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Whitby Free Press, 25 Mar 1992, p. 12

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;PAGE 12, WHITY FREEPRES8, wENESDAY, MARCH .25,1992 By.aiBoucher More thn 70 peoplo attended a forum in Wýhîtby recontly to learn about the goals of a land use planning commission under chair John Sewell, former Toronto mayor. The. Provincial Commission on Planning and- Developinent Reform lias held public meetings thr-oug'hout Ontarlo'to find out how people feel about municipal planùnp todOur lob on the commission is, to o totiings: to look at the goals of, plannn to fInd where planning shouldMb taking us in Ontaro in ýthe next 20 to 30 yrears' said Sewell. «Secondly, look at the process of planning which weýre trying to do ini as public a way as we can invol as many mmberso1 the public as possjible in ta]king about the options and' the oppor-. tunitiesY Sewell said the ýpublic can have a saty and make suggestions on what they believe are* the problems in, the planning pro- cesa. "Our timetab:le is to have -a draft report available by the end of this year,'and tomake that widély availale so that we can have some public hearings about it next January and February. "Then we can get the, final report to the Minister <ofMunici- pal Affairs) in the spring of 1993,3 lie said. Thi mandate of the commis- sion includes définingç possible land use and planning ýgoals throughout the. Province, with empliasis on environ ment, agri- culture and heritage concerns, as wiell as larify h ea ionsWp between the private and public sectors and the different levels of government. "W.,have "a newsletter whlch weýre putting out evMr six weeks which taika about the kind of work we!re doing and the kin4 of opinions wei're aring," ho said. Sewell said the proposed freeway, link in. the west, end of WustbY would'not ho good land us ftoo mucli cf the green environniont is destroyed and the air quality suffers as a con-' sequence. "We've got te start cang about air quality » ho, said. " have an ffice anIn -downtown Toronto and it's up on tho 22nd floor and everyti-me I look out I think 'Look at the. air, it's really soupy.' Sewell said huge proects in --iipltes musàt -ho lookod at more closely bease"eve got te figure liow te minimise the. public costs. "W. can't go around building things that have mammoth pub- lic costs attached. te them, and low density development doos." Sewell said the commission feels the provincial government should b. more clear about Local planners, poiliticians, was established by the MlnistrY futue plns.environmentali8ts, developers of MunicipalAffali in June.' Ho poited to the prTopoed and- tho public are aznong .the Sewell,,is Joined by Toby Vigod, Hwy 47,- north of Hwy 7, ad an people approached ýfor inpu7t into formerexecutive djrctorof the exa-p1e of the publicnot:know tecomsso rprt le sald. CanadianEnvirneta Lw ing w7at are the'real -plans for The tremm rm sinAocaoadGerePfod the l1ighway, One possibility Would ho tth. province doing the research and planniing',of a policy, with the -. r lia n talIlry RepUSot~ municipality havýing more power -'t make a décision on that bolicy ho said---- For exaimple one provincial policy could cafi for the pr<otec- lon of ail wetland classes one to three, and the municipality can deieto, either respect that policy or do somothing else such as putting hàusing development intaarea. The Ontario Municip'nal Board .would thon act as a saeguard for the poicial.governinent whon tho municipality goos against a particular poicy, Ih. said. Sewell said part of the problein now. io that municipalties are expected to, make clear plans, while the province isn't. Planning must como boforo any growth can ho allowed to, happen, ho said. Sewell said' this commislsion will not; go' on and on as do others, and is geared to, tho public. qIts a search for consensus,» h. said. The Prposedý Child > The proposed Child Benefit will, if passed by Parliament, go out to over 3 million Canadian families starting in January 1993. > The proposed Child Benefit will replace today's patchwork of measures - Family Allowances, Child Tax Credit and Dependent Child Credit - with one monthly payment. > The proposed Child Benefit will go to those families with children who need it - those with low and modest incomes. What's more, it is based on family income, which is a fairer way of determining the amount of assistance that children actually need. The proposed Child Benefit wiIl include an earned- income supplement to increase support for low- income working families. > The proposed Child Benefit wilI increase federal support for children by $2.1 billionover 5 years. For example, a family with one child, earning $20,000, can receive as much as $1,733 per year - an increase of 40%., What's more, it would be tax-free - you wouidn't be taxed on the proposed Child Benefit! > Once fully in place, the proposed monthly.Child Benefit will reslSond to changing family circumstances, such as the birth of a child. > The proposed Child Benefit will automatically be sent to you each month. If you file a tax return, there's no need to apply unless you have a change in family circumstances. At tax time, as well, you would find your tax return easier to prepare. > Watch for information with your March Family Allowances payment or fill out the coupon below and we'Il send you'more information. Name Street City Province _ Postai Code__ Chiidren Matter P.O. Box 8176 Ottawa, Ontario K1G 3H7 , Elin Engiish Elin French I * Govemment of Canada Gouvernement du Canada Health and Welf are Canada Santé et Bien-être aocai CanadaI ,ByRostvna Durbani dng MP In the. threweek since tii. House cf Cmono-Sonate commlttee on tbe'Côosttution releaaed itï report, linsurprlsed on. major, feature has received se little attention. The. B.audaln-Dobbi, Committeebas Proposed a n.w -opening that Woûld lift *tho Constitution highabove the usual dry lgaes and "whereas" clauses,'te provide, a rnigstatemen t otwa we are'as Canadiens and wliat we wantfo our naýtiop. During its lwiaings tii. comimitte. r.ceived -many suggestions as te how thls-xnlght bo don.No doubt wo've ýbeeninfliceéd by the. poetic phrauing that Thomes Jefferon'and "otiiers igjected inoth US.Conitutiom, "W. the >oplf the. United States, in, ordor te foihn a, more perfect union, establish justice, mauàre domestic tranillity ...." Compare, tlat with ,the.= ,sty eiing te Our 1982. Constitution Act: "WhoesCanadaisfounded upnprnw pe that recognize the. supremacy cf God.and the. rulo f a The Joint Committo. aOgreed - 'animoul that the. Constitution needte include "a written fiag, flfig 6ù cr hoarts and mindd'Utin should "unit. us with the, hist >ed values that w. siierenot merely containing somothing for everyone but rather expresaing what w. togetiier recognize and hoiddear. After hearing several proposaIs,, includÏng on. frin the. ýWrters' Union of Canada, the. Commtte. recommended tii. folowng as a fitng pramblo forepur Constitution. ~W reti.p opl f Cnddan rmt Our winds of eerth, a priviieged people, citizens cf a sovereign state. oTute f a vaut northern land, w. celebrate its beauty and gndeur.Abornlpeopo1 ImmigatFrench-speaking English-s;peaking, Ca aienai, we honour aur moots and valu. our diversity. 'W. affirin that our co nrya founded upon principles that aeknowledge the. supremacy ocd, the. dignity of eech persan, the. importance cf famuly, and the. value of community, 'We recognize tint wo romain free only 'when freedom is founded on respet for moral and spiritual values, and the. nil. of law in the service ofjustice. 'W. cherish ttus fre. and united country, ita'place witiiin the. femuly of nations,ý and eccepting the, roponsibilities privileges bring, we pledg e strengthon this land as a, home of pue, hope and goodwiil." Tht=remblis foilowed b an equally éloquent Canada Clause. I' e long te, quote fùly horo, but eleborates on the. origins cf Canadaas woell as it political structure and democratic, institutions. It. opens witii tus declaratian:, "W., Canadiensa4 convlncod cf thé. ncbility ef our collective riment, h.reby' renew our histonic resolvo te live together iu a feeral stte."l It ends, as oe observer commonted, on a note tiiat-virtuaUy singe. "W. pledge te, honoeirably diacharge our respoSibltyt our cildren, no tiat-they mey do the saie for theirown, cf ensuning their prosperity ahd the. integrity of thoir eonvirenmount. "Therefore. we, Canadians all, formaly aot ftùs, car Constitution, lnciuding The. Canadien Charter cf Righte and Freedoma, as the soiemn. expression cf our national, will and hopea. To me, thatis exactly the sort cf nsring poetry we Canadiens need tedey. .... .... .. . .... Mombers of the una East NDP1 Provincial Riding Association recently elected thie 1992 ezecutive at the" annual gonera meeting held at'Dunham M include prsdnt Cec Mackesey of Bwavle M eprsdnt LT Ryk <elorof Bwaio scretazy Kelly Phippa cf Manvers, treasurr Rchard Ledwidge cf Osiwmembership se ray Naae Halay. .oWhtbý publicity officer Harold Becker a Bwaville and fimdraiuing officer' Neil Maycock of Bowmanville. Municipal rereaentatives are Por Pay, oy ;neun;Whitby, DeiSanes; Menvers, -Kell hpp; Bowmanville, Bi Mtmer; NeÎcastle/Courico, DenLindsayT, Osliawa, to bb. 799 BLOR S. , SW 404052 Members at largo are Jenny yorasn, Port Perry and Natalie lMacloey, Bowmanville. Ptevin- cial council delegate la -Haroid Becker cf Bowmanville.. Delegates were Iléo lecteéd te tuis year's provincial 'convention te ho hold June 19 te '21 at tiie Hmilton < onvention Centre. They include Cec Matckfsey, Lucy Rybka-Becker, NatalieMacýkesey and Dean.Lindsay. NDP fundraiser Tickets are on sale for the lOth, annuel Durhiam NDP fundraising 'dinner- and dance te ho hlonSaturday, April 4 at Coen. Sikoraki Hall, Oswa. 'Ishàwa MP' Mke Breaugh, the. New Dmcai at' iiousing ritic, is guest speaker. Tefundraiser begis with cocktails at 6 p.m., a it-down, all-ycou-cean-eat, Poliah-style meal at 7 pm., foilowedby dancing to the msuic cf the. Ss tbrougii te the Osimutilýlam. Tickets fi** the. evenng are $50 for general admniaion -and $100 for hast.- Tax receipta are available wliere appilicable. Cail 4416) ý623-6377, 723-5911. o k~8~5&~~5WuiI5IS5q - ' ýqW -Mmi 1

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