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Whitby Free Press, 1 Apr 1992, p. 1

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Vo1e2,No 1e19 ag THE >STRbAI shows on Darby the Whitby Warriors junior .A .,.Walsh's -face during a rigorous lacrosse training camp. round of exorcises at the opener of Photo by Mark Reesor, Wltby Fr., Pr. Work to begin soon on convention/banquet hall B yMaro Bocher 'ii. ummnit,' the As banquet and -convention alfaci lityat Hwy 12 and Taunton Rd., isflnally a go., 6«Friday ufternoon we found out that the financing has now been - pproved and w. are roady ta go,, says Anthony Volpe, son of owner Miko Volpe Construction for the centre ls expected ta tart «witbin two wêeos," ho says, adding it could open in Octaber or November. Volpo esays they hopetaope i November at the lateot, apnd there will be a gala opening as well as an open hos or people ta visit the new facility There have been Lut 80 i- quiries about renting the ban- que t bail, mostly for weddin-s for the period between Otaoro this year ta the summer af 1993, ho saya., The banquet and convention hall fucility is expected ta cmate between 50 t 60Ofiull-time jobs and up ta 80 part-timo jobs, ho Volpe ais. noted the Jobs pro- duced for the construction orthe contre. The *rozoning application for the contre was approved by Town council last Octobor.- 'ii. Summit is expected ta, coat botween $10 million and $12 million, and will b. able ta hold 1,800 people at a time. Aiso on the il-acre site on the northoast corner of Hwy 12 and Taunton Rd. will ho 'La Vetta,' an Italian rostaurant that 'will hdsoPe ofptebuildfinf will b. about 100,000 square fee. BjTMarlo Boucher The DrhamRégion sejarate achool board and Its 290 bigh teachers on Monday roachod an agreement ta end an 11-weook-old ,Work-to-rulo. Mtor concluding a tentative collective agroement lut Thurs- day, 77 per cent of the' touchers and the entire board voted in favour of the now agreement on Monday. The now ono-ye*r collective agremont for the current 1991- 92 school year calis for a 4.5 per cent salary increaso froin Sept. 1, 1991, with a rais. of 1.0 per cent as of Feb. 1, 1992. (By comparison, i Metro, a tentative contract agreement would give high schoof touchers there apay. hiko of about 3per cent in each 'of the next two years). The two sidos compromised on some issues including clas size. Touchers arodo rais. h maximum numbor *of students allowed i a class by 40 per cent, from 30r cent;-the board aured to lower by one. student the clas size in advanced and basic leveL. "This agreement is consistent. with what. wo gave aur other touchers, and it is a very gener- ous increasoi these economic times,» said Whitby trustee Tom Oldinan, chair of the board. The fact that 77 per cent of the touchers voted in favour -of the new agreement seems taidicate they are happy with't ho settle- ment ho mai d Olcian said the board baaed the incroase "on the fact that we wanted ta be fair and consistent with al aur employees and rati- fiod an agreement on the basis of what the ather increases wereat the olementary panel and the French section touching staff." The board was bojping. for a two-yoar agreement b ut it just couldn't b. dono at this timo, ho mid. "Thoro weo other significant coots i dealing with the other eifht outstanding issues,» said ldinan. Ho said students will now be abie to again oinjoy extracurricu- - - - - - - -47y - - -5'- . . . ./ . . .. ..*.. .... . . . By Maie Boucher Durhamn regional councl,, overturning a planning committe. recommendation, ha given aprvahiricple toaha-uMing an1glfcourse do'îýlopment i northwest Whitby. Bruce Sommera.ma<le the application, for a 156-acre prprtyon, the south aide of Brawley IRd. PW,. ' aboutfour years augo. The proertyis uleady pwauy occupied, b~y Laerdge IkkGolf Çourse. Sommera is proposing 31 estate reidential lota hi cogijunction,.wth a golf course. H.B oeiginull1y 1wu n-ted 41' residentia lots but the dowiinus împameý"ïâ3dby the Town. The applicatioei, subjeet of much débate, wb.n it wus befors, the Town a few yeara agoý-wus rocommendied hy Whitby regional councier Joe Druzm a t a récent meeting of Region planning committee. But comrittee defeated bis motion to approvo the application- und instead reommended that the plan b. rejected. Council recently overturned that recommendation. , The -people wunt thia thing," mid Douglas Sommera of Lakeridge at the March 18 regional council meeting. Thie farmland is not flnanciall viable and bas -nover boon fully utilized for' fhrming, with only corn crope cultivated in the last few yeurs, ho mid. 'The property is 70 per cent agrcultural lunds, 20 per'cent covered i woody field regeneration, and moat of the remaining land occupied by a golf course. Sommera suid people'in the area bave even igned a petition supporting' the developinent. Whitbyrogional councillor Ros Batten mid any furmer attempting ta farm the land would b. appalled by the results. "The Town oif-Whithy dofinitely wants this application," b. mid. Batten said the reduction in the number of units to3SI from 41 will help provide "the 'proper lifeatyle within the community." The -housing devéopment and the oxpanded golf course will bave minimal impact on noighbauring residents, he mid. Oshawa regional. councillor Brian Nicholson mid regional council bas ta respca h wisbes and the bard, work by tI.Tw ince the. project wa preseted. i 1988. Following. the meeting, Sommera d.clined ta, commnent 1fithor, saying only SEE PAGE .9 lar -activities such as s ortse clubs bande and draina, aican- ;lel dur=ngthe work-to-rule. Unionleader Blair Morris was unavailablo for commentsaas of press time. The. teachers wore looking for gala"y incroases of 5.1 per cent for tho 1991-92 school year and 1.0 per cent for'the 1992-93 year. ~II, A H-ome esgland' See pages 1t01

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