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Whitby Free Press, 1 Apr 1992, p. 3

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WHflMYFREE PIWS WEDNESD)AY. MPJ~119, PAR a Tony VanDolswoerd wiIl b. Ho was rm tod to deputy' WhlbYs new ire cit;tklgcioin 197E . ovor July 3 from EdOrouvchwo VanDolsweord, who in cu- rentlydeputychiof,, eaye ho'. "it's an excting te or e. ]PM oon forward to the. chai- V'eanDoloeord Joinid - the ....... Whitby 'Pire Dopartmont as a volunteorin 1969 and was hlred go a fuil-tfime firot9htei in,1971. Tools stolen from vehicle " LEWI HOUCE HOUSE owners Leslie Comiittee. The house, built ini 1859, and Mrae an with Rick bas been designated as a heritage MeDonelichai of the Local building. pm..ohayrerm Architectural Conservation Advisory ht yM*Ber Wb reP More than ~7,000 worth cf tools were -etolen from a van parked on Willis Ave. soinetime overnight Wedneedf y. Police say tMi thieves, apparently loaded the tools into a van cf their own, removlng a seat, which they left behind, te, make more rooni. An investigation la continuing. Hist orie Whtby home designated T1h. Lewis Houck houes on BrnSt., built in 1859, han been uted asa horitago buildnr Teland on which ti.heuc hous stands was originally ownod by Peter Porry and 0ombrscf bis family., Peter Perry came to Whitby ini 1836bfr oenLnnoz andAdigo Countios, noar th. Bay o uno I 1844, John Shier made a Town'plan for Perry of the. lots in th prtodfthosent Town of Whitby, orthcf DndanSt. On Oct. 25,ý 1856, Boirjamln Falrfield Davy a eon-in-law of Peter 'Perr, sc'd the land whoere the ý housé now stands te, Lewis Houck, who mortgaged the prprybock ta, Davys wlfel, Ciderellfer £200 ($1,000). It ie possile Houck, usod this motg ge ny te build a houe., but not lik4e the houes that' stands on the site now. Hoe discharged the mortgage within four yoars. On Aug. 17, 1863, Hc>uck mortgaged *the. property te, Chester Draper for- $6,077.04, enough money te, bufid a substantiel brick house. It je liloely that the* houes on, the corner of Byron and John Ste. was, buit at tis -finis. The Houcke called it ' Homewood.' Lewis Houck (1817-1887) was born on Sept. 19, 1817 in Dunham Tflwflbi, QUbeC. He came te Whitby ýMarkham i tiie 18409 and, in 1844, bufit a framo hos and store at the. corner of Dundas an4 Byron Sto. I the oaly 1850e, ho was a fannlng mlii inake and dealer in stoves and tinware. By 1860, ho was d.alingin the. lucrativegri brade that probably Éade hlm enough -money te, build the. substantial home at Byron and John Slte. ini 1863. I1870, Houck appeod t 1 li financial1 difflculty and unabis todiachare bis m7tgNmte harbour and anothor. walth grain rchant. A ncottoder was insued on On March 319 1870, Draper sold the. housesbock te'M A Mn Hockdewis Houckes withliug ehlal~the debt. Houck-lhved on the house.until bis death on Oct. 30, 1887 at the 799BLORSDUR. OHA A NO G[DODGES age of 70. A devout Methodist, h. aed that the. Methodist church choir ing at bis funera. On'tii. day of his fiuwral the. Town bell toed andalthe. stores '-were closed. Mre. Houck died on March 9, 1896 e t «the. ag of 68, and on Aug. 26, 1896, h r erecutors eold the houme te Sarah IL Akman. Her iiusband, Fred Alkman eold the house on pil 26,l897 tehis son, Robert P. imn Aikman sold it on July 14, 189 te Neil A. MeDiarinaid. On Nov. 6, 1899, McDarmaid and bis wife sold the. houe. te Jennie F. Pattereon. On May 11, 1915, her executors sold the houseste William Downio. Downie (1861-1934) was born in lreland. As a boy, ho came te Toronto and jained the. staff of the Canadien Northern Railwa. H joined the Canadien câ Railway in 1885 and made arrangements for tii. entry cf -the tiret train fite Vancouver two yeers lator. I 1903, ho movod to St. John, New- Brunswick te boecome superintondent cf the Atlantic division cf CPR. On his retiroment li 1914, ho moved te, Whitby. Ho was a prominont memlÏr of the Masonic LodIgo belng patmomber of the. GranJ Ld ocf British Columblia. Downe diod at Whitby on Sept. 4, 1934 at the age of 83. On Nov. 8, 1919, Downie sold the Houck houa. te John C. Boswell. By 1923, Boswell had died, and on April 21, 1923, hie executers eold the house. te Samuel T. Kemfptiiorno. Kemptiorne (?-1946) was tii. son of CHarles Kemptiiorne, a blacksmith et Almonds li the western part cf Whitby. Ho clerkod li a Whitby hardware store b.fore going west about .1900. Hoe went into business at Sakatoon, Saïk., and returned te, Whitby by 1923. On Oct. 21, 1936, Mr. and Mrs. Kemptiiorne old tho houa. te Marguerite L. Coleman, wif ocf Judge DiIly Benjamin Coloman (1890-1950). Coleman wae born in Welland County, Ontario on Se pt. 6 1890, and situdied at tii dnieri'cf Toroto and H'Ee was callod te tthe Bar in 1916, and worked with a law firm in Welland' until h. was appolnted Judge of the, County Court of Ontario Cu myi 1936. Heowas aloJudgeof the County Juvenile and Faznlly'Cut Judg. Coleman moved te Whitby in 1936 and died at tho age cf 60. On Oct. 6, 1951, Mie. Coleman sold the. houe. to Gamnet Edgar and Irma Olive Thompson. On Feb. 1, 1952, the ¶hompsons sÏold the. house. t Farquhar J. and Joan C. MarRae. SEE PAGE 9 TONY VANDOLEWBERD MAKEý METRO A- LOCAL, CAýLL cal1 Toronto and area as often as you wîsh and talk as long as you 1li1ke ANYTIMEI! RESIDENTIAL plus GSVT $479 BUSINEe-S plus GST Sales-Location OSHAWA CENTR E SHOPS UP TOP< We comply with CRTC and Bell Canada Taiffs * One.time set-up and activation fee., A t" u g' i t"1" 1< ff ( 'I

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