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Whitby Free Press, 18 Mar 1992, p. 3

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Itemg from Whitby C)u'nci*Ll, agenda(s) Moï"March L, Planigand Development Commttee That an aiMôn to a realdoncoat 3555Cochrane St., betweon Roaaland Rd.' and Taunton Rd., be aliowed as long as It conforma to an *oengineer s report on tho impact of the-construction on *Lynde Crok located at the rear 10f tho'property. The addition wiii include a detachod garage, aunroom, boroorna and a living room. Commenta from the Centrai Lake Ontario Conservation, 'Authorty wiII also be obtained before any work is done.* Referrýed back to, staff That threèe more apartment units be allowed on the ground floor at an apartment building now being contructed on Hickory St., between* Coibome St. and Dunlop St. The number of units wil Increase to 125. The original plan for commei use-on the ground floor has been abandoned, s0 the number of surface parking spaces has been. reduced to 162. from 175 (thore wii stili be 123 underround parking space. . Reer»back t tW That councli deny an aprlication by Manfred Le brantd for amendment to the Whitby officiai plan to, establish aàreail nursery on i-lHwy 12, forth -of Columbus' RZd. The existing zoning la" agricufturai anrtd'the nurseryl ,"considered.inapr.o.priate .for a rural designation at the location at this time,, accordlng to staff. Planning committee says thore are lands. availabie near the proposed site for comffmercial *clvelopment. 11-l8 çalsp recommended that the Région deny the amrendment. Referr.d hack te staff Operations Committee.' >That a 'No Parking' restriction be piaced on both aides of Elizabeth St., between Harriet St. and Clarence Dr., rom 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Mondayto Friday. Studenta make up the majorityof drivers parking on Elizabeth St., directly acros from Henry Street High School. Aiea residents expressed concemr that emergency vehicies could have access problemas on the street, and also had concemn about Iitering.. The« signa will cost about $200.., Rocinmndete counoil That an ali-way stop flot be Installed at the comer of McQluay Bivd. and'Kennett Dr. Local residents had requested an all-way stop afer ex!pressing concem abot heaaet c pd-A- WIffl'YFRE PRE8S% WEDNEDAY, MAROH e18,29 PAGE 8 Man robbed A robbey in the washroom at Stairway'Cenightclub nottod thioves abot $180. police, say 'a customner was accosted b threo maies, ono of whom hol a brokon beor bottie to bhis throat and domanded bis monoy.ý Tne. customor wasntb hurt, and reportoedthe -incident to tho> club's ownors. Police say ho thon got into an aruet with 'tho, doormon, 1aorcomplainingthat ho was punched iii. tho mouth.' Police saOy he had, a cut and swollon lip and, aàacrape on tho right aide of the. forehead. An investigation la continuing. ECBEE Euchre is hobld evory- Friday, 8 p.m., .at tho Whitby. 100F Hall, 211 Brock St. S. S Cost lu $1.50. Refroshmonàts a r rvided. AH are welcome. FATER LEO J. AUSTIN students personalities of people from Ancient (from left) Andrea Woronat Brian Rome or Greece for the day, held to Cuilen, Sarah Howarth and Brin bring alive classical civilizations the Chadwick ez4joy a 15-course "lauthen- students are studying in history dressed in togas and took on the Photo byMark Eoeur, Whit1zy Fr.. Pr.m CLIPE urges j ob roteto BNdBoucher Tii. CJnadiaon Union of Public stop. thedestruction o 'ic services sd jobsuin Ontarlo.' Steve Nlholi,, prednt, of CUPE local 53 , sa ibu 0 local union leaders met March 6 teý develop a co-ordinated, pro- viuce-wide action plan. «CUPE membiers will not stand idly by whilo olected poilU- clans ln Outarlo slash suad buru public services sud jobs,» ho Bays. Nxchol says tho provincial and municipal governments aro te b. blflmed for msuy layoffà, luclud- ing 12 full- sud part-timo Town mmlye nWbitby. Hosaysý there h as been no meeting beZtwoon the Town and tii. union since Feb. 14. >, Ho believes the. Town of Whltby lutii. only rmnucipality lu Southoru Ontario te croate layoffe because of budgetý re- straints. Nichols siays, thore are msuy alternatives to laylng off ernployees sud cuttlng social ser- vices. Amoug the union's suggestions, are: ~ * hold meetnst the Town hall instead of at hotelop,; * eqwipmet could boreuted to moreothan one municipal, depart- mont- * âminato cellular phones in companýy cars; 0make a corporate decision to purchase only -on. type of model of certain equipment, , saving money mlu7pars;$7.6 mil- * dolay hproo lion Twu ors0enreuntil the economy recovers. "Dismsutling our social infras-, tructure la no way te answer the. economic criais,» ho Baya. Nichols saysa there will b. up te 20 local planning meetings acroas Ontario te croate new solutions te these problems, sud also pressure the provincial govermnent to lucrease its 'one per cent transfer paymenta te' municipalities, fschool ,boards, hospitàls sud universities. Police plan to beef up patrols downtown, h'g.at mal By-Marlo Boucher A new program for increased police securlty in the. dowutewn cor. sud. Whitby Mal la expected te, be annouuced lu the next fow weeks.. BIders>Llp Bouçher Saturday ý Rides3L onWhltby Transit - Thoeffgures were contained in was up more than 42 per cent in a report frorn the ublic works February of this year over lasit. departmeont siubmitted to 'the About 70,270 people rode tran- Tw' prtoscmito ait buses, an Increaso of 20,855 over last year.I in ne A report to the Town indicates Kïz m jpool that much of the increase is duo to student ridership and in- FROiI PAGE 1 creased connections between a million dollars a year.» Whitby and GO Transit. olyssma ppeSd 1 Rierahp toomthe sh 'awa afford. to use the. roc contre pool Centre was almost tho same as and, kida can't get to it -or the i January and- ridership to theoAnne * Ottnbift.pool uniess industrial area, of Whitby was thev'ro driven. down by 67 from January. Thero "'nhe owntewn cor. im being were 856,rides in February. de-emphiasizdw There were 504 calls-for infor- Whtby Ma'rTm da maton i Fbrui> representing told thei. pu ons that use of 300 fewer inquiries 'than ln the Kinsmon pool has to incroase Jauuary. dramaticlly to juetiIf keoping it 'Tolýf revenue for February open. was $67,787, about $4,100 more . 'Thr's no point in holding on than forecast. to a facilir thatso outllve- its As of March 2, Whitby Transit usefulnoos. extended its service -route into Operatin omltocair the Ravenscroft sbivson tporson Marcel Brunello agred. the northeosat cre o hcko It'scom'ngverclose te the Bd. and Rossland Rd.,- at no day w1Ptopolcoes ab je*t'a cot te off-peak Uu er.âIW-t-P4eg îbour if.,fo~ia .id~Jdy ~ip4odrua.etn.' Whitby couzicillor John Doîstra says Durham Regional Police are planning to expand their exlsting plic patrol iu Whitby, wlt bot'h'plainclothes aud uniformed officers. uThBis laprotection for our downtewn mèeants lu Whitby. as well as other areas 1ke the WJhltby Mail,» ho Baya. Doistra says3 there have been complaintsefrom morchants about iucreased vaudalism, brokon windows, and a few cases of people urlnatlug on -walls of the stores. After a period of time, police will detormiine wluch areas need the most protection, ho says. "Ti program) will bein plcewithin a short period of Staff Sgt. Bev Graham 9ays Durham Regioual. Police are stili planning the patrol expansion. Thero la already somo foot aud car patrol by police in the areas, ho notes. Police officors are now working 12-hour shifts instead of the pro- vious lO-hour daty, afteruoon or' midnight shfts, hé says. 799 BLORST.W. OSAW MAKE METR LýOCAL, Cali Toronto and area as otten tkà qas you wish and talk og as you eike ANYTIM'E.

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