wHJTBY FIREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY. APRIL 1,1M2, PAGE 9 Golf, housi«ng plan approved Double Fool's Day danée.to be held Ap"i il <The. Ashburn Centennial Community Centre Board is holding a Double Fol Day Dance on*April il1 (get it, the llth is Do.uble o'Pol' Day). Cost iis $25 per couple, ($13 per singl 1e), whlch,.includes "a.lai" nigbt flunch. T Ii. dance will b. ,h.ld at the. Thunderbird- Golf -Course, starting at 8 p.m., (over. age 19' 1nl) There will b. a dise jockey For further dotails , or additional information, cOntact Lois Daw at 655-3565. Tickets myb. e cae at tii. door orthe ,Adburn Gemmrl Store -li beautifu downtown uhburIL -(Make a ."double" foci of yourselfZ au long aM it'. befor Optimists havre 4 new members Tii, Optimist Club of Brooklin held a membersiip breakfast lest Sunday morning at the. Casia Palace Restuarant on Hwy 12 north of Brooklin. At the- meeting four new ptimist members were inducted into the. club by Lt. Governor Ray Mceonna fron tii. Optimist Clu of Oshawa.' New Optlnist member William Mage. was sponsored by Martha Beauchanip, new, Optimist Kathleen McClean was spoored by Paul Van Sciiynd.l and newOptinuste Nancy M~arlie and Lesley Carn.y were ponsord by Brian Wick. Guel; speaker for tii. meeting was district memberiiip chair Don McCallum from tQue Optimiat Club of Nwmarket.' Prmtive new member Kamal 1 keja of Brooklin aise attended. Shown was a video which explained -th', urpose of an Optim2ist club and the. benefits of menub.rsiip. Houck house FROM PAGE 3 On Dec. 18, 1953, the MacRaes sold the. house bu Gerald Reuben. and Dorotiiy Muziel o'eWhinpmans sold the hous. on Feb. 3, 1964 to Roy B. and Majorie E. Dunlop. Tii, Dunlops sold the, hous. on Aug. 21, 1967 bu Clyde C. and Elizabeth J. Magee. Tii Magees on May 14, 1968 ugold bu Margaret J.A Pegg who, on April 8, 1971, sold tii. hous bu its present owners Leslie and Margaret Bain, both of whom are doctors in Oshawa. FROM PAGE 1 it was s3till a bit to premature to Bay anything about the. application. 'Weýre stil a long way from ayconstrcton," maidWhitby MyrTom Edwards. Cosruton on tiie project wouldlikely start sometime next y.ar, h. said. "This will utiliz. a piece Of land that is not of usie to anybody at this time and hasn't been for a long time," h. said. Edwards said, the.farmland Charles Hamnmond James Hutchison Jerome Lecky Ian MacKinnon Andrew Mclntosh Marcus Payne Jade Richardson Kristina Rutledge Mike Shea hasn't been us.d for any major farming for about 45 years anci t wxil b. an appropriate use of the land and provide housing for upper. and middle-1,v.l management people, who in tomn will .v.ntually iielp bring jobs into Whitby.- New tax revenue JwiIl also b. g.n.rated from the. d.velopm.nt, he said. "I think itfs a worthwhile project and on. that the. Town- really wants," said Drumni. Whitby needs lhousing for tii Paq judgment on 'vision' FROM PAGE 6 that over the years they bave been a pain butii.h federal government, even as late as the. seventies, when the. head of the. government had bu' declare a state of emergency. Did you tell tiiem the section of our country has vast resources on hand they do not own but want bu hoodwink the, original inhab--tants bu get it? And, of course, juat a year or so ago, tried a 'land grab from aboriginals resulting in a fatality and show of military muscle and an embarrasement bu our government. If you did, sfir, I'm sure they would get the, picture. Jim MéLeS» Ajax type of management people to help attract industry, he said. "If, you'r. going to bring industries, you need iiousing for company presidents and others," he said. Drurnm said h. feels "vindicated," a long with the rest of Whitby council, after the defeat of the motion he brought forward for the d.v.lopment project. The. Town had been trying to have the Region approve th. proj.ct for the last four years. Regional.council voted 19-9 in favour of rejecting the planin committe. recommendation and then voted 22-5 to approve in principle the. develqpm.nt application. aA fald decision is exp.cted within the. next four weeks. DANFORUI TYPE WBR1ER eslablished I1930 CORPORATION 0F THE ~J~)TOWN 0F WHITBY NOTIE 0F VACANCUES BOARD 0F MANAGEMENT FOR THE WHITBY CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT IMPROVEMENT AREA The Councl of, the Corporation of the Town of Whitby invites plcations for appontment to the Board of Manauement for the. thtby Central Buiness District Improvement Aiea toTdi1 vacancles ln ti.membershlp of the Board. If you are, (a a Canadian citizen; bý at least 18yearsold; (c) a resident of the. Town of Whitby or the. owner or tenant of iann the Town or the spOus0 of such an owner or tenant; ()assessed for business, assesament ln the Whitby Central Business District Improvement Area or the. nommne. of a coprain so assesseri; and, (e) lnte lsthe I mrrovement. beautification and maintenance of public lanIs ln the improvement area and promotion of the area ea business and shopping area, arInvh.teI make application for appolntnuent te tti. Board of Application forms are available at the, Town Clerk's Office. Completed !eoications should bu submitted to the Clerk by no later dan usaApril 9, 1992 for the Council's considerationi. The. lat dato for submlttlng applcations la Thuruday, April 9, 1992. M aplicaion will bu revi.wed by die Council and applicants will bu adlse f tii. Counicils decision. DONALD G. McKAY CLERK THE CORPORATION 0F THE t1iO0F WHITBY 575 ROSSLAND ROAD EAST WHITBY ONTARIO LUN 2M8 PIIOtI: (416) 6684803 The Future us REDUCE REUSE RECYCLE, Swith WASTE SYSTEMS Cali Derrck 427-3253 Trent' University N at Durham College Summer 1992 Courses are offered in Oshawa and Peterborough during the day or evening in the following terms: " Bweeks: 29ApriI-24June " 12weeks: 29April-22JuIy " 6weeks: 2luly-l2August Information: 1 April, 4:00 to 8:00 p.m.. Oshawa Public Library auditorium. For a brochure, couniselling ,or information on admission calf (416) 723-9747 or (705) 748-1229. ~~q~UIi 3:9 s So is your Durham College Continuous Learning calendar Get your copy: 1at ail Durham College campus locations o/ at, ail Libraries /through the mafil if you have registered for Continuous Learning courses in the past dhree years a copy wili be madled to you the week of March'30. D \%2~ éVtpcz The Whitby Free Press would like to wish. a Happy Birthday toalal its carriers with APRIL birthdays 1 1 start the edost Classes week of )KI 27 1 ý mi -la a lm a Fi ý 0 ý 0 ewoo#'