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Whitby Free Press, 8 Apr 1992, p. 23

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WTYFREE PIRS8 WEDNESDÂY, APRfl.8o 19M2 PAGE 28 Tow, Knsmen to studyftre of outoo po By Marlo Boucher The future cýf the Kinsmen Pool was again debated,,at last waek'i budget maatinps Don Mitchell, chair of parks and racreationocommnittae, liad preposed a motion te delete the S64,610 coit cf oerating the pool fromi this yearls budget. Instead, plans for this year are te open the pool for thre houri daiIlybetwean 2 and 5 pm. for 56 days this summer, said Ilr Morrow, head cf the park anm recreation daDartmant. tbrea- chiedule for56 days. Use'cf the Kinsman pool con-, tinues te décline every year, and- rasidenti didn't use the pool much evan bafore the opening cf the Civic Centre last fall, lie said. Thara is ne long-tarin hope fer the pool in pathaecause it isin poor condition lie said.* «It is net tlasible te eperate thus pooôl,» lie said. Mitchell said the Town can ne longer afford te operata it and the future cf the site slcild be dacided by the Town mad Kins- men Club. CouncillorJe Druim said the pool lias been part cf the com- munity for 25 yaars and should ba kept open for at leait a year and closély observad to 'deter-' .me if residents use it more. Drumin agreed with Mitchell that the Town start "liard talks" as acon as possible with the Kinim en Club regarding the faci- lity's future. Cobuncillor'John Dosit.ra said the Town owes. it to residants te keep the pool open fer'one more year, and give residanti a chance te prove t he validity cf ,operating, the facility. "But Prm net prepared'to spend taxpayers' money next 'year if pepzle don't use it in 1992,» he Mayor, Tom Edwards said, everybody must look te sea wliat can be ,zone- with the facility includlng the possible renting oi' the pool te someone who would use it for instructional -swim- ming.- Councillor Dennis Fox said nobody is awara cf the Kinsmen Club's plans for the facility, and. the club mýay bè able te help council decide what te do with it. !Fox said the pool lias served the community for a Ion g time but residents mnust nake it economically viable for the Town, 50 "tha bail is in their court now.» Edged .itn sem i-final FR OM PAGE 21 Ini their second garnis, Whitby coasted te a r-2 victory over a U.S. team. frein Pittsfleld. Scoring forWhib~ areJustin St. Onge (two), Mors, Mark Raid and Shawn Twigger. Assisting the goal wera Linden (threa), Paul W"b, Steve Austin, Ryan McKinnot4 St. Onge and Twigger. In their third game against Warri ors FROM PAGE 21 Mm y t but, he's still in high ichool(In B.C.) se, we wouldn't get hlm until the middle cf June anCay.ly the Warriors do hava is veteran Brampton goalie Wes May, pickad up ina trade. May is in bis lest <year cf junier A eligibility, and «we're Ïcokig foria eadeïship rôle frein hlm as well.» The Warriori are werking hard on improving thair offence, but Bniscoe stresses defence wo't be takingaboLek seat. "Wayne and Ibotli feal defencée will wmn championships for you.» Aise important willbe a close- knit teain. "Were trying tereally moka it a teain (and aies) tegetherness, like a family typet » Thayll b tôgethargquite a bit this summer and we're tring te hava thein all friendly wifheacli other!Y West Seneca, aarly in the second pniod, WIhitby's anegeropenad th sconing, assistad by Morri and Raid. Twe minutes later Raid, assisted by Webb, scored te, give Whitby a 2-0 lead that steod up for the ramainder cf the centest. The shuteut went te Matt Visconti. With three wins in a row, Whtb radvanced te the In the. semi-finals, Whitby came u short, losing 3-1 te Oakwood Lumber, a teain Whitby had earliar defeated. Unity tournament FR OM PAGE 21 Canada Cup. The twe finals will net feature the top four teains but, instead, will lie played bat- waen four alI-star teami made up of the beit playans frein aacli teain. Fadaral gerninant depart- menti have been involva in organizing the teurnamant: the Departmant cf National Dafanca helpo'd with crganizing meals for temthe Secratary of State as itan raismng pnivate sactor funding teoffset travel axpanses; Joe Clark, Minuster cf Constitu- tional Affaire acted on a sugges- tien by an âpposition MP that sucli a teurnament be hald, and an organizing committea was for- med. .:,Councillor Rosi Batten laàid there is no future for, an outdoor Pool- on the Iroperty and thereà is no justification at al for ed ing $64,610 ^of taxpayer smne for the pool te be open only three hours a day. Batten suggested council »should' add another $25 000 t the Kinsmie Pool's buàget to have it open- for more houri and give it a real, go, to ee if council should keep Ît open in 1993. Batten -later withdre' hiei motion and, council agreed to have the parici and recreation departmnent talk to ýthe Kçinsmen, Club as soon, as, possible and maka a report to council in about a mnontli about the possibility of expanding the> budget and the houricf thL Kinsmen Pool. Obituary AGNES COSLEIT Agnes Coslett of Whitby died on Mach 29, 1992' at Whtby General Hospital. She was 79. She was born in Belfast, Northern Ireland on Maty 3 1912, daughter of Samuel anc1 Agnes <MDowel1) Bryans. She married Vernon Coslett on September 4, 1946 an Wales. Mns. Cosl1ett lived ini Toronto for 30 years before moving to Whitby in 1983. She was a mem-. ber of' the Whitby Seniors' Acti- vity Centre and Sons and Daughters Lodga offIraland. She is survived by son William Wilson -of Regina, Sask., dauglter Anna Hill cf Whitby and daugliter Mary Fongeea of Hawaii, eight grandchilden, 12 great-grandchildren and brothÉer William Bryans of Northern Ire- land. Sha was pradeceased by hus3- bande Vernon Coslett and Wil- liam Wilson. The funaral service was held from the W.C. Town 'Funeral Chapel on 'April 2, 1992, ev. Bcd Barlow conducting. Inter- ment at Mount Pleasant cerne- tery, 6 Generations of Service, Quality & Trust " Family Monuments " Granite or Bronze Markers " Cemetery Lettering " Sandblasting Stafford Monuments 318 Dundas St. E. Whitby 668-3552 After Hours 668-4460 or 666-1513 Home appointments gladly arranged À à- Whitby Iroquois Soccer Club REP SOCCER PLAYERS WANTED Tr-uswilbe fleicifor the girls born 1980-81 rep tear on the following dates: Thurs. Apr.9/92 6:00 - 7:l5pm- Annes Tues. Apr.14/92, 6:00 - 7:l5pm~ Willovw House League Players Welcoâme. For further information contact Gerry Wonnacott at 579-1117. Whitby >Mi nor Basebali" Association Rep Teams Players wishing to try out for a "Rep" te am should contact the coach of the applicable team. TEAM Tyke (minor) Tyke (major) Peewee,(minor) Peewee (major) Bantam Midget Junior BORN COACH 1982 1981 1980 1979 77-78 75 -76 71 - 74 Rick Hubbard Tim Walton John Feret George Clay, George Schott Dave Imeson Ian Hardy TEL. 666-1 834 668-0858 668-3919 668-2641 668-0946, 668-9790' 666-3717 n %Park,' v Park WHITBY SPORTS MEDICINE CLINIC is open for the examination and treatment of sports related injuries and conditions on a walk-in basis e Acute Sports Injuries, e Clurnic Sports Injuries ..#Injuiy Managemnent WEDNESDAY. *Preventative Taping *Orthopedic Braces 220 Dundas! 3:OOM-5:OPMSuite 304, Whiitby Appointmentspreferred- i -but-rat.necesse r$',e

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