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Whitby Free Press, 8 Apr 1992, p. 30

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PAGE 80. WHffBY PME PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRI 8,19lm Whitby reuidonts will' be among 160, local volunteers who will receive provincial awards on Thursday,April 9. The awards ceremony, ijointly sponsored by the Mimstryof Citizenship and the Miioitry cf Culture and Communications, will be held at the Gen. Sikorski Poliéh Hall in Oshawa. Volunteer service awards go te aduit volunteers for five, 10 or 15 consecutive years cf service. Lucienne Michaud cf Wbitby wlll be rocognized for 15 yeara cf service as a momber cf La Fede- ration des Femmes Canadiennes- Francaises d&Oshawa. . Gus Coutsaftakis will be 're- ocognized for 10 years cf service with the Hellenic Orthodox Cern- munity. Whitby residents who will receive'five-year awards are: VESS program launched With the objective being te 'move beyod the hospital atinasphere te, a more hospitable atmoephere," the Wltby General Fm -.Auxilary is spear- eahgaVolunteer Emergency Support Servces (VgSS) program for failiies and fienda cf patients who are often aniously awaiting a report on treatment or Ahadiyya offers ,Quran teacing service The Ahmadiyya Movement i islam,ý Canada is offering te teach te Naauran. Lone Amdeucation ce- ordiator orte 'tby-Oshawa area, says the Holy Quran «bids aflMulim togeter and that the bock is "imRierahve te, our spiritual success. He saya the service is offered te counter the trend i which Muslim "children drift away from Islaiicvalues." Caîl Ahmnad at 666-9539 for more information about teaching sessions. BaMario Boucher In aIin ote new Town operations centre- there are other projetslsated ithe Town budget for 1992. Amnong the road construction projocta, the biggest one is a road alignnxent on Anderson St., south cf Taunton Rd., at a coat cf $904,500 te, be paid by provincial subsidies and the. development reserve 1fnd, but at ne charge te, Réconstruction cf curbs and gutters, sterm sewers and side- walks on Gilbert St. E. from Green St. te east cf Peel St. will cost $340,000, half cf which will bepadby poical subsidies. rthr rodcnstructionpo Town grants total $86,455 By ro Boucher TheTon f Whitby will g*ve $86,455 in granta te, various local organizations in thia year's budget. The biggest winner is Whitby Arts Ino., with a grant for $60,00,0 while tho Wlutby Brasa Band will receivo $11,800. Other oruaizations te receive gtain the 1992 budget are: qWtby Jaycees, $5,000; City cf Oshawa Marine Rescue Associa- tion, $4,000; ANa-Pckering and Whitby Association for Com- rnunity IÀvn& $3,.000; Burns Prebpteq* Curchx Cemete7, Board, $300: Brooklin Womens Inatitute, $200: Ministry cf Agri- clueand Pood; Junior Exten- sion Prograin $100; Ontario County Farm 9dety Association, $30; Durham Wéàt, Rama à; Mara Scil and Crop Improve- ment Association, $~ test status. VESS prograni volunteers provide refieshmenta, a super- vlsed play anea for chfldren, flot te mention the overriding priority cfpoiding comfort when and heeneeded to hospital visitors during --what is usually an emotional and strosaful period. In clebration cf the new servce the public, is ivited to the ofhcaIlaunch cf VESS on 'Wednesdy, ,April 8, from 2 te 4, pM., hià the Witb General, Hoptl emergency area. totlearn more about VESS, as well as how ,you mgtg bu becominga VESS volIunteer, contact MES team leader Bette Sharpe a t 430-1940 or her "ssstnt, Mary Chartier, at 430-0987., ROTARY CLUB MEETIGS The Rotary Club cf Whitby meets every Tuesday, 7:15 a.m., at the Golden Griddle Restaurant, Kendalwood PlzWhitby. For further information, contact Peers Davidson at 668-6759 or Kish Krishnan at 666-3642. jecta include Garrard Rd. south cf Winchester Rd. te Conlin Rd.; Byron St. N. from John St. te, Walnut St.; Meadow Rd. and Meadow Cres., and surface treat- ment of rural roada. Ail these projecta, as well as a change in t ho profle grade cf Gardon St. at the Canadian Paci- fic rail level crossing, are .al eligible for 50 per cent provincial subsidies. Two projects te ho fundod 90 per cen t by the rne are the resurfiacingf on Duda St. E. from Gardoen St. te Brock St. and the Cochrane St. intersec- tion, as well as drainage im- prvement fromn Maple St. te Chsnut St. Other capital expensea include $70,800 for atreetlighting pro- jecta, $165,500- for aidowalk re pairs and maintenance, $65,000 for new traffic signals, $249 000 for stormnwater projecta on 1Ïringle Creek and Lynde Creek, and $12,100 for 1.8 metre-high, chain-link fenci ng along the Canadian Pacific rail raght-of-way frcmn Brock St. weat te Centre S t., and froim Gardon St. for 30 motres easterly. Axnong the equipment the pub- lic works departrnent has budge- ted te, buy in 1992: for the Ire department, a 100-foot aerial truck with pump, costing $650,000, te replace a 20-y'ear- old truck- $165,000 for a three cubic yard loade'r; $136,000 for a garbage packer; $105,000 for a twe-way dump truck; and $12,000 for a new half-ten truck- air acissor lif. The $358,000 budget for Whitby Transit includes the pur- chase cf a new bus -at a coat cf $238,000. The parka and recreation dopartment has a budget cf $1.1 million for m any projectas such as *Steve Kuyumjian Armenian General Benevrolenit U'nion- *Voula 'Shotidas, deîîenic Orthodox Commun4y; * Dorothy G. Hart, Inter- national Trainingi Communi- cation; .* F'erne Boyle, Carl Currie, Eileen Currie anJ Mary De Fea, Keen-Agers; * Chyijer Chen, Multicultural Councildo Oshawa & District; *Marg Bird, Elizabeth Chang, FROM PAGE 25 softbail team boys' lacross teaml and the m-ris' soccer team are already hoýàlng tryouts.. The environnient action club has been doing its part te save the earth. As of March 31, al garbagecana were remioved from clasaroom i an effort te reduce waSte i the school. Recycling boxes for glassý, tin and paper are 1ocated throiehot thw building.» Finlly augrade 12 Austin students are cordially invited te Prom '92. It wiil be loeated at the Sheraton Hôtel, and tickets are $50. Ticket sales begin April 8. .Hat wins ITO speech contest Dorthy. Hart of Whitby was the winner cf theFiret Oshawa ITO speech contest hold on Feb. 18 i Oshawa. Hart 5fs resfident of Whitby Club T,[* rty shw TOand past president of Council Two. parka development, and redeve- lopment of Aahburn Park, Cen- trl Park DH1illier Park, fro- ~igPark, Bradley Park and neoePark. 'acilhtxes improvements in- clude $137,000 for roof repaire at Anne Ottenbrite Pool as woll as repaira. at the Iroquoia Park cern- le, Luthor Vipond arena in erook lin and t ho Centennial Building. The parka and recroation do partment has aet asido $33,000 for a two-ton utility truck and $29,200 for fitnos equpment for the civic contre.. 'IeTown also plans te puûr- chase $172,000 wcrth cf com- puter equipment for the Whitby Public Libr.rxy and $24,000 for Town offices. Other projects includo the expasien cf the Pickoring-Ajax- WVhitby animal contral contre at a cost cf $153,600, and improve- mont facilities, such as a wash- room at Grovesido Cemetery, at a cost of $25.000: Bellevilletp cost $4,533 B yMario Boucher The inal tally on council'a- retreat in Belleville te $4,533.19 according te Town treasurer A ClaringbÏold. The coat covered accommoda- tions at the Ramada Inn and food for the seven councillors and the staff head departments., Councillors had estimated the coat of the trip at $5,000. The retreat wai deemed un- necesar by some ref.J*ents, but council felt the location was appropi'ate because they would flot be interrupted when discuas- ing this year' budget Bruce Hunt&'.David Keenan, Robert P. lorton and Ivan L: Novak, WhitbyArs c, Station Gallery. Leam to Dance for.'the PartiMes Auto thefts in Durham Region have inc'ëreased i 1992 by approximately 14 per cent and, in the first three months cf this yée, there have been 345 reportedces9. You can help prevent mont auto thefts by: 1. Always lock your car and remove your keys. Do not leave it running while you run it a store. 2. Do not hide spare keys in oron your car. 3. Keep the ownîership and isurance ini your.wallet, neêt in. your car. 4. Park in secured lots whon possible or look for lots that are weil lit and located in heavily travelled areas. 5. Remove valuables fromn your car or place them i your, trunk. If you have n informtio about auto thefts,. call Crime- Stoper. CimeStppets wil1pa uzte $1,000 in cash for informatfion lIeading te an arrest an similar cash rewards will be paid for information leading te an arrest in any'serlo'us' crime. The Durham Regional Crime Stoppera hotine is 436-8477 (thates 436-TIPS), and is open 24 hour-sper day, seven days a week. The phone number can be dialed from muet areas cf th rion fre. cf charge. If this number is long distance, y ou can ;eI olect or call through your local Durham Regional Police number and ask for Crime Stoppers. Calîs will nover be traced or recorded. You will net be required te identify yourself or have te go te court. Constable Grant Arnold is the co-ordinator with the Durham c.goa rim e Stoppers and writes this article te help combat crime, . . OS The 'w m M. 21W fl - 1qw - Wp NEW ENROLMENTS NOW

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