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Whitby Free Press, 11 Mar 1992, p. 6

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PAGE 6, WWMTY FPME PRRSS, WEDNEBDAY, MARCH 11, 1992 The only Whîtby Newspaper owned and operated by Whitby residents for Whitby resîdents! Published every Wedniesday by 677209 Ontario Inc. at 131 Brook St.N, Whtby, Ontario Li N 5S1 Phone 668-6111 Toro'nto Line 427-1834 Doug Anderson - Pubisher Maurice Pither - Editor AlexandÉa Martin - Production Manager 2nd lass Postal Registration #05351 Better ways, to, Save mone%-y To the Editor: kf has been braught to my attention that the Town af Whltby ls considering the 'Sprlng Clean-up ,Week' as one of the services ta bu cancelled ln this year's budget.' Let me explain the danger lia the environment that would be the end resuit. A few years ega, when homeowners wanted ta discard ai unwanted, bulky items, there was always some dlfflcuty ln knowln what. ta do, or where to take suc2 Items. Always, a large percentage wouid lndirectly end up along aur roadsldes,, ln creeks or any abandoned lot, causlng a hast of problems. Most of this so-called unwanted waste ls not really garbage, 94g fridges, staves., chesterfialds, etc: So much of it cauld bu channeled to, a site for sortlng and a possible btter use, therefore Rt could bu a source of recoverod revenue. Please, lt's not cut these éuccessful services we have ail corne to enjoy. 1 amn sure there are many other ways to reduce the budget, and if -asked ta name a few, 1Iwould gladly do sa. Gerry Emm Pest chairperson Durham works commites Pust chairperson Durham Rocycllngt m. Preventing crime To the Editor: t, recentty read, ln a numbu 'r af local publications this week,, ai the vandalism ta parks property in Whkby, and the pasting af a reward for Information teadlng ta the arrest and conviction af those committing these acta. Akthough i am very much ln favour ai an y initiative ta stem such activily, kwarries me that we are by-passlnig some f undarnental steps to cantraiiing such buhaviour. Minor crimes, such as damage, mlschief to property and smali thefts, generatliy tend to increase pro rtionally ta major crimes, sucr as homicide, rabbery, and drug offences. There Is no doubt that the past five to ten years has seen a Zignificant Increase in criminal acivkty acroos Durham Reglon, anld Whitby is no exception. in my opinion, much criminal activky can bu prevented by an aiert community, one that Is wiiling ta take respansibllky for its awn safety and security, and that is able to work with the police in preventing criminel activity. t for one, do nat require a reward ta provide Information to the police regarding damnage done ta Imy' parks, damage that when repalred wiil consume 'my' tax dollars, and damnage that may deter me from enjaying 'my' neighbourhaad. As a membur of my nelghbourhoad, Ri l Incumbunt upon me ta take action, ta bu aeta' Iet invoived,' when crime affects my neghbours or myseif. ft is only through taking respansibilty, thet we can ensure the, safaty and security oi aur nelghbourhoos. ft is not possible for the police or 'somebady aise' to look ater theseý problems by thernseives, and #f I arn not wiling to take action, notify the police,. and qeneraliy 'get lnvolved,' 1 have no rght ta complain when my eihbourhood becomes less sale* andess secure. My Whitby neighbaurhood is a long way from becoming the crime rddn area aif an inner-city community, but that doas -nat relieve me ai my responsibility ta remamn diligent ta ensure my communities safety and security remain Intact. ht is My opinion thet each of us in Whktby has a responsibility ta each other ta get involved, bu diligent, and 'do aur part' ta assist in the prevantion ai crime, and the apprehansion ai those respansible. Criminels wilI not commit a criminel act when the chances ai apprahension are hlg;h, and a watchful 'and diligent communkty Iaads ta the arrest and prasecution ai offendars. Such a community- Is not ana that is conducive ta criminel activkty but. quit. the opposite, and whan mînor criminel actlvity Is driven fram the communlty, the major criminal activkty will bu reduced toa. The presarvatian of aur sale and secure nalghbourhoad is in aur hands. James Brown Whltby Defending their turf To the Editor: Re: Latter fram Chei Van Luven and Shirley McDarmatt ('Offended by ltter about Oslums" and 'No iree ride far co-aps,' rspcvey March 492 Fr.., Press). kt McDermatt expresses her outrage that the peapâle ai Otter Creek and'adjoining communities are oposed tthe ncliof a sub«-eo o-oeratvetown- houses mbt their neighbourhoads. MIdde-cless, middle-managernent groupsar coiistantly under attack from a ides. Irresponsible governments demand more taxes, corporations demand more and mare productivkty, self-interest groups and activists blamne us for ail th i fsociety,and now outreis eprese when we vole uropostio asubsldized SEPAGE 23.--- -. By Michael Wycke Out ln the streets, ln offices and shaps, even during breakfast et the kitchen table, people are tatkIng about competitivenese -- wCanada needs to become mare efficient"; "lnvestment ln research and development Is crucialo; *we must have a wett-trainad workfarce to compete ln the global economnyo -- pearis of wtsdom ike these are commonty offered as strategles for propeliing Canada mbto the 2lst cenitury. Yet, wise words only add up tW empty, frutless rhetarlc ,iU not backed Up with constructive action. That's why it'sý refreshlng ta see a. business sector doing somethtng concrete and meaning- f ut for Canada's campetitive situation. Resuts from a" survey of1 small business- owners across the country reveal a hotbed of formai and informai on-the-job training taking place. The survey, -con- ducted by the Canadian Federation Of Independent Business in June 1991, shows thet 60 per cent of firms had.provided To the Editor: 'Robert Bourassa did the expected today. H.e didn't trash the report, b&t ho didn't endors. kt elther. a This Is how CBC 'Newsworid described the reactian ai the LMainstreamI Canadaj training during the previous '12 months, with as much as 38 Der cent of the total fuit- and part-trie workforce of these firms recelving training. -I What the survey findings do is clear away an y misconceptions about the roi. of small business in on-the-job training. This, accordlng.to CFIB vice-president and general manager. Jim Bennett. "W. were overwheimed bythe cmmlitment small - business awnors. have' to creatlng a weiI-tralned, dynamia workforce," Bennett says. OIn terms ai cost alone, f irms spent almost $2,000 per. trainee durlng, a one-year perlod ending June 199. if you extrapolate this number to the sector as a whoie, smali. businesses are spending .a minimum of $56 billion a year for formai and Informai on-the job training.* Bennett was, equaliy surprlsed Libural Quebec Premiers reaction to the new Perliamentary Cammittea repart. Similarly, k should have been no surprs that Lucien Bauchard, the leadereai the natianalist Bloc Quebecals, and Jacque Panizeau, the leader ai the Parti Quebecaîs, ~the revelation that almost hall o the firrns survayed (47 per cent) are not satisfied with their effort and bulieve they shouid bu doing more training. Another 44 per cent stated their current- circurnstances ruied aut a need ta conduct mare training ai this time. Recentiy, Empioyrnent and immigration Minister, Bernard Valcourt, calied an business to boost training efforts and- stop assumling such casts should bu borne by gavernment. Bennet hopes Valcaurt wltl take the timne to read CFIB's trailnlnigrepart. "Mr. Valcourt WiiI bu surprised, by the repart's findings and i hope he takes ta heart what* he iearns. It shouid bu clear ta hlm and other government paicy makers -that any paroll tax for tralningwouid bu Ybapthnappropriate and punitive ta ornait- and medlum-slzed busînesses.7 Gavemment interferenqe ar' not, the ornait business traln's a' comm' -S fuit speed, ahead. The competitive track Is a fest ane and Canada must'bu on R. By actvely training their workfarce, smai firms are 'engineering' êkactly that. disapproved ai the contents ai the report. In the mînds ai the news mex's et CBC, this may have buen big news ta them, but k certalnly was not ta, the rest ai Canada, and SEE PAGE 12 Ode to restraint To the EdItor: Most normai folks, when times get taugh, Cut out the non essential stuif. They strugéle through, without the fril15, To cure the manetary its. When figures show that cuts are needed, A gaad exampte should bu heedad. if Beleville holds a secret key Parhaps that's whare we ail should bu. l's just a 'Weend Get-away' Sa staff and councls farced ta, stay. They say t's j ustto g et ecquelnted. Does that Imply that Whkb's tainted? When times ara gaad and money's spent,- Yau'll seldom hear a loud lament, But when aur belts bagin to tighten The oppositions baund ta, heighten. Our Input thay would 1k. ta hear,' But now they turn a daafenad ear, When our opinions disagrea. With how they feeailk ought ta bu. This trip thay'll try ta justify, And hope the furarpassb But now thay're under closeInsectin, Wight thay bu haunted next election?- Delores loliday Whl*b r - - t -- 1RIGUT - ails ..WAY... Training at full speed. Tired of constitutio.nal wrangling. To the editor.,.,, ------------- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...

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