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Whitby Free Press, 11 Mar 1992, p. 21

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WIfTBYREEPRESS, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11, 1992 PAGE 21 R L~ftAL _______________ A BRAND- NEWMIELY Rload. LOST - ONE MALE GREY--and Isse raclng bik., spe ight, biack tabby cet wearing white. and chrome. forks. Worth $1, 100, now yoîlow flea collars. Lest seen In for $485 o.b.o. Oeil Gary. Palmerston sohool area.,Reward. 436-0345. CaIl 668-6251 FIREWOOD - SAVE MONEY wth' supremo quality maple. bosch,-.oaIc, very diy. Honest measurements. Fr.. dolivory. (416) 753-2246. 1980 O-PEE-CHEE hockey sot for sa klle oî Buqew Mslr secon yaGrtk)Asomany othe r rookiE crs aiGary, 668-1358. Sewing Machine Repaire Agl Mkes' i Complote Tune.p $39.95 Reconditioned Sewing Machines frm $59.00 TOPUNE SEVWNG CENTRE 571-1385 400 Klng St W. Oshawa Help keep Red Cross re ady. 4 MOTQRCYCLE INSURANCE ~ 83-972 - PINE RIDGEI INSURANCE SNoed a car * Crodft problems? " W h av setW» oes(eoueao uh* Lalao n synieomodla LEASEGUIDE AUTO LEASING 436-9837 - J.f 799 B UR WOHAWA 404-0525 * HRSEREMKN EL O :eeLD'T A AE CEDAR VALLEY RESORT, eas of Orono, 4thor Sth Concesson lins, 7 km. eastof Hwy. 35/115. Seasonal campg round. Beautiful. $887. 1416-78H-562. ~<7'OSII.I M COUNTRY HOMIE'accessorios, placemnats, table linens, rugs, candles, wooden shelvos, tin plan- tors 25% off porcelain dols. IHome Sweot Homo OCounty Gifts & Crafts, 7692 Ashburn Rd, Brooklin, 655-307t Sat., March 14, 10-4. MARIGOLD'EASTrER CRAFT & Gift Show, Sunday. April 12, 9:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Heydonshore Pavillon, Wator St. at the lake. lnterested vendors cali Barbara, 668-8907. BEGINNERS' PORCELAIN dol classs Tuesday nights, 7:30-9:3. Space available for two. 10. classes $50, plus sup~plies. Phono Denise afler 6 pm, 432-7900. CRAFT SHOW.- Village Arts & Orafts ln ïPickering Village ls holdng' their sprlng craft show April 11-12. Some tables still available - $25 for 2 days. Cali Rase for more Information, 683-9465. 1984 MAZDA 82000' TRUCK pa.ts: Doars $60 ea., 5-speod transmission $60, alternetor $50, front grill $25. 281-9379. 88 DODGE RAM, auto, 75,000 km. Ffibreglasscroened, win- dowed truk ca $ 7,500. WiII certiffy. 75-803 1978 BUICK ELECTRA LTD. Air, cruise, P/S, P/13, P/W, P/ *seats, good rubber. Fair condition. *$1,395, certified. Calil 723-5852. 1981 MONTE CARLO, excellent condition. Must be seen. $2,700, certif led. Cali 666-5995. 84 PONTIAC ACADIAN,. 4 cyl., auto. Certif led, $1,800. Phono 668-5298. 1988 DAYTONA, 2 door, 5 speeci, AM/FM cassette, 40,000 km. Certified. $6,500. 430-1915. Mon. ta Set., 10 a.m. ho 6 pm. CLEARWATER FLORIDA- Three-bedroom, Jully furnished, air conditioned 'homes. Pools, hot tubs, beaches, attractions. Cul- dren welcome. (Less than motel.) 683-5503. AUCTIONEERS The people Qf Whitby and surréunding arme enjoy atliéndlng auction «Jeu. Lot diem know about ycxir next a" a&denWng In the num vâdely reed pages ln Whithy - The WhlthyIýree Prose. CWWiott& CaM: ARE YOU HAVING -TROUBLE getting auto insurance because-af age, poor driving record or suspension of license? Perhaps we can help Phone 666-2090. j---------E-- MORTGAGES AND LOANS, for any pýurpose, from as low as 8.25%o. Quick app rovel. Al appict inscansidered. -Raycan PRIVATE MORTGAGES '- the place ta go when your bank says "NO." Sering Whitby since 1973. 668-7200. A NU BIS INVESTMVENTS. SPECIAL SALE - NEW 13 cu. ft. 2-door fridges, $475. New gas stoves, iow, low is Rebuift f ridqge & stove sets, $3'75. BBQ and aplince parts, rebult. timers.ý Ha' s Appliances, 191 Bloor 'St. E., Unit 6, Oshawa 728-4043. CROSLEY is back- Quality appliances, TVs, VORs. Best warrantios in the industry. Visit aur showroom. Hank's Appliances, 191' Bloor St. E., Unit 6, Oshawa. 728-4043. FOR EXPÈ;RT REPAIRS *on refri.geration & ail brands cfI major aplances at measonable rates.I Dsoount for seniors. I.y ore- ni- cs s . at I kV5k.A*Af7oPOEO FX757628 *OeTtt CORPORATION 0F THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT NOMIE 0F PUBLIC MEETING Monday, April 13, 1992 @ý 7:30 puma Meeting Hall, Whitby Muncipal Building WhltbY, Ontario A Public Meeting wil bo held by the Council of the 0o<qStdon of the Town ofWth for hepro f amondnrg Whitby .sOfiilPaniln odortolin ce ntincauoproceduestbused o dvis th public oegardlng proposed amoncknentslo Whltby's Officiai Plan. Prior Io June 27, 1991, amondmenta ta Whitby's Officiai Plan were a Io led yt.Region of, Durham and tiiey were rosponisible for givnng n tic ao public On Juno 27, 1991.thie Town of Whitby- was delgatedhie rosponsibiiity Io adopt ail local Officiai Plan Amen=mnts. The purpose of this arnendment la tao stablish alternative notification procedures for public mootings for Officiai Plan Amoincimfents, as pormtted by Section 17<(4> of the Planning Act Under Section 17 (4) ofthie Planning Act thie'Town of Whtby la prposing ta hold a non-statutor publi meeting of the Planning and Dovelopment Committeo ta bo advB.sd at loast ton (10) clays prior ta the moeting date for thue purposeocf itboducdng -Officiai Plan Amencknent applications to, the public. Seconclythe Town of Whitby le prpslng huat public notice of thisatx pbi meig as requimed under Section 17 (2) of tho Planning Act bO given by newspaper advertisemoint at loast twonty (20) days prior ta Council aclopting -an Officiai Plan Amrendmrent. The public le invited ta attend the meeting and provide input wilh respect ta the proposod Officiai Plan Amendmeqnt - orta it being c ntdto Council.lIn addition, the associated Planning and vop ntmeeting will be held on Monday, Apnil 6,1992. Furtiier Information may be obtalned by -contacting tho Planning Dopartment at (416) 668-5803. ROBERT B. SHORT DIRECTOR 0F PLANNING Toeproperty of Mrs. Alioe Wilson of 'rlleplus others 2 pins antique, country, couches, 9-gpc. walnut dlning rm. ste., childos epressback- chair, washétands, -p modem bedroom ste, walnut enid1 table, cedar chesti, Queen Anne-style chair, RCA console TV, b.d chesterfield, 6-pc. modern dinette ste. w/corner china cabinet, occsioal haistable & floar Iemps, anique chestis of drewers, refinished jam cupboard, 6 oak dining, chairs, wlcker chair, setlonal chssterfield, chrome,' kitchen ste, coffe. & endi tables, ca-oh lalmp, ,crocks, handmade quitse, Ig. aireconditioner (apprax. 20,000BT) qty. new brase lampe, china, glass &.coliectible items. DON'& GREG CORNEIL !AUCTIONEERS '- RAR.#% LITTLE BRITA IN' AUCTION SALE SAT MARCH1-5P. AT bObDFELLOWS nHA' ýPORT PERRY Estate from Bowmanvllia., Commodore '640Compter woodon desks,' fiîingcaints off ice & afoterla chars, carts& trays, roller convoyer, household fumîshings, antiques& more. Viewing from 2 pm. PEARCE AUCTION SERVICES 655-8075 AUCTION SALE "KAHN COUNTRY AUCTIONS' Every Wednesday at 6:30 p'. Located an Brock Rd., Pickering, 3 miles north of H-wy.401 (exil: #399). Foaturing every Wed. an excellent selection of antiques, fine furniture, glass, china, collectibles, primitives and the unusuals. Sa jain us overy .Wed. and participate4 in one of Ontario's 'true' auctions with no buy-backs or reserves. wConsign- ment and estate selling a ur specialty." Caîl us today. Previews from 1 p.m. KAHN AUCTION SERVICES (416) 683-0041 SATrURDAY'S AUICTION ACTION SAT *kMARCH 14AT 63 P EVEfrY SATIURDAY NIGHT AT 6:30 P.M.AT THE PETHICK 1AUCTION BARN 8 mi. N. of Bowmanville, "astoff Durham,#57 at 8th con. of Newcsle, This week wehave to besoIda g testate, from Port Perry te Includ batery wheeî chair, new ches- teids, Craftmtic bed, ernali diner .& hutch, wing-back' chairs, pins chairs & tables, oak wardrobe, oak- drop-leaf table, ash dresser, veryfancy desk, parlour tables, limted edition prints, old violin, 3-pc. setee, lots of glass & china, 2 caloup/TVs, plus lots more te' unload. Large sale. VIewlng from 5 p.m. Terms: cash, choque or Visa. Fo more Information oeil 1-416- 263-4252. Sale managed & sold by: GARRY K. POWELL AUCTIONS CORNEILS AUCTION BARN FRIDAY MARCH13AT6 P. 3 MILkS EAST 0F LITTLE BRITAIN ON COUNTY RD. 4

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