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Whitby Free Press, 8 Apr 1992, p. 25

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MUTB FEEPRESSWEDNESDAY, MM i8,1992,PAGE 25i Henry Street'si finalF dance of theearwasheld on Friday and made Iaweekend deflnitey worthwhile. Organized by atudent couci, te ance'. theme was «Thi ech , Part.' Energetic studenta sportang their moet coenfoeable shorts and Ta were redyfor a great dance. And that Congratulations, te Henry atudenti Erica Wiciier and Amy Beth for -their oustading finishi.nmthe recent equestrian A Circuit competition Erica placed fi rat and Amny receved the. roserve championawardL. TMm mifaortune whichii i sonietimea evident on Aprl*1 o' Day -did not'affect tQu. Hawks wreatling- teain or indoor soccer Aul cf Henry's wrestlers exhibt.d enduring akill at a recent competition with Rob Robtaflecapturing the. firit ..trvpby. Goodluka TMm.iCe r sccer teain puti a strong performance at the. York Unieratytournament. Henry began. with a tieagainst Glenforest. Gavin Dowae was named thei* game's moat valuable playe. Tony Whitney was MVP of tii e'ý,-cond o e hicii reauted iyet - aniler tie, - ai st. Iblomas Aqminas. U-nfortunatoly, Hawks were defeated in their third dgame against -Midland, 5-4. femry gosi-scorera were Tony Whitney, Graine Burns, Gavin Dowse, Craig Manson and Steve Taylor. 7RYBECHARD speaha to stiadents at the one-day CLEW (Cromm1 -««1 1-der pshilp Education Wcrkshop) seminar held lAst Tbursday in downtown Whitby. Some .60 stadents from sehools acroos Durhaam were involved in' the 'seminar, which is a condensed version1 of a tbree-day motivational and laehip seminar put on by the Hugh bO'Brian YuhFederation (HOBY). FATME LEO . AUSTIN!FroPr By Kare Aéhoeg Heyl Heyl Hot Ho! Work-to-rule hai 1t, = it bas., .- As of31v 1992, it officiafly en"ed.Sinc» Januar o tids year Austin teaciiers a participated in tii. work-te-rule campSa whichi cancelled al aftor-wchol activities and al TRAFALGAR V±C:AS±iu. u : [Xe] By LOUÉ Sultan-Khan crawl rae, dogg paddle race and novelty relay. Lait week, Thurady was the e house. wim ineet whicii proved te On Sunday b. a great auceas. Tii. tudents ,Trafalgrtooke were higii spirted as the Independent S baruiy cheered thefir houes Fstval at Roy TI Soin. cf the events included fr-ont Toronte. boinsc gis of in the Mugie mi Hal in sehooil trips. Despite the canceilations, the. student body should b. cSgrtulated for ita ptience, and aseperovrance in *apag 'ng to end the wk-to-ruie situation. Letls look poitively to the futuie and to, th0 student council Spirit Day on Apzil 24. Even though some sport toams bat their seasonh, other Wildcat sports teaina are back at work prepering for upconnng gaines. Tii. kv.' rugby teams, girls SNE PAGE 30 n I Former Whitby high school students were axnong 3,200 reci- pints of the 1991-92 Canada Receiving scholarships were former Andro CVI students AU! Alizadeh, Arran Timms and Shawn Warner, former Henry Street' High School students Patricia Motn and Hayes Myers and former Denis O'Con- nor High School student Natalie Erdmann. The sciiolarsiiips provide $2,000 per year, for up to four years, to each student while puýr- suang -undergraduate degrees in science, engineering and-related disciplines. erst- The 87 parh*cipating um n ie. and communitcolleges wt university transferprogramsi nommnate Canada scholars from among their best first-year stu- dents enrolled i the natural sciences and engineermg Alizadeh attends. the University of Toronto; TImms, Trent University;, Warner, York University,Morton University of Guelph; Myers, .Ùniversity of Western Ontario; Erdmann, McMastrUniveraity. By KristfflRévéler Hli, folka! t 'ib.en, a while dmnceIve reported, se now l-Mltel you what Andersonians< have b.en up to. Everyone ha. 'settled back itetheir- classes from the. March break. On Marcii 26,. interim reports were distributed for- the firat part cf, the, second semester. These reports were froin Jan. 28 te, March 12. Hopfull the, resulta were sati ling,bu'i they weren't, I apolo*ize te those studenta wiio were trlg te keep their markshidden. On April 2% disappointed, parents, or simply those witii general interest i their child!s progress, were encouraged te come and speak te teachers. The. iterviews ran fren 2 :15 te, 4:15 p.m. for the afternoon. session and fen6:30 te 9pm frthe. eve9nhig session. Studentswere dismissed frein célasa ýat 1:45 p.m. that day. For tiiose who wish te iinprove their marks, study skills workshops are avaiable on May 12, 13 and 14 frein noon te 12:30 p.m. in roin 130. These could prove beneficial for students with peer study slls. Anderson music students are frantically trying ,te colleat the sponsor inoney they raised te participate in Music .Fest Canada, My 14-18, in Halifax. On Apri, 28p,-approximately 300 Anderson' students will b. taldnig part in- a - cCareer Fair' witii 30 speakers who represent a variety cf different, careers. W. welcozne these local speakers and feel fortunate te have the opportuni tt speak with them and hear about their careers.' Congratulations need te b. and senior girl.' volleyba]l teains who each won LOSSA championships. The midget team then won the. DYSSAA gold medal and the senior teazu won the silver medal at DYSSAA. Congrtulations te ail players and coaches. On Marcii 4, nine Anderson students, Mr. Abrey and several students frin oter Durhiam echools departed te comlote the. second part of a European exchange. They departed for a tiiree-week culturai exporience te Graz, Austria -- a great opportunity te practise their Grman.-spealng akila.Students visited Salzburg and Vienna in Austria, and even Venice, Italy. Students returned on March 24. After a few day. cf rest and relaxationi, they returned te Anderson with tales cf an unforgettable trip. Stude nts froni several classes of OAC world issues coinpleted a two-day fait te experience wiiat a third wonld chuld faces daily. It allows atudents te feel what kind of Ef. third world children lead eveiydagy. Congratulations te thoee who survivedl Enjoy your Cowiboy Surprise.' In grade,12 travel and tourismn >and' geolog, students will b takdi a luat cruise., On May 19," Mr. Jonea and Mr.BEkett will accorpany 40 students ýas, they gruise cottage country on Stoney Lake for thei. day. Hlopefily the. webather 'Wilico-operate. On Apri 2, ail ' 1grade9 hyra clse entered a Chef Pzacontest The tiieme waS.1'Canadian, pizzas.' Studeants went al eut te express their ability and creativi te produce i.best piza. er were piazzua hapedlikobéavers, mounted police, the CN Tower, Maple Lâeafs Brian Mulroney, etc.- Photo were taken of each pizza and wiil b. entoeed in the. contest. Good luch4' chefs. Anderson ' students are encouraged to attend the. Stratford FestivalTiie play will be Remeo and Juliet..Tickets are avaIlable now for the.faU ssson. CongratÛlations te Keri. Fepon -who representod Anesnon March 23, te 27 ýat the. Forum for Young Canadians i Ottawa. Tiffany Wright, Brent Smiith, Steven Groenveld, David Bradley and Mikeile Ethier wil be participa in hi ts year's Town of Whitbfylyouth nnd civic admiistration poran This is alicc time for graduating students. Graduation photos wiil be takenat theend of April. Graduates,#emember te book your itting w,%ithin 1the- next couple, cfweeks. Marks are balng, Graduates wiil b. anxiously' awaiting their acceptance letters se, parents, teacher. and frienda, hear witii us for the next couple of months. Graduates areais frantically preparing for tii. prom. The semor prom '92 wiil b. held at Le Parc in Markhazn on Friday, May .29. Althougii it seema o far away, there are only two months, cf achool left. Juat a reminder (even though everybody knowa), June 9 is tii. final day of semester-two; clase and exama begin on June 10. For those, creative students who enjoy writng, thia Ma interest you. In association with Torontes CIUT-FM, CBC Radio i. iiaving ita first annual' under-25 radio draina compati- tien. The. writers, obvously, must b. under age 25 and b. a resident of Ontario. A panel of celebrity judges wiil chaos. tii. winners. And te answer tii. obvous question '- yeE, the. prizes are cash. Firat prize is $750, second $5Oand third jirize $300. £your scrpt is a winner, it wil b. recorded and brosdcast on CIUT-FMWs radio stage. .Script editing 'wiil b. provided by Day. Carley, script editor for BC Radio'. stereodramna series. Weil, .Anderam'mans, if youire interested, h u'r p and produce, eriday,2. If interested,! se an Enqlishý teacher for ruIes of competition. DIS O]ONORHIG SCO STUDETS PEFORMA SKIT at the officia qpening aof Oramson public, school. -Thursday ight. A student choir alosang for the parents and guesta attending the evenin. B3ygodeNg No politics, no biting wit, no naines, ne fin. And se, on with Hello.' Sonia Bebbington heme. the newa. After an 'extended -vacation from Work-to-rule is over now, the tii. hipii.reu r elin of teacher and the. DRRCSSB cominunty jounhs I return having reacied a stsatr te you, duer raes You niay agreenient Monday lait. notic.ý . my ton. nsdebly On FndaY, . f l19t. week, Waal altered for this elumn as I'have heldlie Fait for Iàfe, which is. an been redu-ced te a meeker, more oveinigjit fait from whichprft placi& veraiQa cfnMy former »MI < go, toShari fechaities MI cm. community and the tidworld. DO'C;is the proud osiher Cf an electronic mesepboaid in' oeir front foye. Iehlray here ailDU~Chas rently put up soi n ew pâgsers ANDERSON C.V.1. 1

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