acti- vities are continuing. Woitzik told the special assem- bly ho made a- lot of friends in hie five years at Heniry St. UAfter the. accident, seeing everyone stand behind me has reaily heiped me in my réhabili- tation - reaiiy given me some- thing to work for... mi really appreciate ail you guys have done for me. Having rou behind me means an awul Woitzik i., undergoing six to seven hours of rehabilitation a day at Lyndhuirst Hospital in North Yorr lbhuh ho's home every weekend. He hope. to be home for goo0d by as early as June - "]Pd rather spend a summer here than a summer in the hospital.», Woitzik was "pretty weli para- iyzed from the neck'down» after his accident, but says he's- since goten a lot of new Muscles back truhelectrical stimulation and exorcises. Working out isn't easy, though. "You have so few muscles to work with - my) shoulders, my- back and my biceps; that's al 1 have and very littie back mus- cles.;; Woitzik hopes to be completely independont., although progress seems slow. -,"I- don't-notice -the difference ifs. so graduai, but PSpie *i haven't seen (for; awhilo) say it's 50, much better. Frionds, family and girliiend Julie Rosbottom 1 have heiped keep his spirite up, says Woitzik. "(They'vo) been there for the entire tune - they've been groat.» Neighbours in the West Lynde area, where the family has lived reaie ojiefor 19 yoars, one orces with. relties o uild a special addi- tion for Woitzik. "It was quoted as costing about $55,000 ... (with their help) it was done in six weeks for just under $20,060.» Woitzik hopes ho can return, to McMastor in Sentemnber part- time if vocational rehabilitation funding cornes throuh Ho'. currently tkig O.A.C. courses over again by corrospon- dence <'ust to keep my mind busy unitilý tho next correspon- dencée terni starts inthe sum- mer.» FORMER HENRY ST. High School former school last fflday to thalnk the student Mark Woitzik who was more than 1,490 students and staff at a paralyzed in an initiation accident at special assembly as mom Be wipes MCMaater University visited bhis away a tear. Photo by Mark R..gr, Whitby Fr.. Pt ByMarlo Boucher The 1992 Town budget wili be çresented ta tho public on April Dennis Fox, chairman of finance, said it will be an oppor- tunity for people ta come and observe council dealing with the details of the budget. "There are some totigh doci- siens to'be made this yoar and the public wiil be invited ta two meetings detailing this year's budgt ad werethe money wil be spent,"he said. Fox said the weekend spent by council ini Belleville ta discuss the budget, among other tbings was necessary in trying ta finci was ta keep taincreases as low as possile. «We irealized at the end of the wee kend how useful it was for al Of us. ta meet' in pne place and-try ta, make a positive budget umder the current, difflcult economic times,» ho said. Mayor Tom EdwardsB critici- ized some of the comment. made in the local newspape, m'parti- cular the letters ta the editars. Edwards aise criticized some local individuais who form the tax coalition. Edwards said their spokesman~ Larry Gond should be more selective in heeding. public comment.» Edwards said the idea ta hold the weekend lu "tÃôwî particu-. larly, at the m'unicipaf uilding, wouîld net -have worked well because Of intorruptions. "Tie fact 'ii.,,that although thero 'are 'faciitis the town, with a ,,rooà mlarge enpoughtW have aIl of mthe articipants, they have been tidin thepast and .because of Interruptions and absences caused by operating ppbiems inevitably, the sympo- sium suFMere,"he said., "Inevitably, when close at, hand ta, home or work location, individuai are called away a. crucial moment., as was the case at the regional sym'posium, and as used 'ta be the- case when Whitby- held 'these functions within the town,»he said. Edwards saidthe-senior staff and council worked hard -ail weekend and should b. commen- 'ded fortheir efforts. Councilior Joe Drummi descri- bed the weekend as %hghly successful» and said every Town department fee hy have accomplished a lot. Councillor John Doîstra said there are a, lot cf major issues involved in this year's budget and that the cost- of the weekend is iower than the $5,00 that has been quoted i the -past -few weelcs. «We're going ta have ta make difficult decisions and we have te fight the recession,»hle said., Councillor Don Mitchell saiid ho had a lot of ' reservations initially about, the trip but it ended, up beingbeniiêcial for himself and the other two new councillors,. .'Tm giad they made us go,» ho said.- ICouncillor. Marcel Brunelle said ho is disappointed wvith theé SEEPAGEP3 Public budget meeting April 1i and2* Publie invited to watch budget process