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Whitby Free Press, 11 Mar 1992, p. 20

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PAGE 20, WHITY PMEEPRESS, WEDNEDAY. MARCH il 1992 UNFURNISHED, BASEMENT room, privme bathroo-m & kitchen- ette. Laundry, cable TV' extra. $375 par month or $86 weekly. Students welcoma. 430-0267. ROOM AVAILABLE for rent'- weekly $125, monthly $400, ln a nice, culet moteai near Brookiln. Cali 65Y-5308. WITBY - FURNISHED ROOM for rent. Famliy room, TV, fridýe, phona, kichen & laundry privi- S e&es Quiet,- mature adult only. $8 waak. 666-1618. LANDSCAPING. by UNIVERSITY WERKS -since 1 980- M QuafItyConstructkon & Professlonal Desig'n E Interlocking Brick Drives, Patios, Walks à -eann fl WIII l lsVdI à*-Wood Fencing -*Wood Decks E jFroe ompetitive Estimates - 666-9690 Deek Dutka Specializing in tax & retirement planning since 1986 CAIL 434-6119 FOR AN APPOINTMENT. e -ecia 2-BEDROOM'.APTr. avaiabe in downtown Whitby frldge & stove. Available MaY t 473 par month, Includes hydro. & hée water, one 'rlg, space. .Plez cil WHITBY - CLEAN one-bedroom apartments cantrally located. Qet reskentiai area. Quiet, non-smoker preferred. Avallable lmmedlateiy. From $495/month. Cali 666-3883 <message) or 668-3011 (evenings). wHiTBrY - 2-BEDRiooMbna low, ful b"smont. fenced yad Good location. Avallable now. $699 monthiy plus utilities. Flrst & last. No pets. Couple or smail famlly walcome. 668-8933. RETAIL SPACE FOR LEASE. Creative rentai arrangements. 668-1468, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. FOR RENT OR LEASE - 1,500 sq. ft., il ft. ceiInM 10 ft. drive. Indoor. Cail 430-8378. SMALL CHIALET TO RENT, $350 monthly, near Newtonvllle. Sultable for retlrad parson only. Car is neaded. 416-786-2562. SIN'MIOR QUAUTfY couISN O , Bathroom * fKtchena - custorn frira -Declcs -Gazobos -*Additions, etc. ZetsCowUceon- 655-4418 $3 . -> .- ifg 66-09 MH laifie1 A.C.M. ENTERPRISES 201 Simcoe St. S. Oshawa I433-2323 Dress Up Your Steel Door Wïith Brass And Bevelled Glass. A.C.M. ENTERPRISES 201 SWmcoe St. S. Oshawa 433-2323 qatds ANTIQUE, UPRIGHTGRAND. piano'$1,000.- Antique Duncani Phyfe buffet $1000.. Tannlng bed $1500, Pricas negotiabie. CaIl 434-2992, askforAnn,'** BROOKUN FEED 4' PET Supplis - Discount pet food, bird seôd and wholesale flour. Hwy. 12, Brookiin. For Information. cali 655-4804. EXCELLENT INVESTMVENT PROPERTY 118 JOHN ST. E., WHITBY 70 ft. frontage Commercial C-3 or use as starter home. Lots of parking. $139,500 Therea Lessard REIMAX REFLECTION REALTY INC. 434-52W2 RAWLEIGH PRODUCTS, ,health ndhome -remedio modicatad -Whftbyarea, 666-429L SEASONED 'PIRE WOOD 'for sae. Face tords and'bush cords. Pick u or deiverad. <418) 649-3183 MATTRESSES an ,d box sprin'gs at haif price. McKeen -Furniture, 524 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. Phone 725-5181. MUST SEE- 1 yaar -aid double sofa bed, black/white, $375. ew black sofa & loveseat, camai back, $1,100. Friciilaire. washer, white, $300. 666-5995. FRIDGE& STOVE- like new whlte, $850. -Privae. Càl 668-5988. CHESTERFIELD SUITES, love- seats,* sectionais, iess than hall price. Large selecion. McKeen Furniture, 524 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. Phone 725-5181. CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE ITS FAST.- ITS EASYI ONE CAIL, ONE BILL DOES IT ALL. THINK BIG - CALL THIS NEWSPAPER FOR IDETAILS. VACATION/TRAVEL CANAL CRUISES;filve days aboard KAWARTHA VOYAGEUR, aconitc Trent-Sevemn Waterwey or Rideau Canai; privais state-rooma, meais, free brochure. wrIte Captaln Marc, Box 6. OrIiia, 13V 6HO, (705) 327-5767. SUPER SPECtAL. OUALîTY vacation $.185. par persan, 4 days Inci. dînner, breakfast & accommodation. 4 Star Resort Tapatoo, Party Sourd (705) 378-2205, 1-800461-5410., RECREATIONAL VEHICLES COACHMEN & BONAIR Campîrg-traîiers. Herdtap- Foidown, Fitiwheei, Tavel. Truckcampera-Caps. Park Moela, Royal-Traiter & R.V. Centre ln Tevlotdale. Ont. 1-(519) 343-2122. Came see us et K.W. Camperama R.V. Show Mar.5-8/92 and Stratford R.V. Show Mer. 13-15192. COMING 1EVENTS CRUISE CANADAS CALM-WATER RIVERS, orboard elegent ovemight repilca steamboata. RomantIa cities, 1000 Islande, International seaway/tocks, whais-watching & ljards. $629. . Diai-s-brachure 1-800-267-7865.. PERSONALS' WOULD YOU LIKE ta correspond whh unatached Christian people acrosa Canada: ail derominations, ait netioratîties, for companionship or marriage? ASH-GROVE, O. Box 205, Chase, B.C., VOE 1 MO. OUT 0F TOWN P ROPERTIES PROPERTIES TO DE SOLD for unpaîd taxes. Crowr Lard avaîtablîîty. For information or bath write: Properiies,'Depi. CN. Box 5380. Smn F. Ottawa, K2C 3J1 REAL ESTATE UP TO $2,0010 MOVING ALLOWANCE ta purchasers af Reaiderîil Proparty ln Maila, MB. For Inormaior caîl: Town aI Meite, Mlta, MB ROM 1L0 (204) 522-3413. REAL.EsTATE SALES LICENSED REAL ESTATE SALESPEOPLE. Regelter with John R. Campbell Real Estata Ltd. (No Board Fees) Pari-tîme. province wide (416) 588-2678, 24 hrs. (Save this ad). BUSINESS FOR SALE PROFITABLE, BUSY'PRINTING BUSINESS for sale. Sales $325,0O0-SZ350o. FuIIy equipped. Alit allers considered. Write tai Box 242. Caokstown.- Ontario LaLi 1La. BEAE STEEL BUILDINGS 03WR F 10W PRICES. Debora you buy. check the sîze'ard deptih aftha panel. the overiap and thickneaa (gauge) of the steel.. For value, qualiiy and Integrlty oeil Future 1-800-668-8É53. BUiLDINGSi- »ONE PHONE CALL CAN GIVE.you a iow cost ereotlon., by direct telephone ardar tram Manufacturer ...40 x 60 Valua S5.400. Now S4.752. Il prica la no object why t spend a ltte leas - 1-800- 668-5422 Pioneer tiret ln Steel Buildings sînca 1950. BEST BUILDING PRICES.- Steel Straftwall Type.- nat quarat - 32x54 S7344; 40x72 $10,276, 50xg0 $15.682; 6OXI26 $22.972- other sîzes available - wlnter works program.- Paragan - 24 Houra 1. 800-263-8499. ARTICLESFOR SALE BUY MEMORIALS DIRECT PROM manufacturer et whotesale prIces. Wrfte or phane for free brochure Io Younga Memorll end Ston1eWorksi. 4348 Main Street. Wnipeg. MA R3C 4A3 Ph (204) 338-3938, Fax (204) 338-1049. FREE CATALOGUE- Incubetora. leeders, waterers. broodera , mgg candtera, poultry ptckera. Wide selection afIinstruction bookso. Berry-HIII Lîd., 75 Buretl FRoad. St. Thomas. Ont. N5P 3R5S (519) 631 - 0480. AS SELF EMPLQYMENT ASDISTFIIBUTOR. PROVEN cancrete repaîr products, Protected market. Carnlortable Incarne. Finanicing, traiing by 20 year manufacturer, Minute Patch,' 427 Garrisan Rd., Fort Erle, Ontarlo. L2A 1N1. MORTGAGES FAST MORTGAGE MONEY avaltabte for homeéowners. Pay bills, credît carda. Exempte: Borrow $10,000., repay $100. monihîy. No queildying hasates. CalI Intranalcan Fînenictal Group, Tattlree 1-800-268-1429. 1 HELP WANTED WVATKINS -SINCE 1866. Excittng new program offers a ground Itoor opPortunity, hîgh retail profit, and more. For more detaila cai coîîect et (519) 867- 3161 efter 6p.m. BUSlINESS OPPORTUNITrIES DON'T READ THIS. UnIess yau want ta loin the FAT CATS as part aI Canada hottest music and vacation pragram eweepîng the country. Protected territorles. 1-500-263-1900. DISSATISFIED? DISILLUSIONED? LOOKING? Then become a FAT CAT ln Canada's tastest growirrg Book and Vacation prograrn makîng huge prof its. Fuîlt taining, corporata, support. Cati.1 -800-, StNCE 1978 wa'voban Canada'a Ml dîspleyý whotesater. We seeik 2 reps ta service - efablished retait atore n your erea. Eam S900-$11 100 weekîy. <416) 758-2156 or (416) 756-3174. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES EXPERIENCE FARM LIFE IN THE U.K. Contact' the International Agricuturat Exchange Association et 1501 -i7Ave. SW., Calgary, AB. T2T 0E-2. EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIE.9 LOG BULDING CAREER %g Wle Log Bul* dfrg SCj caoerecouse begita*rg Apri 13tL Tn wedc, $2.2M. lm, weekr $1,100. crie w« 536M (613) 2%M1061, Ottewa are. J our ad could appear in communlty newspapers In Ontario, or rlght acrosa Canada, or any Indîvldual province. Space la Lîmnited, so Cal This Newspaper Todayi BLANKET ADS ARE NOW "CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE#o To roach a.wider market, adveise fhroughouÎ the regional membersh*, af the Onfario and Canarhan Conmunify Newspapar.Asaoeiaî,ons . Central Ontario 55 newspapers - $160 for 25 wards - AIt Onta"i 171 newsepaprs.- $350 for 25 wardis% AtCnada 572 news a, s- $974 for 25 words, For furiher Information please caîl the Whîtby Free Pess Classfleds - 668-0594 J I Fiax~$6#'O5~4'/ I -I -N .. -. i Specialîzing in Amv Early Chiidhood .Education. For Peaoe of Mlnd Perry Ho use .* Day Care Centre Ltd. 1ý29 Perrîy St., Whltby 668-9476 ~énte............ * B ath.. . ......... ..........tek~ ot BARRETT CONTRACTING 432-7502 Toronto une 698-0477 Over 15 years experienoe. Uncondibional Guarantee. Uicense and lnsured. SPIN- ECAL * *-*e Bthoom a*lo a $3000 nsaigl -- r- F L. 1 il

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