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Whitby Free Press, 1 Apr 1992, p. 5

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Not fairto have. to 'pay twice' for school Proga Té the. Edite Cop ofleterteDrununond Whlt, ME' DuhamCèntre. Doar Mr. Wite: I would 1k. tode sa.withyo a, rocent discovey I niad .,rearding t«,he DMinistry (if Education' nOntario.- 1 was appafled te find out that oun provmicial overM:ent la not only approving discrimination, but has incorpoeated it into thir It seems that if you are Rtoean Catholic, your cbild may attend achool at the age of four. But if you are not Roman Catholic, your child may not attend achool until ho or she le fiv. (unies., of cours, you are wiUing te pay). Upo iquing about echool for my daughter (Who will b. four year old in June), I was informod thtjunior kcindergarten in Dunhm Rgion will not b. lmplemented into the public echool, system until 1994. I procoeded te check with the separate sehool board te inquire about their juniorkidndegro program, and was informethat uniess ither my. husband or myseif were Roman Catholic, our child could not attend one of thoir ochools. However, if we wished te pay a $740 tuition fes for the year, they would gladly put us on a waiting list (if there was any room left afler ail Roman Catholic children were I suggesWtot the separate chool board that I change my taxes, te start paying separate rather tanpublic-achool taxes, butwa informed that I was not ailowed te change my taxes unloss I was Roman Catholic. I could not boliovo what I was hoaring, sw I contactod tiie JA39E GABONA modela the latest ln spring fashions at the Epilepsy Durham Region fashion show, held recently at the KnmnCO munity Centre iOshawa. Photo by Mark Roeur, Whltby Fiee Plo ~AMADwUtS' SEAFOD and STEAKIIOUSE 1180 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa 436-9333 0 4à6-9065 - *Roast Prime Beef (Canada Grade A) - - New York Steak and Shrimps - e Broiled Seafood Plate- ~Open 7 day. a week Banquet Facilities Available CUL & NDESO ACOUTIC NI TX R *SIOAL WEt hsa eev $5.0Sof an a rtr 114Dunas t. .. uit 20, W itb (4 6) 30-81 Uriton pr eron Nt ald it ay thr ffr Minisiy <iEducation for vrifdto. tpoU p eaki*ng .te someone at the ini my evryth I had been told was Doyo know that a Roman Catholichas te choice as te whore their'achool taxes go? If they choose te, they may- pay publicecShool taxes and sond their children te a publiceschool. Yet if a person la not a Rowmn Cathlc, thiat person doos not have a choice.- Now that the separato schools are not privately funded anymore, should they notwork on the sanxe principle as the public schools, in that anyone can attend (regardiess of race, colour or religion)? The bottem lin. on tlus matter ia that if you are a Roman Catholic you may Wïy taxes te any echool board yk wish, you may go teany school you wish and your child may go te school one. yea earlior than a non-Catolic person. Whereas if you are an Anglican, such as myself, you do not have any chocices as te, where you pay your school taxes, you- may not go te any achool you -wish and your child cannot go te chool until ho or she is five. .If I was aniinority, I would not b. told that my child could flot attend a specific school because that would b. discrimination. Yet, I can b. told that my child cannot attend a sehool because of aur réligion. la CmIamnote that the child attending the. school doos net have te b. baptized Catholic -- only on. of the child's parents. Tins parent may have been baptized as a child and nover set foot i a church since '-- tbat!s sti alright, as long as someone bas a baptism certificate. <It was my understanding that the separate schools are <separated' because of. religion only. Those roquirements do not sound like a person needs te b. too 'religious.' You dont, even have te b. a practising Catholic. Besides, what doos reigi on have te, do withproviding a c il with an educationvt I wiil now have te enroil my child in a pre-achoo ro1 n at a cost of $320 P'mpermoth (pricos based on three local facilities). This wiil cost $3,200 for the achool yoar, while my neighbour, for example, pays nothing te send ber child.. The aniount of yearly taxes we pay are exactly the same. Why o I have te pay twice? Does this seem fair te you? I do not object te «'separate echools.' I object te the fact that they are funded by our goverunent, the same as public mwhooIs, yet they have the right to decide who may go and who niay not. If this is fair, then why do -we flot have separato schools for the many other rligions ini aur communities, and have them totaily- funded by the governmont? If this is not discrimaination, I do flot know what is. I camiot boliove that this type of thing is act uaily happening in 1992. Discrimination is such a big issue today, doos the govornment .of Ontario flot see.the rejudice they are breeding by ailowing this to hape'jniuor ldndergarten cannot be implemented into the public system now, thon- any child s3hould be allowed to attend junior indergârten in the oparate schools. AU1 I want ia for my child to begin her education at the sanie age as the next persn's child (L.e. a Roman Catholic child). What i. good for one, la good for ail - especially when, paid for by the taxpayer. Donna Stemd Whitby This Is Just Hal The Idea Behind Clearance Sale Upj To 50%i OFF'S The therHalfI Selection, Value AnThe Otera if Isnthe sale. We've got to make room for new arrivais and the winner is you. Pricés have neyer been lower... slashed up to 50% throughout the -store on the area's finest selection of quality furniture. Don't wait... corne in today. I 4 i 4~ p h d ff

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