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Whitby Free Press, 25 Mar 1992, p. 34

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PAGE 84. W~TBYFEE~ P~hIB. WEDHEBDAY. MAROR 85,1990 w I I WhItby Free Pres's *668-0594 Office Hours: Monday to Frlday, 9:00 arn to 5:00 pm *-Fax 668-0594 ........................* ~ ,s~ .......... .. .:. ........... BIRTH CONTROIL and 'family planing counselllng. Free and confidentiai, 'avallableMnday te Fridayj, 830 amn. to 4:30 p.m. CInie eeyThursday 3 to 6 pm For fur ýIenformation, cal 420m-8781 or 433-8901. LGLAID DENIED? May I help? Alec UnconsssdDivorc. l Chai»%eof Nams WIUe Pa rdon, Debi Recovesy. CAREER LADY, 45, would lik. te meet ru nil'attractive man 45-55 vears aid, for. serlous relatlonsh.. Likes quiet dinners, long walks. Box 4000 clo Whtby Fr.. Press, Box 206, WhItby, Ont LIN 581. BAHA'IS 13EUEVE: Man's menit leéth In. service and virtue and net ln the pageantry of weafth and rices -For- nfrmation and discussion, cali 668-8665. ALTrERAIrONS BY MARY. Give 1our aid wardrobe a new luft. Ne allrng ai reasonable puices. 6-10 p. .436-1448. HANNELE'S SéEWING SERVICE -children's wear,- home acces- merles, seec window treatments and lak"lons. Flower. gid dresse., etc, Top qualty wouk ai reasonabie rates. 43-013 (Whltby). WOMEN IN AIBUSIVE. relation- ,shý.s. Forý help,' calI the Deuis. Houe. for Woimen and, Chidren. Toll free. 1-800-263-3725 or 728-7311. Confldentiality assured. (Formeriy Auberge.) P$YCHIC &SPIRITUAL ADVISOR Joan. Mondyto Fudoy 430-1328m Miki'o~în~'ove~ Therels i iiuethanme way 14) lit' ai ehîirper%ton. (;et. Up .ild irelLh 4 yîîu wîîn î i uîli part ni the. iurniure.' PaRTI(IP0CTID~ TrHOSE Wl8IJING TO RESPOND te box numbers shown below, plesedo otsend responsesto, systemn le a voico mail system. To aocess, cail 1-416-976-1991. LETS DISCUSS th. possibllities. If you are a compassionate, charming and siricere business- man, 49 te 5, whoI nterested in a true relatosl ih ,an attractive, outgeingi lady,, please reply ta RVP Box 2001L ATTRACTIVE maie,. 50, would like to meet lady 40-50 for dining out, movies, romance,. possible lasting relat:onshiip.-Box 1009. SINGLE FATHER, 37, cf looking for fun-Ioving petiteld, 30-40, for quiet nighs sepn"i9 Sundays.di ning & country living, outdoar lover. RSVP Box 1021. MALE - 24 likes music, mevies, country wafloe. quiet evenilngs, seeks honest, intelrigent female fer relatienship. Net Into mind games. BOX 1002. ACTIVE MLE, 358 likes sports, theatre, movies & good- conversation weuld like te meet Intelligent;' witty, sincere, and attractive lady. Reply te Box 1005. MARRIED MALE, 34, looklng for' ~single or married femai. between, 20 & .35 for friendship. Must b. very discreet. Box 1003. ENGUSH'FIEMALE, 239 likes movies, skllng, travel, dlnfing eut & challenges. Seeks honest & rellable guy for relationship, 23-30. RSVP Box 2004. HI, I LOVE -MUSIC, dancing & sport&. I have blonde hair, 22 year odSeelclng a tali, romandeo man. Box 2000. VERY ATTRACTIVE adven- tureus attached mal., 34, see simflar lady fer f un limes. RSVP BOX 1011. EUROPEAN, INTEWLGENT and romantic: maie, 25 ears, 6 11. tall, ver7 Z08d looking es sports & qdefevninswould l1k. to meet sincere trustworthy lady 20-25 years. Àeply to RSVP Bo 1020. ATTRACTIVE MARRIED 23- year-old. Iooklng for female between 20- & 40 for -discreet relalonship. Reply te RSVP Box 8OMETEING SPECIAL 1IN, THE WMfTBY MRE PRESSB wicil 'flis Direct d '610ur1~çt* (1 Sprts TraveI ýDating oking for a handball Singl Necd addate for partncr? Someone \~ \ Ijack up «or looking Seiors-gl or game prives. Find a special' senior tr malte a Look for them partncr or màybt , totteonc? fourth for brAge, sec a ln IRSVPI a group ta haîp, MI 0* l'lce an play orjus i orcampan- out a charter - làn ;m ad or rnad ianship' Check ouc RSVPI 1 atnd listen îSVI Whitby FrmePr... RSVPI system .uppiied by -aiking Computr' by Telesphere Canada Ine.. Tronto.. Itsa easy! It's fun! It'a confidentiai!. cafl 668-0594 (Please cali Wednesday - F'iday, 9-12 or 1-5 To place a FREE 20 word ad ln the Whitby Frec Press cal! 668-0594. Wc dont even need your name or phone number. Your ad will run ln the newspaper each wcek for S a month. WeIl give you a voicemail box number. TMen you dia! 1-416-976-199 1. wait ,« for ilta answer and press extension code 3 on your touch-tone phione. Follow a simple seties of messages which will help you place ln the newspaper. . Your priva cy is gtiarnteod. -You Icave your voire only - no naznc, no \ '~>~> ~> addres. no phone number - your respon- 4D~ 5 dents answcr tuayour mttilbox only. 1,~<> .You decide who to calt bock aller listening ta your relut-n messages. V >.ou decide when and how allen ta retrieve Syour nmessages. gou You pay for your cal! on 'x.yaur phone bill -only 994 per- minute up toa maimum of ÃŽ2.97 per- cal! - there are no additional long- distance charges. You arc charg cd ta Icave your Initial message and-eachr lUme you listen ta your responses. N.B. The Free Pross. revie eaeh Initial mezsàe ta ensure lis suitablilty for aur c d-mlUp. Wc reserve the .lght to delete any ad whieh ia offensive ln address or iphiconnhe f ic bo content or phneh eothUcne. ha1der or anthiag whieh identife then. hisla or ourproectiet Heur It ln their own voicel eaul 1-416-976-1991 .Watt for It to answer. then when prampted press extension code 3 on your touch-tone phone RSVP ads are found ln the Classiileds of the Whitby Frc Press. Each ad canries a voicemnail box number ta help yoIu find the corresponding VIcle message. Jot down the mailbox number from the"ad y u wlsh 10 rospond ta. Ibcn deal -416-976-199 1. simple series of messages wIlll lea to heir message. if you like. you can repnd. lcavlng yur naine and phone numaber. Yurplyls only accessible ta the pet-son it is Intcnded'for. You pay only C9*pet - ~ inute, toaa msxlmuàm of $2.97 per cal! on tour phanc ill. 'et-e are -no addi- Uonal long distance <charges. The Royal Bank cf Canada recentl- roleaaed figures, that show huslngcontinued.,t i more afor ,Ie in Mettero to and surroundlngregions during the. final quarter cf 1991. Ta bank's hosg affordahility Index shw households In this region required 44 per cent c f niedian ýpre-tax income cf *47,500 tépurchase an .xisting - bungalow. That. compares to a -70. per cent ligure in the fret quarter cf 1989. Thme bank's affordablity index measures tihe proportion cf 'a houaehold'e pre-tax income aàpplled te tthe caste cf cwning a "With the mrveeti housing affordabiltuyewe)'re epecting an. even geae demand for mortgages," said KeNn MoLean, Royal Bank area mnauger for -Pickering, ANaâ, Whtby. 'W. will offer buyere ttie oppotuity te, compare as mâny financing alternatives as possible vas ther consider the purchaése cf a home.' The- Royal Bank lbas introduced incentives to, consumerae .contomplating mortgage fi nancing or already. holding a mortgage with other financial institutions. Until July 31 the. bank, will waive its 485 motgage application fee, ahsorb up ta $150 of a morgage applicant's appra"sa coet andalsopay the f.. alsup te $150), charged - iy otiier financial institutions for customers transferring mortgageS --Te ÀWBa smotgge program al.. includes . ,the po . ilty option that enables customers teaapplauterms cf an exieting Royal .Bankmortgefflte. a newly purchased'home; the. add-on "~ture that sllowis for the use, cf haine equlty_ to borrow addtnalfds foi repovations or additionstAo .a, hoene; and flexillty for customers who wim3h to chn. am weky or m payment Deaf Centrel,", neede new I board members_ The, Oshawa Deaf Centre, a non-profit agency 'that j~e service to the deaf and o hearing in Durham Region ed volunteers te serve onth board cf directors.' Needeéd are volunteer with expertise ini the 'legal eystem, financial 1 management and fundraising. For furtiier inflormaition, contact Betty Mcliiee aàt 010, <416); 678-3328 (T1'YNoice). ,Accident daims lfe Louisa Reddin a su rvyiSo>r at Grandview Rehabilîtation& Treatment Centre. died, as. a resuit cf a car acdn on March An Ajax resident, Reddin -was superisorof thie, speech/ languaga patholegy and audio- l1g depsrtment cf'tii.'centre.- S h h workdat Gradvew àlus will b. fondly remnem- bered, but eadIyý missed for her expertise, and her caring and understandlng, naùture,» said Linda Wats,;be xecutive dir at Qrandview. Obituaies OLLA EUIOTT, Olla "(011e),,Lorraine Ellott, died on Tuesdy, March 17, 1992 at Bestview Nursing HÏome. ,She A- Whitby resident fer more* than 50 yas Mrs. Elliott was a teaciier Cfore retiring She was a member cf St. Mar' United Churci. 5he. is« survived by her son Howard' and granidchuldren Lynda, Karen and TIli, <reat- grandchildren Mélanie, .Genn, Kyle and Kayla, and oseter She was predeceased, byhe iiusband Elwood Robert Elliott and sister Florence McKee., ,- The funeral service was held from. tii.-W.C. -Town Funeral ChapoIon, Friday, Marci 20, 1992, Rev. BrianG. conducting. Interment at Mount Ljawn ceme- D~onations ta Whitby General Hospital. Paul) ,of Toronte 'and Patrica Now.ll (and' her 'husband Ste- Phen).cf Oshawa, and great-niece Vctoria Jean NoweIL '". He was predeceased -by sister Mildred (et. 15, 1991), brother Matthew Abott,(Feb..'3 1992> and slstoeWr-ln-lsw Alice (éeptem- ber 1990>. 1e funeral servce was,'held from 'the W.C. Tewn, Funeral Chape'on Februry25 -1992, Re.Béie .Lau. 'onAuctig. Initerment at Mount Lawn cemeé- tr DELORES YOUNG Delores Faith Yo'of Whithj died on Satîiïdà a rhM 1992 'at Toronte hast General Hospital. 5h. was 47. <She was born on Auut.6, 1944 at Cox's Cove'Newfoun- dland daughter o-,f L.5î.yand Sara (Joyce)Cox. Sh. married AlexanderYoung on August 26, 1965 in Toronto. A Whitby resident for three years, she wasself-emploed.. WILBEWR lCE 0one15is uriveaDy, erh Wilbert Perey Price of Whit>y band, dauýgitejr, son, brotheri died on February 21; 1992 at sisters and mother. She was praý Whitb?., General Hospital., . H. deceased by her father ani was usbrothers. He was born in Chinguacousy 11 The funeral service was held Townehip, Peel Countv on on. Tuesday, March 17 1992 November 2, 1991, son cf lgtdw ' Rev. -Herb -Siiankj& 1ciatini Carmen1 and Marion Ethel Thornton crematorium. (Abbott) Price. A Whihy resident since 1915, h. worke at General Printers, Oshiawa, from 1928 toe i. d 6 Generations- of until the, late 19709.' A S Ho was past master cf Com- Iý Family Monuments Re Lodgeo #30 (Masonie * ' Gradnite or BIutnze Markers jod Whibyppast principal cf * Oemetery Letýétering Keytone chapter $35, sd mem- g andblasting ber cf St. marie Unitedchurch.., A «gentleman farme9r,»h. was :Stafford Mo numents verygenerous with prouce fiom hie large gardon, sud handyman. 318 Dundas St. E. Whitby and, general 'Mr. FitfWfo fam- 668-3552 ily friendesud neigibours., After Haurs 6684460 or 666'1513 ieis' survived uby nioces. JioI'eapin!trente-gIad1y>arrangcc ean Mrris andber husband, 1, i I r, To listen te these peop1re ltheir ow n velce, cil 1.416-97Ã"- 1991. enter code 3 when prompted. enter .i1 for personal ails and tien tthe box number in the ad. ...or you Can browse through ail of them.' You will be'billed on your phone bill for 99* per minute to a maximum cf 3 minutes , jý!u

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